Political Implication of Tibor Nagy’s Trending Tweet, & the only Safe Passage for Yaounde.

By Emmanuel Ngwa, Bamenda

The below screen-shotted statement from US Diplomat, Tibor Nagy is a diplomatic statement that may look direct in meaning. But it’s a pregnant statement with political undertones. The political implication of this statement is that; the United States no longer supports the “One and Indivisibility” of CameroOUn. This means that, so far as the U.S.A is concern, the Cameroons shall never again remain the same in terms of; the current form of the State, its name, and even the flag, considering the ongoing war in the Southern Cameroons where there has so far been no victor nor vanquished.

Deductively, the former Secretary of State for African Affairs is saying that the Southern Cameroons conflict shall eventually end with a REFERENDUM on TWO CHOICES – GENUINE FEDERATION OR INDEPENDENCE RESTORATION for the Southern Cameroons PEOPLE to decide their POLITICAL DESTINY. This is because the five years old conflict has gone beyond the level where a group of appointed egocentric “Anglophones” will sit somewhere in YAOUNDE in the name of National Dialogue to impose their personal will/interest on the masses known as “SPECIAL STATUS.”

Consequently, if I’m in a position to offer free political advice to YAOUNDE at this juncture, I’ll humbly call on them to; as a matter of political exigency declare a cease-fire and engage fully in the internationally endorsed Swiss-led negotiation process; while also concurrently engaging in calculated political pacification measures and projects in the Southern Cameroons. Such pacification measures should serve as an indirect Referendum Campaign Strategy aimed at softening harden minds and wooing the already wounded people into voting in favour of a FEDERATION during the unavoidable future UN-Supervised REFERENDUM.

It is evident that negotiations shall only take place between those with the guns, and both sides shall be called upon by the mediator to make concessions at the negotiation table. Chances are very high that CameroUn shall give in to Federation, while Ambazonia shall give in to a referendum on two choices for the masses to decide. This is because, considering the international legality of the issue at stake, the “separatists” are right in their arguments and the CameroUn government is very much aware of this. That’s why Yaounde has done everything in the last five years to avoid international third-party mediation in the conflict.

Consequently, the only concession Ambazonian leaders are likely or shall be willing to make will be; to allow the people of Southern Cameroons individually decide for themselves their political future through an internationally supervised referendum.

Emmanuel Ngwa

1 comment
  1. Brother Emma, thank you. I advocated for Referendum at the beginning of the crisis and was rated unpopular by many. I concur with you, A Clean and transparent Referendum is the only way out of this escalating war and it’s devastating consequences. Allow the people to freely decide their fate. The continuous destruction of lives and property and the untold hardship and suffering inflicted on the people is totally wrong and inhumane.

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