School Resumption in Ambazonia: A Cause for Concern
By Mbah Godlove.
Any rightful thinking Ambazonian who sends their kids to French Cameroun run schools at this moment needs to think twice.
This write-up is inspired by the fact that for over two months, French Cameroun regime sent pupils and students back home in order to contain the deadly Covid-19 Pandemic.
Now that the spread of the disease has quadrupled in recent weeks with nearly 6000 confirmed cases, it is clear that reopening iof schools will worsen the situation
No one needs to consult a soothsayer to know that sending children to the class at this moment is adding insult to injury.
It is no doubt that some countries have started easing lockdown rules to oversee a gradual resumption of activities, but it is completely a different case with La Republique du Cameroun. Governments like those of Germany and the UK are now relaxing measures because their infection rates are dropping tremendously day-after-day.
On the contrary, the spread is skyrocketing in French Cameroun.
Reopening schools at such a crucial period is therefore very disastrous to both the kids, teachers, parents, and by extension to everybody.
Basing our reasoning on the aforementioned analyses, we of BaretaNews humbly submit our proposition that sending Ambazonian children to French Cameroun run schools is a stab on the back.