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Exclusive: Maryland Sex Tape Victim Finally Speaks



I want to personally thank all sympathizers and Cameroonians who stood against the cyberbully. I am healthy now after going through this emotional stress. I heartily thank BaretaNews for bringing this to light. No other girl child or boy should suffer what I went through and it is the time we put a stop to this. I might have been at fault somewhere just by sharing my privacy with a friend who callously went viral with it. Lessons have been learned but must not go unpunished. I hereby release this statement for public consumption.


The minds of some human beings are definitely wicked, I thought Mekone Sone was my friend but not knowing I was dealing with a DEVIL in white cloth. She took my quietness & niceness for weakness, but now I’M READY FOR HER. It takes more than TRUST for anyone to share some worth of Privacy with a friend, Mekone and I always exchanged stuff, laughed over it for fun, I deleted hers because my heart is too pure to hurt anyone, she kept mine for over 8 months just because she had weapons to plan evil against me. She lied and make up stories about me breaking her and her boyfriend up just to feed the jealousy she had developed towards me over the past periods. She knew deep down in her heart I was never closed to her Ex boyfriend but always advises her as a friend about the games she played with her boyfriend and the other numerous boys she was sleeping with.


I have gotten all the evidence from Slimmix* and Anita* whom she lied to them about things I never said and stories that never existed, just because she thought she could team up with them to fight a stronger battle against me, KARMA IS A BITCH, now they have ( Slimmix and Anita) come up with their own Evidence. GOD DON’T LIKE UGLY. She was sending me numerous threats that she was going to destroy me and finally she put her words into practice and be ready to get a taste of what I have been going through.

And also I have learned how she tried to go around claiming she is innocent, “BITCH YOU ARE A MIND GAME PLAYER”. And if she knew what is best for her, she just needs to stay quiet in her little corner(she is a fool.)


I have words for Slimmix also. Slimmix was too naive and fed all the trash Mekone told her things I said about her and this landed Slimmix on making an audio which threatens me as well. I guess Slimmix never knew what she got herself into, I am so sorry to say I haven’t listened to the audio Slimmix slammed on my family and I. The fear of everything was to prevent it from reaching my family but be rest assured, If Slimmix really knew me all the nasty things she said about my family like clothing my younger brother, living a two bedroom house, me being adopted and having a child, wouldn’t have been said.


I have been quite for over weeks battling with my emotional stress about this issue. Weeks ago, my 2 senior family friends who has been trying to know the source of this issue had Slimmix, Anita, Mekone and myself on a conference call for the first and last time to clear the air. Mekone who has been lying about my name and saying all sort of rubbish about me has earlier claimed she had deleted the video long ago, but on the same day the video WITH NO PICTURE went Viral, she forwarded it to Slimmix and told her she was going to attach my name and picture on it to destroy me and after an hour later she evidently sent another video to Slimmix with my name and picture on it. She was unable to answer the million dollar question of where she got the edited video with my name and face”, she was speechless and hanged up the phone. After 6 hours later she claimed she got it from a group (HERE IS THE EVIDENCE OF HER SCREENSHOTS with NO GROUP NAME on it.) Until now she hasn’t responded to that questions. Beyond reasonable doubt, she has been proven guilty and still trying to refuse the fact because she doesn’t want to suffer the consequences alone.


Conversation between Mekone and Slimmix

Mekone’s short brief with Slimmix

Below is a screen shot of Slimmix and Mekone’s conversation, and you said you are a viral baby, girlfriend you will go viral. Stupid idiot whom you claim was brought up by two parents, I really doubt that. You had the nerves of calling my late mother’s name on your snap chats, I really wish you knew the effect of growing up being an orphan. Let Satan who has taken your conscience deal with you now cause mine is still with God and I will deal with you legally and set the lesson for others to follow. You Daughter of Jezebel.

May God continue to bless all my well-wishers for all the love you have poured towards my family and I during this transition. The legal team is taking over and we shall see the end of this matter.

Thank you the Cameroon Community for reading. Thank you BaretaNews

The Victim-MaryLand Sex Tape

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