Washington, April 25, 2019
Press Release
Special Labour Day/ May 20th Ghost Towns, Civilian Protection across Ambazonia
After a meeting of the Southern Cameroons Liberation Council (SCLC) which held this 25th day of April 2019, the following decisions were taken:
Considering the findings of the detailed research conducted by the Consortium and thanking leaders of the Consortium for sharing same with the SCLC;
Recalling that their findings are consistent with the feedback the SCLC received from fellow Ambazonians in the Homeland prior to the decision earlier this month to lift the last lockdown in Fako County;
Reminded of the determination of the Sovereign People of Ambazonia to pursue the resistance against the colonizers from Yaounde until the Ambazonian flag is hoisted in Buea;
Forever indebted to our self-defense forces for the immense sacrifices they continue to consent in order to resist colonial domination and defend our people against an unjust war of recolonization;
Recalling our total opposition to any forms of human rights violations and kidnappings, including hostage taking for ransom that pro-Biya militia or Fake Amba Fighters have specialized in;
Reminding the said Fake Amba Fighters that they must release all hostages currently held, including the junior brother of the Chairman of the opposition Social Democratic Front (SDF);
Renewing our condemnation of torture and/or inhumane treatment of prisoners of war, including the rampant extrajudicial executions of hundreds of young Ambazonian men and women who could have been arrested but that the colonial forces of the Biya regime have chosen to execute every month;
Decrying the horror of beheadings and the maiming of civilians which the colonial forces have specialized in (while trying to frame Ambazonian self-defense forces as the perpetrators), including atrocities perpetrated on their own deserting soldiers and by desecrating mortal remains abandoned in mortuaries all across Ambazonia followed up by the posting of pictures and video of same on social media;
Reminding the international community that the Biya regime continues to massacre civilians – no fewer than 250 people massacred over the past three months in half of the parishes of Kumbo Diocese, one of five dioceses of the Catholic Church in Ambazonia;
Recalling that the “loot, burn and slaughter at will” policy under which Ambazonians are treated as “rats”, “dogs”, “roaches”, “enemies within”, “Anglo-Fools”, “secessionists” and “terrorist” contrasts sharply with the proportionate use of force on citizens of the Republic of Cameroon even when they are involved in the use of machetes to behead neighbors in intercommunal violence as seen in the streets of Obala earlier today;
Recalling that resolutions such as the one adopted last week by the European Parliament, while totally ignoring the Ambazonian Problem, only serves to fire up our people and to reinvigorate their determination to fight to the last man standing;
Still urging the international community to waive any claim of sovereignty by Cameroon under Responsibility to Protect;
Reminding the international community that the genocidal violence, atrocity crimes and ethnic cleansing ongoing in Ambazonia as we write would be impossible had world leaders not overlooked their responsibility under the “Never Again” pledge;
Renewing our call to the International Community to deploy peacekeepers; to create and patrol a demilitarized buffer zone between Southern Cameroons and the Republic of Cameroon, and to resume the work in the United Nations Fourth Committee on Decolonization to ensure outright independence for Ambazonia;
Reaffirming the unshakable resolve and commitment of the people of Southern Cameroons to achieve outright independence;
Hereby resolves, by unanimous consent, as follows:
1). That a three-day “Mami Wata” Ghost Town or “Kontri Sunday” operation is hereby instituted to be observed on Monday, 29th and Tuesday, 30th April as well as on Wednesday, 1st May 2019 to prevent any celebrations by colonialists of Labor Day (May 1st) in Ambazonia.
2). That another two-day “Mami Wata” Ghost Town is instituted for Sunday and Monday, 19th and 20th May 2019 to prevent the colonialists celebrating the anniversary of their recolonization of Ambazonia under the euphemism of a peaceful revolution.
3). That self-defense volunteers are hereby authorized to develop strategies to identify and track down state-hired militia, killer squads and kidnappers wreaking havoc on the civilian population, and as a matter of priority, help create safe corridors to protect citizens involved with farming;
4). That the SCLC, hereby, reiterates the invitation for all liberation movements still willing to join the SCLC for genuine unity of purpose in the interest of our people, to do so and for all surrogates desperate to drive a wedge between leaders and movements for selfish power and mercantilist ends to immediately cease and desist.
The lockdowns have been quite farcical, turned into a drunken farce, and have been a colossal and spectacular failure. Their only achievement was inflicting untold suffering and mortal pain, and death on poor Anglophone Cameroonians. Mr Ayah Paul Abine’s wife couldn’t buy fish from CONGELCAM because of the lockdowns. Ms Ivoline was murdered in cold blood by amba terrorists on April 5, 2019 in Molyko.
The lockdowns were a SLAP IN THE FACE OF THE AMBA TERRORISTS AND THEIR SPONSORS IN THE DIASPORA. February 11 festivities took place in Buea and all other towns in the North West and South West Regions of Cameroon. FESTAC 2019 took place in Limbe, and without a hitch. The loser terrorists couldn’t dare the Cameroon Defence and Security Forces. The loser terrorists locked themselves down for self-preservation. COWARDS!!! COWARDS!!! COWARDS!!!
U.S. Embassy Statement
Home | News & Events | U.S. Embassy Statement
The U.S. Embassy deplores the torture, dismemberment, and beheading of a gendarme in the Southwest Region of Cameroon. We also condemn the reported beheading of a Cameroonian soldier in Bamenda, Northwest Region. We extend our condolences to their families.
