Mamfe Bishop Extends Support To Internally Displaced Southern Cameroonians
The Bishop of Mamfe, Bishop Andrew Nkea has once again extends humanitarian support to internally displaced Southern Cameroonians. This is coming at a time several households have suffered untold hardships and internal displacement as a result of La Republique Du Cameroun forces action in most parts of Southern Cameroons in the name of searching of “terrorists”.
Bishop Andrew Nkea made this great move today 19th April 2018 during the launching of humanitarian goodwill with goods donated by the United Nations High Commission for Refugees Cameroon. This institution using the Mamfe Diocese after their request and several calls are meant relief the internally displaced Southern Cameroons. BaretaNews is told the Mamfe Diocesan Commission for Relieve Assistance to Displaced Persons is handling the distributions.
Some Pictures of today’s event
The distribution which started in Ntenako, Eyumojock Local Government area shall be extended to other parts in Manyu. Also, information suggests the distribution process will extend to Nguty and Lebialem Counties. Our sister media outlet the National Telegraph in their report wrote about what the Bishop said, it reads: “The bishop told them that he was very concerned to make sure that no one died from hunger, lack of medication or shelter. He further told them that even a golden bed abroad can never be as comfortable as one’s own bamboo bed at home”
It should be recalled that this is the second time the Bishop of Mamfe is visiting refugees. He was in Nigeria few months back to support the over 60.000 Southern Cameroonians in Nigeria as refugees. It is the position of BaretaNews that just like what the AAyah Foundation is doing, we think men of God especially established and mainstream churches can use their moral authourity, integrity and create humanitarian missions which cut across the entire Southern Cameroons to offer direct humanitarian help. The church must understand that we are at war and it will be a long run. The church must find its place at this time, investing on humanitarian aspects will be a welcoming area. We at BaretaNews are pleased with Bishop Nkea, we hope the remaining Bishops, pastors of other churches will follow next. These religious institutions have huge opportunities in getting help from anywhere across the globe.
Mark Bareta
CEO, BaretaNews
Thank you very much bishop Andrew.
UNHCR, an arm of the UN holding the records of the 1961 votes cast in favor of Southern Cameroon independence is playing ‘king charity’ and distributing handouts to people whose dignity has been reduced to beggars. While the Bishop’s effort is laudable, let the UN(HCR) be reminded that Manyu denizens sustained themselves economically without need for this sordid exercise and that a better way out of this is rectification of the errors of 1961 and restoring Southern Cameroon’s independence.
We really thank all our people that are doing everything to help our displaced family, we owe you much.
Long Live Ambazonia.
Well done