We are confident that Southern Cameroonians are shocked by the images, videos and photos of the latest brutal attack on protesters in the North West and South West Regions of Cameroon by the Biya regime. The images of law enforcement brutality subjecting innocent citizens, and students to severe forms of torture, and other forms of human rights violations are not only profoundly disturbing but are appalling to millions of people all over the world.

Whereas the Constitution of Cameroon guarantees the right to protest and free speech as well as the freedom of assembly, the Biya regime has made it as official government policy to use repressive and oppressive means to violate the people’s rights through police brutality, arbitrary arrests and detention of citizens exercising their constitutional rights. It is worth noting here that the actions of the Biya regime constitute the violations of international law and warrants the consistent and decisive actions to halt such abuses of human rights.

While we acknowledge the Press Releases and actions by some political actors calling for dialogue, we are deeply concerned that more effective actions are very necessary at this time, as there is increasing evidence of the continuous perpetration of human right abuses, torture, by the law enforcement officials deployed and instructed by the Biya regime to subdue the Anglophone population. We are also deeply concerned that if we as a people fail to carry on this PEACEFUL MARCH simultaneously in all major cities and counties of the Anglophone Regions, in order to show more solidarity for those who have been treated in very inhumane manners, and to force the Yaounde regime to take immediate and decisive measures against the murderous and repressive Biya regime more lives will be lost, more women will suffer rape, and more people will be subjected to torture with the possibility of increasing violence among our people.

That said, we are calling all Southern Cameroonians in their various cities, villages etc in Anglophone Cameroon to come out massively on 2nd January for the peaceful walk. Already there are a good number of names submitted by volunteers to lead on that day. Wherever you are , you can team up and lead your community. Below are the objectives of the walk and our placards should follow one of these objectives.

1. The unconditional release of ALL detained youths arrested in Kumba, Buea, and Bamenda.

2. Call for a referendum or constitutional conference for the restoration of former West Cameroon State

3. Show consistent support to the lawyers, teachers and the consortium.

4. Protest against the marginalization of Anglophones; Anglophone lives matter.

5. Condemn police brutality on Southern Cameroonians while calling for an independent and impartial UN SPONSORED investigations

6. Remind the UN to intervene and conclude what she started between the Cameroons

We hope that this Peaceful March will continue to show to the world that we, the people of Southern Cameroons are united in our efforts to achieving our common goal as a people with a distinct political, educational, social, economic, and traditional culture.

Southern Cameroons Youth Front
Communication Team

  1. I think point number one should rather read: The unconditional release of ALL detained persons arrested in Kumba, Buea, and Bamenda and NOT: The unconditional release of ALL detained youths arrested in Kumba, Buea, and Bamenda.

    Secondly, Important to stop referencing the Southern Cameroonian (Ambazonian) People as ANGLOPHNOES. It is high time we assert our identity everywhere, in every thing and any time. Let la Republique du Cameroon and the world get used to it, and that we mean business. It is time to stand tall in our land, it is our land, our nation and one has to tell us otherwise.

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