We call on anyone with information that could help to identify the perpetrators of these acts to assist lawful authorities and to support a fair and transparent investigation and trial. We urge restraint by police and security forces. Retaliation against these provocations would endanger the civil populace, and will only feed a cycle of violence.
The violence must stop. Now more than ever, we call on both sides to enter into a broad-based dialogue without preconditions.
Jon, do you really lack something doing? Where are really hiding and writing all these rubbish.Always the first person to write.
Even if the Festac/11 February took place, at least an awareness was created which is what we want.
It is surprising that the old blood thirsty and demented dictator who has destroyed Cameroon including your own future has suddenly become the better person and ambazonian are the terrorist.
Wake up mr jon if that is really your name.
Mr Jon, which democratic country in this world has a parliament with 90% of its members belonging to one party?
Which democratic country in this world would have a burning issue such as the anglophone crises and would not discuss it in the parliament, while the US,EU and UK are discussing it in their own Parliament.Does that not make the government coward?
That is a big disgrace to Africans and a provocation to ambazonians like you (if at all you are one).
I see you call ambazonians and diasporans as cowards because of the ghost towns, you can join the likes of Kah Walla, but for your information,the diasporans know what they are doing, the suffering people of ambazonia know what they are doing.
The person who does not know what he is doing is the blood thirsty old dictator who is piloting himself as the president of Cameroon,he has reduced himself to the president of the betis and etons(he was even defeated in his place in the last presidential election). He and his government colleagues are the ones you would call coward because they are a big disgrace to africa,.
Frankly, I do not know a democratic country in this world, which has a parliament with 90% of its members belonging to one party. I need to do a bit of desktop Internet research!
With regard to the Cameroon National Assembly, 78.8% (142 seats) of its members belong to to CPDM; SDF 10% (18 seats); UNDP 2.2% (4 seats); UDC 2.2% (4 seats); UPC 1.7% (3 seats); CPDC 1.1% (2 seat); MRC 0.6% (1 seat); MDR 0.6% (1 seat); and Ind 0.6% (1 seat).
Ms Edith Kahbang Walla speaks truth to power, and she is no bonehead like ambazombie terrorists and their sponsors in the diaspora. I STAND WITH HER!!!
Ms Edith Kahbang Walla is More Honourable Than Mr Ayah Paul Abine
Jon HuangHe
to info
4 days agoDetails
Ms Edith Kahbang Walla is More Honourable Than Mr Ayah Paul Abine
Ms Walla is more honourable and truthful than the rabid dog and lightweight retired Justice Ayah. Ayah is a shyster, the tragedy of a man bereft of any moral compass, and a phoney old dragon.
Ms Walla is a politician (the president of Cameroon People’s Party, CPP), entrepreneur (CEO of the firm STRATEGIES), and a social activist. She was recognized in 2008 by the World Bank as one of the seven influential women entrepreneurs in Africa (https://ifcext.ifc.org), received a Vital Voices Global Leadership Award in 2011 (www.vitalvoices.org), and she received the Diane von Furstenberg (DVF) Award in 2015. Her company, STRATEGIES employs at least 15 young Anglophone Cameroonians.
Ms Walla speaks truth to power, but Mr Ayah is a pathological liar and distorter of facts, the strategy he used to extract bribes from Anglophone Cameroonians. He has been peddling the lie that the Cameroon Defence and Security Forces are out to kill him, yet, whenever he is in trouble at home, he phones the same Cameroon Defence and Security Forces to protect him. And they always show up. Why does he not call amba terrorists to protect him and his property? AN INGRATE (An ungrateful man)!!! DISHONESTY!!! HYPOCRISY!!!
Mr Ayah spent all his working life doing Mr Biya’s bidding in courts in the North West and South West Regions where he jailed Anglophone Cameroonians, and surely, accepted bribes in administering justice and sold justice to the highest bidder. He retired on a handsome pension from LRC. HYPOCRITE!!! SHAMEFUL!!! Ms Walla have never done Mr Biya’s bidding and never sold justice to Anglophone Cameroonians. If LRC was so horrible why did Mr Ayah work for it for his entire life? HYPOCRITE!!! PARASITE!!!
Mr Ayah does not care about the untold hardship visited upon the less fortunate Anglophone Cameroonians by amba terrorists. They can barely eat one meal a day. Mr Ayah can eat whatever he wants to eat, yes, even fish from CONGELCAM, because he has a handsome pension from LRC. He only writes an encyclopaedia lambasting lockdowns when his wife can not buy fish from CONGELCAM. He is more concerned about his fish from CONGELCAM than he cares about the masses of suffering Anglophone Cameroonians who can not afford a meal, let alone fish from CONGELCAM. He throws tantrums like a spoiled or spoilt child whenever his wife can not go buy fish from CONGELCAM because of lockdowns by amba terrorists. EGOTIST!!!
In all probability, he seems to be the “terrorist money man” and go-between the warmongers in the diaspora and the amba terrorists on so-called GZ. His Ayah Foundation has received and continue to receive huge sums of money from the diaspora. He has been milking the so-called amba struggle, enriching himself in the process. That may explain why he resigned as the president of his phoney party. WHAT ABOUT RANSOM MONEY!!! The Government of Cameroon needs to AUDIT the AYAH FOUNDATION, to know its sources of income and how the money is spent.
Ms Edith Kahbang Walla is more honourable than the discredited Ayah who has gone gaga.