Mark Bareta, Ambazonia Activist




The Role Of Cultural Associations In Ambazonia Revolution

One of the strongest institutions we still have are cultural associations. At home, it is common to see our parents on most Sundays attending cultural meetings with euphoria and galore. In cities, we see people from different villages grouping themselves to promote their culture. It is one of those gatherings which brings together people of different opinions. The root of cultural associations is particularly strong in Ambazonia. It has been most often apolitical though some have succumbed to be used by scumbag CPDM politicians for other motives.

The same is true in the diaspora. Ambazonians have replicated exactly the same scenario back home. Cultural associations here in the diaspora is very strong and alive from MECUDA, to MECA etc , people have grouped themselves according to where they come from. In some of them particularly the Nso Union, deliberations are done in the local language. It is one of those gatherings which bring people from all shades of opinions once a month, they meet and take part in social activities of members etc. It is good belonging to such. It feels good.

Mindful of the fact that over 70 villages in Ambazonia have been burnt by La Republique Du Cameroun and considering the ongoing genocide, if your village has not been touched, it is just a matter of time before those colonial terrorists soldiers get into it. In fact, it has been proven that whether you support this revolution or not, we all are affected by it one way or the other. Every part of our social, educational, family , economic and political fabric have been touched and every one is now affected. We can’t just do without thus the need to watch on each other.

How then can cultural associations be useful in this revolution? Aware that cultural associations remain apolitical in principle but I define politics as a state of being. If you do not do politics, politics will do recalling the words of one of my one time University friend Njong Gideon who in a difficult moment and scenario politically manoeuvred over my young medulla oblongata.

Away from that, while cultural associations should principally remain apolitical, they cannot ignore the carnage currently ongoing in their villages and communities. This is the moment for solidarity and great humanitarian actions and yes, cultural associations in the diaspora can play a great humanitarian role. The said association and it members must not necessarily be a supporter of the revolution or love what is happening but it dawn upon our moral responsibility for each cultural associations to rise up and come in support of their communities burnt down by making sure those displaced are supported. The Interim Government, Mark Bareta’s BIDSI, Makongo’s Charity and Ayah’s Foundation or any other private initiatives cannot longer be enough or sustainable or can these supports reach the over 70 villages burnt across Ambazonia.

This is where cultural associations must come in. Leadership of these associations must make sure, their monthly meeting does not only end in cooking sumptuous Ambazonian meals, drinks, Njangi but as a matter of fact, the support of internally displaced Ambazonians who are denizens from your own village and community and/or neighbouring villages must be a priority now in all cultural associations meetings. Cultural Associations must rise up now and take their place. Majority of members of these associations are already sympathisers of the revolution but this does not count. The cultural associations must take its corporal and social responsibility to make sure denizens from their villages and or communities are doing fine especially those displaced. They badly need cultural associations now more than ever.

I am aware of some cultural associations in the diaspora already making huge moves such as the Oshie community who are mobilising dollars of USA already to help. This post is meant to add flames to this move so that cultural associations can connect with home based ones, see where your people have been displaced into, see how you can heavily do fund raising for them and reach out directly to your people to help. If your village has not been touched and your surrounding village or community is affected, you can as well fund raise for them and help each other.

This is how we help each other. This is how we grew up, this is the experience our parents had in the then West Cameroon. Our family fabric as the basic unit of our society was strong but later got corrupted by this concubinage with La Republique and this is how Ambazonia will be restored to it glorious days. Yes, a land of milk and honey

God bless you

Mark Bareta

  1. Just like the Jews, our cultural associations must turn into cells for information and support for the struggle to defend fatherland. There should be a second trouble fund destined for the struggle. The IG needs all hands on board.

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