Negotiations with the two Cameroons
King Paul Biya





“The Dangers Of Dictatorships!”

Colleagues from Kenya, Tanzania and South Sudan make mockeries of us who come from Cameroon and Zimbabwe. I feel so terrible inside because a new Tanzanian president is lifting high the banner of honest and humble leadership. The other day he declared his salary which is just a quarter of what his predecessor used to earn. Kenya may have pockets of protests here and there but the Kenyan judiciary and the incumbent president have demonstrated to the world that two people must agree before they move together and that Africa too has people of integrity; with the goodwill of free reign of the three arms of democracy! Turn to Zimbabwe, thirty-seven year rule and still counting!
Come to Cameroon, thirty-four year rule and still counting!

The children who took to the streets and were massacred, the ones who were pulled out of their parents’ homes and gunned down and the hundreds carted away and tried overnight, in the majority are below thirty-four years old!
And you will say we have democracy! All parents who have children know that from time to time the children violate the commands of the parents, but no parent orders the killing of a child because of disobedience! Why are we questioning who ordered the killings when the instructions of the Governors are there in black on white!

Is it history repeating itself?Manslaughter is the handiwork of dictatorships! The word of God provides certain history that should serve as yardsticks for us. Leaders should weigh their words, concert with their collaborators before making it a decree. When that is done bloodshed can be averted! Be careful the kind of promise you make and where you make it!

Do not also try to maintain your pride and ego by wanton killings, because that’s what has been happening in Cameroon since October 1st! Herod beheaded John the Baptist because of a careless promise made without proper reflection and concerting with his collaborators. His wicked wife saw her opportunity to destroy her worst enemy, John the Baptist! So many actors took part in the death of John that night. Herodias, her daughter, Herod, his lords, high captains and chief men and the executioner! It happened because none of these persons were courageous enough to stand and tell Herod, “King you can’t do this!”(Mk. 6:2129). My friend, it is time we think less about our own lives safety and rise up and tell the King, “King you can’t do this!” Remember, “No condition is permanent!”
God save our land and give us the courage to defy Herod when he orders to kill! Peace be with you!

PCC Synod Clerk

  1. Can you imagine the number of Beti criminals this french stooge call Biya has with him in switzerland as body guards. Yet, this low life has the audacity to value his own life to the extent that he has no problem ordering the massacre of Southern Cameroonians. Wonders shall never end with these gagsters from LRC.

  2. Peace be with you too. Well said. We shall overcome this wicked gov’t just one day and very soon. God be our helper

  3. biya is killing and arresting youths from the English speaking region yet tell the world the country is one, the old wizard and his regime are pretentious liars only fit to rule a banana republic like Cameroon, many smart SCs forefathers read the regime 56 years ago,rewarded their children and grand children with not withstanding the colonial slave regime which only serves the slave master, their maturity must independence with or without biya and force!, if any single anglophone serving the colonial regime who think they can sabotage our independence is risking their entire family’s life as we shall come after all of them,the list is long and adding!biya has killed many youths in our regions,revenge will come sooner, he can hide like a coward little girl in someone else’s nice country, he will be prosecuted for genocide along with tchiroma and all the other primitive French weak, slave little girls blouses who think killing will deter some of the people, it has actually made them determined, educate the world to know that there are two states not one,biya the old slave master is nothing to many true SCs,a weak, dumb leader who cannot speak English to address issues in his own country instead uses killings and intimidation!

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