Lamentations of a soldier from La Republique du Cameroun deployed in Mamfe – Ambazonia to fight against restoration forces.

To you all still to wake up from the 2018 New Year hangover, know that while we all wined and dined, the epicenter of the war against Ambazonia – Mamfe was nothing different from Vietnam in the 70s. Elite forces from La Republique du Cameroun deployed in the tropical forests that line the great Manyu River were spending the New Year in mangrove swamps lying in wait for a mysterious enemy they neither can identify nor locate yet extremely dangerous.

Sporadic attacks from restoration forces of The Federal Republic of Ambazonia since the official declaration of war by president Paul Biya early in December 2017 have become the nightmare of Gendarmes, soldiers and police officers still deployed to work in the territory of Ambazonia. To quote from the lamenting soldier, “I am afraid to even put on my uniform”. This is how scary the situation is and the panic that has grasped the military in La Republique du Cameroun over the senseless war on Ambazonia has led to hundreds of defections – 300 soldiers according to recent confirmations from army hierarchy.

Here below is a transcript of what the soldier is saying for Ambazonians who can’t understand French. The translation might not be very accurate or word for word because of the low French language proficiency level of this writer but hopefully the general message will go through and French speaking brothers and sisters of La Republique du Cameroun will understand the audio better and act in the right way as called for by morality.
NB: The audio is a recorded-and-leaked phone call. Read below:

Guys it’s bad. It’s hot. It’s hot in Mamfe my brother.
We are seeing fire in Mamfe
One has just signed up into B.I.R. We have not yet even received the money we spent to get into these stupid things. But here we are!
We are being forced to fight against our own brothers
A lot of our guys have been killed. We fire everywhere and we’re being fired at everywhere
We didn’t have a choice. We knew it was bad but we didn’t have a choice.
The Ambazonian guys are decided guys.
Those guys bring out all sorts of things, everything they can use to fight back. They’re decided. Nowadays, even putting on the uniform is scary.
How can you fight against folks who spend all their time in the bushes and the shadows?
My brother, I am telling you, it’s terrible.
We talk about mystical things without knowing what we are saying. These guys have the real mystical powers. How do you explain the fact that you shoot someone and the person doesn’t drop dead?!
There is a guy called Cho or Sho Lucas commander of the Ambazonia Defense Force. I tell you those guys are dangerous.
I have seen those guys in full combat. It’s not a joke. Those guys are dangerous.
Brother, do you know what? This problem, I don’t want to die for an 85 years old man. Let him arrange that through dialogue. The guys are right. Even if I was the one, and you came to my home and attacked me I would do everything to fight back.
The way the situation is now, I will just run away. Either I go to Gabon or elsewhere but I can’t remain here and die for something I don’t even understand.
I can’t stay here. I haven’t even yet gotten back the money I spent in getting into this. This is fucked up!

You are welcome to react if you feel the audio is different from the transcript. This is the transcript of the audio we got from a soldier from La Republique du Cameroun. He is one out of the hundreds of soldiers who do not want to fight the Ambazonian war because they feel it is useless. It is a simple problem that could have been solved by authorities from La Republique du Cameroun.

The interim government of The Federal Republic of Ambazonia should step up dialogue proceedings because La Republique du Cameroun is not willing to do that. They have to be dragged to the dialogue table. Worse still, it is important to note that the concept of dialogue from La Republique du Cameroun’s perspective is very different from that of Ambazonia. The interim government of The Federal Republic of Ambazonia should set up platforms that welcome soldiers defecting from La Republique du Cameroun, and screening ways to vet the defecting soldiers into the ranks of Ambazonia Restoration Forces. Many soldiers serving La Republique du Cameroun want to defect but their problem is where and to whom to defect to. Once the interim government of The Federal Republic of Ambazonia is able to create a safe home to these brothers and sisters who want a home, defecting from the army of the oppressive La Republique du Cameroun army will become an everyday issue.

The over 300+ defectors from the army of La Republique du Cameroun have one wish: To find a new leader they can pledge their allegiance to as can be heard from the audio. Restoration forces of Ambazonia are extremely cautious in accepting any defectors into their ranks and rightly so because the risk of having spies under the cover of defectors is very high. However, this should not stop Ambazonian commanders from welcoming home their brothers and sisters who have realized that they are on the wrong side of history and decided to come fight for motherland.

If accepting defectors into the ranks of Ambazonia restoration forces is a big risk and ignoring them is equally a bad thing to do, what is left is forming a new front of restoration forces solely made up of defectors because as long as all roads lead to Buea it’s okay.


  1. Lrc soldiers should hand over their guns to ADF and go help the refugees in Nigeria. When the struggle is over, they can be retrained and incorporated in the Ambasonian army. Many lrc soldiers should know that the man in etudi is sacrificing them. lrc BIR are foolish to die for a senseless war.

  2. Defectors can only be integrated when independence is achieved, all lrc forces are brutal uncaring men & women who have stood low protecting,keeping a wicked colonial dictator biya for 56 years of oppression, they specialise in bribery,corruption,killing torturing civilians and having bastards everywhere they live, they take the law into their hands,many SCs are too sympathetic,lrc has proclaimed war on us,all the counties must have ground soldiers to kill these lrc parasites forces with and colonial civil servants until they are driven out,any dialogue with biya must be total desperation and taking back all our resources from their 57 years of mismanagement and embezzlement

  3. As I wrote several times. My people can be wicked. Right now they are still in defense mode. But that might change. Logistics is coming in. Several hundreds have joined the liberation forces. As a loving father I recommend all BIR, gendarms and soldiers leave Manyu. Better you leave Ambaland. Preparations are underway to start defense in other parts.

  4. This is what happens when miseducated pseudo Africans like this Beti thug, who is so foolish that like the “ngombe” fly will blindly follow the corpse to the grave.
    It is unfortunate that at this stage in the struggle some in the terrorist LRC army are gradually coming to their senses. What makes this tragic is the fact that the level of brutality, that was inflicted on defenseless civilians whose only crime was that they were asking for a return to them of what was blatantly stolen by crooks like lucifer Ahidjo and frenchman Biya makes forgiving a bitter pill to swallow.
    Happy New Year Ambazonians. In the Creator, we should put our faith as in this life, nothing good comes easy.

  5. what will we say as biya had paid whiteman in france to come use helicopters to. bomb. our villages. what do we do with. the khazar . french
    mecinaries flying those helicopters?
    you need.sone body who can see 360 like me to advise you.. only cross a bridge when you get there. complete restoration is non negetiable. cameroun became cameroun in 1960 without. ambazoni . soo why is i . inside our territory. for 56 yrs. biya says. allll. of the world is wrong only him is right ie. its one cameroun. we. are supposedly seperating. despite. evidence. to the contrary. .soo
    we cant negotiate with bandits and terrorist Paul biya

  6. I pray and wish Amba should sometimes be able to afford for arms that can shoot down some of those their low flying helicopters.

    1. A heavy machine gun is sufficient. The Gazelle helicopters have only light armour. The transport helicopters none. Manpads such as stinger are difficult to get. But it is better to destroy the trucks and jeeps first. Movement shall be difficult for them. The light tanks are only show. How to use them in dense forest?

  7. Everything about this article makes sense except for the suggestion that they should be dragged to the negotiation table! I thought we are talking about independence restoration here, and absolutely no business with LA Republique? Why, if anyone has to clamour and beg for dialogue here, it should be LA Republique!

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