The outing of a revolutionary Ambazonian, Senator Penn Terence at the colonial military tribunal in La Republique du Cameroun (LRC) prior to the futile sentence from the colonial judge, will remain a reference for historians and students of history both in Ambazonia and LRC. Reading through the statement from Penn Terence Khan (Accused) to the President and Government Commissioner of the Military Tribunal – Yaoundé, one sees a revolutionary gentleman ready to die for the freedom of his people. Today, this platform pays him homage.
An emotionally driven Ambazonian reading the statement could easily be moved to tears, while a radical revolutionary mind could easily be gingered to action. If a seemingly moderate Senator Penn could make such a statement, then, expect a bombshell from Mancho Bibixy, leader of the Coffin Revolution whom today expects his own fate. Whatever happens, the revolution will continue and even harder.
Most Striking in the Presentation of the Senator Penn, is his reminder to the colonial judge that not even a life imprisonment sentence will change his commitment in the revolutionary values of justice and freedoms. He noted that;
“The charges against my person have been trumped up charges with the court presenting no proof to any of the charges, the reason being that they do not exist. I am neither a terrorist nor a secessionist but the political nature of the trial makes it possible for the court to slam the ‘guilty verdict’ on me. If the term or word terrorism is an attribute to people and individuals who decry societal injustice and inequality, then find me guilty again because these are the reasons for which I stand before you today. Where then is the Justice that we seek?”
In concluding his presentation, Senator Penn stated that; “through out history, it has been the inaction of those who could have acted, the indifference of those who could have known better, the silence of the voice of JUSTICE when it mattered most, that has made it possible for evil to triumph”
For 57 years, evil and injustice have triumph in Ambazonia under the supervision of the colonial regime and the complacency of greedy and ego driven Ambazonians. The people have been subjected and subjugated to third world colonialism. The people have been slaves and second fiddles in what is supposed to be their own country.
Nevertheless, thanks be to God. It is not going to be business as usual. This generation of Southern Cameroonians/Ambazonians have risen to the challenge and are ready to die fighting for the 57 years unavailable justice. Revolutionary Ambazonians have died and many are ready to die fighting for their fatherland Ambazonia. The colonialists may think that sentencing Senator Penn Terrence, Mancho Bibixy and other revolutionaries will serve as a deterrent to Ambazonians still fighting. Unfortunately for them, they fail to understand that the hearts of those fighting on the ground today are bigger and daring than those of the Penns and the Manchos.
Consequently, no amount of judicial and military intimidation can stop the people from achieving the GOAL. The goal is Ambazonia and Ambazonia shall free Senator Penn, Mancho Bibixy and all the comrades in the gulags. It is just a matter of time and the colonialists shall be on the begging side of this fight.
James Agbor,
Plitical Analyst, BaretaNews
Without Penn Terence Khan no effective strike. He was the enabler. Him we have to thank. He is a true hero of our revolution. LRC shall not be deceived to solve a problem by sentencing innocent people who just fought for justice.
To the IG: Dear ladies and gents I expect a strong message from you people defending our heroes languishing in LRC dungeons.
From a federalist to a restorationist.
Indeed the slave has risen in the masters own house, right before him, says our courageous Hon. Wirba.
To Penn Terence Khan with Love and Respect and admiration:
You and many others languishing in biya’s dungeons today are emblems of justice to the world and to the peaceful people of Ambazonia.
You have been abducted, imprisoned and tortured by the evil regime of biya and lrc so we Ambazonians can rise up as one people to claim the freedom we have so cherished for over 57 years.
You were hungry, cold, and abandoned in prison so we Ambazonians can prepare for the eminent hardships that we now face in a system structured to have gradually annihilate Ambazonia. We promise you that will never happen.
When they slammed 12 years on you, they thought they had nailed you to the ground. What Lrc and biya just did instead empowered and mobilized Ambazonians to reach the summit of the freedom they have so yearned for over 57 years.
biya just destroyed himself thinking he was getting rid of you. To tell you the least, YOU Terrence Penn have just been magnified and recognized as the Ambazonian every British West Cameroonian wants to be. God bless, heal and protect you each day to see your resolve for truth and justice come to maturity for All Ambazonians. WE LOVE YOU TERRENCE
I love what you wrote. Penn Terence is a role model for all of us.
