Rape is defined as sexual intercourse that is forced on a person without his or her permission. It may involve physical force or the threat of force. It may also be done against someone who is unable to give consent. Sexual intercourse may be vaginal, anal, or oral. It may involve the use of a body part or an object. (Medline Plus)
NO means NO even when you think NO means YES, it doesn’t. Most African girls during foreplay use words like; “No, Please Stop, I don’t want it yah, Stop Stop, get off me”. In other parts of the world, penetration after NO is considered RAPE, even if the woman is your wife, girlfriend, friend or side chick. No, not in Africa. When a woman says no, the man actually thinks she is saying NO because she doesn’t want to look cheap or doesn’t want to appear as giving up the cookies easy. So he believes, if he applies much-needed pressure, she’ll give in. There is a widespread understanding that NO just before penetration means yes.
There are a few women who actually say No but would still hold you in a lock position with her legs and you cannot free yourself. Don’t fall for it Guys. No doesn’t mean yes and never will it mean yes.
Girls, please do not say No if actually what you mean is Yes. If you do no want to have sex. Say No and stand your grounds. Rape is an everyday occurrence in Africa and we do not consider it a problem. Our sisters, daughters carry this scar every day and nobody is able to understand their pain. If a woman says NO and you apply any kind of pressure (even soft pressure) you just committed Rape. Walk away guys when you hear NO even if it is your wife or girlfriend.
A woman has the right to change her mind even during sex. Even if you are inside her and she says STOP, as hard as it sounds, please withdraw.
A lot of African women are raped every day with this No mean YES mentality.
However, BaretaNews holds that No in Africa is a form of love play but the same is not true elsewhere. We must understand how sex occurs in our culture. If we were to go strickly by this definition. This means most men commits RAPE in Africa on daily basis
Culled from Treize’s wall, March 2016.
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