breaking news






Press Conference In Kondengui? La Republique Has Lost it all.

Something must be wrong with a French man. I am sorry to say that the Camerounese breed in over side Mungo thinks that they are still dealing with a 19th century World where everything is analogue and where CRTV controls information. So long as they have failed to understand what keeps this struggle going then something is wrong with their medulla Oblongata

BaretaNews is now getting confirm reports that La Republique ministers have visited our leaders and people in jail to force them to organise a press conference calling for school resumption otherwise death sentences await them. How dump could this regime be? How do you think making a press conference with our leaders and people still in jail, dictating to them what to tell Southern Cameroonians will cause School Resumption? Do they really think that Southern Cameroonians will obey any words from our people in jail while we know very well that they are still in jail and not free? Don’t be foolish La Republique and shut up.

A pride comes before a fall. If you want effective school resumption and things to be normal, follow the advise of the UN. Release all Southern Cameroonians in jail, start the dialogue process to address the root cause of the crisis and only then will the Southern Cameroons Leadership call for a halt for school resumption while things are sorted out.

As it stands, so far as our people remains in jail, any call from them from jail whether they put on the wildest smile on their faces as dictated by you shall be only be throwing water on carmels back. It shall be angrily rejected. In fact, it will only end up to radicalised the people more.

We however, continue to have faith with our people in jail that they will resist such cosmetic move from agents of devil in the form of La Republique and continue hoping that as we shut down schools and push on with the struggle, they will eventually be out.


Mark Bareta
Whatsapp Number +32465520299

  1. Well said, Bareta.

    People in jail and the same as hostages and once taken hostage or held captive, you lose authority and command, because you have been or are prone to be compromised.

    This is just a simple anlgo-saxon-american-normal war command policy that French people may be too elementary or stupid to know or master.

    For short, we DO NOT take orders from people in jail or in captivity.

    Mr. Bareta, I am glad we able once more to leave comments on this beautiful news site and I MUST warn you again that I and we believe that you are either an open enemy of the struggle like Tapang, who has Bamelike/La Republique ancestry.

    Mark: On another topic, your heading in a previous article that read Anglophone Journalist planning to give Biya a tough time at the UU, is misleading. Misleading because you, like Tapang, have often used the term Anglophone to refer to us Ambazonians and we have had to correct you each time that calling us Anglophone is the same as calling a black American person Nigger. Now, that son of a beach Simon Ateba journalist you are trying to promote in our ranks is the same idiot that came out aginst us in the wide open during our protest at the World Bank IMF back in April while we stood under heavy pouring rain. This guy was all against every thing we were protesting about and started telling us to join force to fight Boko Haram in the North and talking about how we all are Camerounians and how we should resolve our problem as so called one Cameroon. This guy was clearly our enemy that day and gave us the impression that he was one of the guys sent by the embassy to come gather Intel on us.

    So Mark, if you do not know what you are talking about, ask somebody or do say things you do not know.

    Simon Ateba is an enemy of Ambazonia and I am not just talking about his Beti Name. He actually spoke his mind and we heard him loud and clear and are afraid of him. Ateba, if you are listening, you will be better of fighting for your country La Republic or covering Biya’s election next year. Not us. Not Ambazonia, where you do not belong.

  2. Good points Mr. Elong.

    Dr. Munzu and Eric Chinje are also secret agents of La Republic du Cameroon Ancestry and relatives. Dr. Munzu’s wife is Mbo from Nkongsamba in La Republic du Cameroun, who grew up among us and became an anglophone. Even though we have no problem with Anglophones (La Republique citizens who were born and raised in foreign Ambazonia), it is important that they stay in their lane and do disrupt our struggle and respect our laws. Actually, Dr. Munzu’s children are half La Republique and half Ambazonia. Dr. Munzu’s La Republique extended family members played a role in his rise to fame in La Republique. That was how La Republique used his to mislead us all these years until Pa Tasang rightly put him in his seat. Can you imagine that we got to the gates of restoration on our own only for this son of beach Munzu and come out of no where and start talking about Federation? Yes he is looking out for his Mbo children and extended family who all descended from Nkongsamba and also his friend Paul Biya. It is no surprise that all Munzu’s Ambazonian friends are most of the sellouts who have bought property and build expensive homes in Yaounde and other cities in La Republic and like Boh Hebert their children have gotten married to full fledged citizens of La Republique du Cameroun. The problem with this is that it makes Munzu even more dangerous because if all these sellouts (excluding Prof Anyangwe) come out and line up behind him, you will thing that he has a following without knowing that they have interests in LRC and are fearful of the future. Dr. Munzu should not be followed or given audience. He is a snake in the grass ans has now been uncovered.

    It is no surprise that soon after Munzu did that his mami called Anglophone conference in Atlanta, the very following week, La Republic started sending ministers to America, Europe and RSA to come continue the work they sent Munzu to start. It was all planned out and Munzu came out to us with the bible like the European missionaries who came first with religion before we later found out that they also brought a government. Thanks to Pa Tasang who stopped Munzu and them on other tracks and put Munzu on the defensive instead. What a shame, Munzu. You almost got us. Shame on you.

  3. I will only hope that we reserve our energy for the Southern Cameroon cause and refrain from name calling as this is not helpful. During the fight to liberate South Africa from the Apartheid regime, Chief Buthelezi was provided cash and weapons to destabilize the ANC. In Angola, the West created UNITA headed by Jonas(Judas) Savimbi to make Angola ungovernable by the MPLA. These are just a few of a game plan that played out all over Africa during the period of decolonization. Whether in South Africa or in Angola the good thing was that the people worked hard to not waste their energy on traitors but to keep their eyes on the price. While we have to be on the look-out for traitors, an important element of this struggle is that we have to conserve our energy for the fight to restore the independence of Southern Cameroon.

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