So befitting & moving. Thanks Sunshine for sharing your talent in a special way.
Penn Terrence, you shall live to be on the negotiation table, not about federation as being pitched now but about parting ways with the zoo, where senators are appointed
Bali nyonga which negotiation r u tiki g abt? The Facebook one? Keep dreaming until l lay my hands on u. At least Terrence got 12 years but u l will personally kill u on the spot. I’m coming for u
You all shall be sent to prison
Brain damage asshole.
We are waiting.
The worst thing in the universe is to be born in French speaking nation, too much salt and sugar has render the brain worthless.
Since the time of lucifer Ahidjo, some of us have been fighting this injustice. What these gang of criminals have just done is to add insult to injury. We should understand that this is the one thing that these french slaves have learnt from the french which is the idea that by being arrogant will make your opponent to perceive that as strength. This is the folly that has made many Ambazonians to rather die fighting than to continue to accept this grand standing and bravado.
We must be calm but resolve so as to avoid making hasty decisions that will only play into the hands of these LRC criminals.
They are quick to further victimize our people yet not even one of their terrorist soldiers have been sanctioned from their terrorizing of civilians time and time again.
Sisiku Ayuk Tabe and Ex IG preached for no schools for the innocent children and get lost till tiday. Stupid noise Makers!
That is way LRC will forever remain primitive and backward.
Your leaders are all retarded. Your nation is a disgrace to Africa. The continent of African was liberated for the foreign colonial masters and look at what you did after great Africans fought and liberated it.
You intellectually impotent, weak ass, addicted Europeans and sex crackheads went back to them and hand it over back to them for free because of you inferiority complex towards them.
All you dumb people can do is grow cash crops, sell land and mineral wealth of Ambazonians.
Your days are counted, be happy for now for the future dose not look good.
Our strength is not one man but all Ambazonians and our creator, that is why we are still rocking and moving forward while you come here and do cry babies.
People with no mind, memory, processor or control unit see others as not having a mind, memory, processor or control unit and there lie their fundamental error.
Short sighted, driven by arrogance, complexes, empty actions intended to scare a people who have gone past all that is beyond fear, thinking time magically solves problem.
For us Ambazonians this is a marathon, not some walk in vegetation or passing sentences.
If genocide did not stop us, what the hell do they think sentencing our heroes is going to do?
We know our end point and only that counts, all other happening are side traced.
Our brother PENN TERENCE KHAN, is more courageous that all the whole of LRC put together.
Prisons are waiting for you people.
Either you respect the laws of the country or you are in.
Malis you will be arrested anytime you set foot in Cameroon.
There is no revolution without hiccups. A child does not walk straight-off from birth. We count our loss and our victories. We know our loss but we are aware that it pales in comparison to our victory. Our adversaries can choose to focus on our loss but we are focused on both our loss and victories in making our decisions. How about the cancellation of lrc cycling competition for the first time? how about non payment of salaries that teachers recently went on strike for? How about flying councillors to Dschang to vote if you claim jurisdiction over a place? How about….how about……Some who will obviously sing praises to zoo keepers of lrc recently ran into bushes at the commonwealth games because they do not want to return to zoo. DISGUSTING!
Ambazonia shall have the last laugh as did East Timor, Gambia, Eritrea etc. East Timor was laughed at, naysayers asked how a 1.2 million people annexed and considered the 16th province of 261 million people Indonesia could become independent. What happened 16 years ago to East Timor. The answer is blowing in the air, catch yours. Was it in 1,2,3…years? Did they have hiccups in their lideration journey? Yes, off course.
Some very uninformed people feel that because they can read and write, BaretaNews platform is a place to come and expose ignorance and naivety.
If you do not lose sleep over Ambazonia independence, don’t bad mouth it. The fact that you bad mouth our movement is because you are afraid, but know what, your fear will come to pass.
Keep making noise lm getteing closer n closer
My dear brothers do not loose sleep from the post of these ignoramuses. The best part is that their stupidity is in full display for the world to see. Look at the internet, even people who are not Ambazonians are considered fair game by these french slaves. Thank God that the world is beginning to take notice. Some even were lambasting Punchline Africa and the host because he dare to speak the truth.
We do not need to be apologetic about anything. Our main obligation is to keep our eyes on the price and continue to do the funding. Time is on our side.