SCACUF-SA Conference Resolutions
Following the presentations and deliberations during the two days conference hosted in Johannesburg, South Africa on 16 – 17 June 2017, in view of the way forward in this noble struggle for the liberation and restoration of our sovereign statehood, SCACUF-SA country chapter arrived at the following resolutions:
1) That SCACUF should, in response to the aspirations of the large majority of our people both back home and in the diaspora, look into the proposition for the election of an Interim Prime Minister who will form the interim government of Southern Cameroons/Ambazonia by September 2017.
2) That in preparation for the election of the Interim Prime Minister, SCACUF should make the proposed Restoration Charter widely available to the people of Southern Cameroons/Ambazonia. In relation, that SCACUF should also send out the Draft Constitution of Southern Cameroons/Ambazonia for broad-based consultation and input, to ensure that our people become actively involved in the making of the laws by which they shall be governed.
3) That all Southern Cameroons/Ambazonia communities in other countries in the diaspora need to step up their commitment to the struggle so that as one people, we can collectively re-energise the momentum on the home front.
4) That we recognise and believe in the crucial role of our women in taking this struggle to another level and therefore, besides calling on SCACUF to honour its commitment in bringing women into the Advisory Council, also call for a general mobilisation of our women compatriots to come to the forefront of the struggle.
5) That a Youth Front be officially recognised by SCACUF, to enable our young people become actively engaged in the struggle.
6) That every single Southern Cameroonian/Ambazonian back home and in the diaspora has an obligation to drive the online Citizen Registration and Fundraising for the struggle by mobilising others to do so.
7) That every Southern Cameroonian/Ambazonian must have unity of purpose – FOCUS on the objective of the struggle, which is RESTORATION.
Done in Johannesburg, This 17th Day of June 2017.
that is perfect. also make us have the contribution account for Nigeria so we can cheap in our small quota. and possible registration.
the PM to be elected should be based here in Southern Cameroon. not abroad thanks
We in the Southwest are a people of our own closely related to our Sawa brothers both in person and in tradition and under no circumstances are we going to seperate from them..if this so called prime minister’s function is to seperate Cameroon he has failed even before starting because no amount of threats and burnings will make us devide..To all of you in the diaspora who think you have the upper hand know that the Southwest region of Cameroon thinks differently and its coming up with its own strategy to solve its issues and if schools do not resume this academic year (struggle or not) its then what is cooking underneath what you all think you control will rise up and you all will be shocked…This struggle started on fair basis and the right way but has turned into a mixture of threats and brutality in the hands of youths(supposedly thinking for us) who act on instinct like animals and do not think..i tell you all paul Biya (Not la republic) is bad but you too(so called opposition leaders) are as bad as well and God has taken hes hands off this battle..if you want the support of the people give their childrens education back give them something for their lost year(and this should not depend on the struggle) compensate the businesses which were set on fire because humble people are struggling to feed their families as opposed to the rich people of the diaspora who are well settled and then only will u start to have a full potential of what support you will not forget the southwest holds the riches of southern Cameroon and la republic so be careful the way you treat its people..we recieve insults from most of u and you all us weaklings but nevertheless what is ours is ours and we train our selves to better our lives.Dont be shocked when you see what the weaklings will do.
James, you are fake. why don’t you write your real names?
James stop using we,we,we.Be precise BC I’m from SW but if I see you I will crush that madness off your skull.You are baseless in your facts looking like a foreigner too.think about how many people reason like you in Cameroon.”you beef”
I can say your fake too Tangie and that its not your real name..anyway believe what you want but whats going to happen will happen
Thanks to all those who made it possible. It’s a lot of work we really do appreciate you guys for all your efforts and courage.
We are expecting more from you people.
The struggle continues.
This is to James, just to let you know that there shall be no surprises. We already know what is brewing in the dark under the leadership of Musonge and the support given him by the likes of you and La Republique du Cameroun.
There are not going to be surprises because La Republique du Cameroun through its secrete agents in the name of Peter Mafany Musonge, and people like you, have been asked to carry out genocide on all those who stand for the struggle and especially North Westerners. They created the so call commission for bilingualism and multiculturalism to blind fold our people when the real task of this body is to facilitate this genocide. This is to help Paul Biya and his accomplices to supply Musonge and his gang with arms and the financial man power to carry out this. Of course when a budget is set for the Commission, or Biya donotes money to it, people will think it is for the work of the commission, while it is actually for Musonge and his gang to carry out this genocide.
All I can caution now is that, you, Musonge and the gang should be ware that South West is not Fako. We have this whole gang on our raider and we shall come for each one of you in turn should you dare touch our people. We are ready. I have warned you so that you too will not be surprised.
Please do not waste your energy for this james is a so called ras tag who has been writing retarded posts from Sweden on that LRC website that is control from the presidency of Cameroun called cameroononlines.
Of course, people like James also have something to say; all for personal and selfish interests, and sheepishly too. I wish James and the X- prisoner and principal slave of LR called Mafany Musonge, and their likes could see a little further than their own shadow. Anyway, there are always “Jameses” in every society, working against everything that is noble. So James is not doing anything new. And who is James on earth? Is James anybody’s name? Then thanks to the media that at least you have something to pass time on since there are no jobs in “Cameroon”. However, your comment is quite insufficient. You had better develope it as soon as possible into a book for the archives.
Our leaders and the whole diaspora are doing wonderfully great. God bless them for the enormous sacrifices they are making towards the liberation and restoration of our statehood. Such selfless sacrifices cannot go unrewarded by the God who freed Israel from slavery in Egypt. Let all of us, Southern Cameroonians, put in our own contribution from any angle
to move the struggle forward. And the struggle continues!
My friend, I need that your money. If you don’t know what to do with money, there are orphans and disabled in Cameroon. How can you be sending money to Nigeria wheres Millions of Cameroonians need it