At least three persons have been reported death in Nguti Sub-Division following clashes between the military and ‘Ambazonian Odeshi fighters’.
According to our sources, the incident started on Sunday, February 18 at the Police-Gendarme joint checkpoint in Babenssi I, a village in Nguti Sub-Division.
The Sun learnt that the officers were approached by boys who dropped from a moving vehicle. They were then asked to hand over their guns, others did and ran for safety into the bushes while a gendarme officer refused and instead opened fire. Unfortunately he realized the guys impenetrable by bullets.In retaliation the ‘Odeshi’ boys stripped the officer off his uniforms, shot him to death and removed his eyes balls.
Sources also disclosed that the military, in a bid to vent their anger, fired bullets in the air that same day and unfortunately, a stray bullet allegedly killed a boy at Babenssi I village.
Another death was recorded in Nguti Town on Monday, February 19.Sources close to the victim’s family said that their brother was shot by the military as he insisted to pass through the Gendarmerie Brigade to the ELECAM head office.
It should be noted that security had been tightened around that area due to the many threats and attacks on military positions.
A road block had been mounted by the military between the Gendarmerie Brigade and the ELECAM head office.
As the news broke of the presence of the ‘Ambazonian odeshi fighters’ in the area, most villages along the Konye-Nguti highway emptied into the forest and neighbouring localities for fear of a possible military retaliation as a result of the killing of their colleague.
Others however traveled to nearby towns like Kumba where they feel will be much more accommodating.
D.O hailed for instilling calm
The population of Nguti Sub-Division in Kupe Muaneguba Division have praised the Divisional Officer for Nguti Sub-Division for his tactfulness in handling the situation.
Meka-Eba Michelle Serge has been congratulated for limiting the mass influx of the military that might have aggravated the situation and more loss of lives.
Inhabitants lauded the administrator for the measures put in place that has gone a long way to institute calm and protect their properties.
Culled from the Sun
This so call Odeshi boy should all be happy for all the innocent death they are causing. This is what you all call winning? What is the point if killing one Gendarme would cause a death of 3 to 4 innocent civilians and countless properties losses. This stupidity need to stop, and these banga boys need to use their funny power to better their life.
Who’s this dark alley wench of a hag?
I really want to thank our Odeshi Boya for the great duty they are accomplishing to protect our women, children and motherland from the demonic savage cannibalistic ISIS BIR and the government of LRC.
We love and adore you our Odeshi Warriors so much for the harm you are inflicting to the enemy, the slave maters and colonizer that has no respect what so ever for Ambazonian life.
They must know that staying in Ambaland is going to cost them their lives and that their guns, military machines are of no use at all.
When we were nice and peaceful, they said those naiver Anglo-fools and then killed us, raped us, steal our resources, steal our land, forced our parents to send us out of our nations to different people nations, thinking it will help them finally take everything over, now the opposite is happening and they can’t understand.
We will kill all those BIR’S and drive all those colonial slave masters out of our motherland Ambazonia.
Great and mighty thanks to our men in uniform for you are our greatest. Your sacrifice will live forever, our children and people will always remember you our Odeshi Boys for we owe everything to you.
The government of la Republique du Cameroun should start sincere dialogue with the people of Ambazonia now. They should not be deceived. The majority of our population is not willing to give up.
I am 100% with you, dialogue is the only way out, but also need to show some flexibility in our demands. Secession should not be the only card on the table
There you go again, using the very same abominable word secession. Two independent nations with their respective governments that were forced to come together in 1961 as co-equals has morphed into the 80% majority trampling on the minority 20% and totally obliterating the existence of their identity and socio-cultural norms. The progenitors of this crises having largely feigned silence while Biya’s pogrom on my people shifts into high gear. No one is even listening, much less care for the massive call to delve into the root cause of this crisis- which was the stupidity of granting independence and forced to join another independent nation. Isn’t it ironical that on that April 21st 1961 vote at the united nations, (64 yes votes for Southern Cameroon independence, 23 No votes and 10 absentia) this same La Republique du Cameroun is on record as having voted against British Southern Cameroons gaining independence and joining them? We are talking the same La Republiqu du Cameroun who now claims to own the former British Southern Cameroons as “one and indivisible country”? Oh yes, for its minerals, its oil, its timber, its cocoa and coffee products, its tea, rubber and banana plantations. So enslavement for 57 years isn’t enough? Thank God that in this world of HIS, NOTHING LAST FOR EVER. Not even the insults, le briafrien, Le nigerien, Les anglos. They too shall come to pass.
You and your Biafra supporter Want to annexe our LAND to create Ambazozo.
But you will not succeed.
Do you think you own a piece of Land in cameroon.No way, losers Ambazozo.
Go shit, you dont have anything, and we are not afraid of people like Atem Bakia who is dreaming to drop Bomb in cameroon, we will deal with you, please try and you will face the consequences.
Long live Cameroon