Abdulkarim responded to Atanga Nji
Open Memo
To: Mr Atanga Nji Paul,
Subject: Our Sacred Quran is NOT a vivacious item for your politics Sir,
Cc: The Muslim world, Cameroun Government and UN.
Permit me go straight to the point. I watched you on facebook consummating an unfounded ritual with a group of people dressed like Muslims in the presence of journalists.
I write to tell you Islam is not what you or anyone may amuse with. The Glorious Quran (word of Allah) is not a vivacious document for you or anyone.
Islam means total and complete submission to the will of Allah. The Quraan is the sacred book of the followers of Islam. We don’t even read our Quraan without purifying ourselves. May Allah forgive that community who gave you the Quran under those circumstances. I pray the Imam or Sarki of that community realize how badly they have transgressed and repent sincerely to Allah.
Taking an Oath in Islam.
An oath is not binding unless it is sworn by one of the names of Allah or by one of His attributes.
Swearing on the Quraan is swearing by the word of Allah which is one of His attributes. As for swearing by the Mushaf, if what is meant is the words of Allah contained therein, then it is an Islamically acceptable oath, but if what is meant is the paper and ink, then it is an oath by something other than Allah, which is shirk, as the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Whoever swears by something other than Allah has committed an act of kufr or shirk.” Narrated by al-Tirmidhi (1535) and Abu Dawood (3251); classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh al-Tirmidhi.
Can a Non Muslim enact an Oath on Muslims Islamically?
Placing the hand on the Mushaf when swearing an oath is not required in order for the oath to be valid, but it is permissible, if the judge sees fit, to confirm the solemnity of the oath and so as to deter the oath-taker from lying. End quote.
But it is stipulated that the person who wants to touch the Mushaf at the time of swearing the oath should be in a state of #purity.
Even I Abdulkarim Ali won’t swear an oath with Quran in my city of Bamenda except the process is being enacted by Sheik Abu Umar. Hence Mr Paul, I say unequivocally, you have no right to blackmail an ignorant Muslim few using our Holy book. Do not play with Islam Sir. Please let us be. At last, I call on all and sundry to stand as witness against such sacrilege and disregard for over 2.6 billion Muslims. Be advised Sir.
Abdulkarim Ali
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