
La Republique always holds the view that the Southern Cameroons question is of no essence, they say it lacks legitimacy, but yet the Government through its mechanisms have created so many factions within the SCNC popularly known as the Government factions. The SCNC which came about after the AAC 1 and 2 as a result of failed dialogue with the government has seen various chairmen, each with their own scandals and fights. Truth be told that a lot of Southern Cameroonians have benefited from the Government largesse by using the SCNC as a bait or participating actively then dropped out after Biya’s agent drops some hard currencies.

It is evident that a lot of Southern Cameroons youth has gained asylum in countries using the SCNC story. While it is good for these asylum seekers because the fact that a foreign government gives asylum based on the SCNC story, it goes a long way to legitimise the course, but the most unfortunate thing is that these youths granted asylum on SCNC platforms do not give back to the movement to make it grow, in fact some of them hide under dubious names on Facebook and castigates the movement.These are some of the setbacks of the movement.

We have read in the media (the Guardian Post Newspaper) from two SCNC members how the government promised a 600 million bribe to some SCNC members to throw away the case against la Republique, the government ended handing over 30 million CFA promising to release the rest should they see improvement, reports Cameroon Journal. This is not the first time we have heard counter accusations from members within the movement. The fact that, the government can go to any extend to kill the movement speaks volumes.

We cannot deny the strength of the SCNC. While it is fair to say that, Paul Biya only woke up from sleep to promote Ayah Paul Abine, a promotion which had long overdue, was because of the purported election of Lord Justice Ayah as SCNC Chair. However, like I have always maintained, it was right for Ayah to accept his promotion as he advances his professional career considering the oath of office he took to defend all manner of persons. The SCNC should be able to take stock from the Biya-Ayah appointment.

The SCNC should be able to know that Biya trembles when the SCNC is about to get a credible leadership or when the movement is about to be in Unity. If truly the SCNC stands for the general good of the people, all issues would be buried and a common force created.In fact, the SCNC should carry out a total clean up, new faces and completely new leadership should see the light of day. The SCNC should use their strength because Biya can only dialogue when he is in the position of weakness.

The bible tells us that, only the truth shall save us free and no matter how long it takes, the truth always prevails. Despite the shortcomings of the SCNC and her sister organizations, it is my strong convictions that, the Southern Cameroons question still remains legitimate and cannot be wiped under the bridge. Recent happenings in Cameroons that still grossly marginalized the peoples of Southern Cameroons, still reawakens the zeal to see an independent country.

I still strongly hold the view that there would be no genuine change in the Cameroons without addressing the Southern Cameroons question, for there is unity in diversity, not centralism.

Like senior citizen comrade Mwalimu George NGWANE In his paper: Because we were involved (Reflections on the All Anglophone Conference ten years after) said ” Whether the Anglophone problem is considered a forgotten scar of our collective memory or an open sore of our collective survival, it will continue to prick the conscience of the Cameroonian body-politic”.

God is still saying something

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