Maiming, Torture, Arbitrary Arrests Erupt In Bamenda As Colonial Forces Go Haywire

By Mbah Godlove

Forces belonging to the colonial regime of French Cameroun have stormed major streets in Bamenda wrecking excruciating pains on unarmed Ambazonians in the city.

Sources in Bamenda revealed that gunshots were heard earlier this Wednesday September 2, forcing economic activities to shutdown.

Wednesday’s deafening gunshots, BaretaNews learnt, were carried out by colonial uniformed officers as revenge over the death of a senior police inspector on Tuesday September 1, during gunfire exchanges with restoration fighters.

Inhabitants of the city of Bamenda were gripped by fear and consternation as they faced a second successive day of terror.

La Republic du Cameroun’s unruly soldiers arbitrarily arrested and tortured several innocent civilians as well as looted property.

Areas such as City Chemist, Food Market, Small Mankon were highly affected by the chaos.

It is unclear the reason behind today’s raids, but some locals accused the forces of occupation for transferring aggression, following a nightmarish confrontation with Ambazonian freedom fighters over 24 hours ago.

  1. Acts of torture by the barbaric Camerounian army and its allied accomplices, including all Atanga Nji boys, other fake Amba boys and the Bulu-Beti militia men should be filmed as extensively as possible and disseminated through human rights and humanitarian organizations and networks, as the UN is also sensitized to the continued blood bath and abuses on the ground. As we draw closer to the moment of accountability to the international community and the UN, enough credible evidence will have been built up to indict all culprits. First hand evidence is very important and essential to the indictment of suspected war criminals and all those linked to or directly or indirectly involved in or responsible for all acts of torture, and in particular, those resulting in maiming and death.

  2. @Felix,

    Nice poem posted here the other day. You either majored in literature or your passion and pastime is poetry. Congrats man.

    The vandalism and pogrom perpetrated by LRC thugs in Southern Cameroons is already documented by Ambazonians and is well known to the international community of hypocrites (the UN, Britain, France and those that should have an interest in this conflict). What continue to baffle me is their sepulchral silence. Or perhaps I should blame myself for forgetting too soon that the same Britain put South Sudan in their predicament with Muslim dominated Sudan that lasted from 1956 to 2011 and turned a blind eye until thousands had been killed by the regime in Khartoum. Or that the administration of Bill Clinton did not lift a finger in Rwanda until the majority Hutus had exterminated nearly a million Tutsi minority. But when Hitler did his thing in Europe, the entire world came together to end his reign of terror in quick fashion and Hitler was/is today history.

    If something must be done and done well, self reliance should be the operative word. Not looking to these international hypocrites for salvation. Our tactics MUST henceforth change from defense to hitting LRC deep in their own territory. Reciprocal damage must be executed to their infrastructure and socioeconomic life. I bet you Etoudi will sue for a real dialogue on a peaceful separation of the two countries in no time.

    Long live our beloved Ambazonia, short live the struggle.

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