Coloniser Seeking New Strategies To Exhort Southern Cameroonians
As the financial crunch from Ghost towns presses on LRC, there seems to be an urgent need to have the southern Cameroonians pay the land tax as one of the government’s sources of income.
The government of Mr Biya has carved out strategies to link land tax payment procedure to the payment channels for electricity bills.
In a recent move in kumbo, the taxation department has come up with a new strategy to identify house owners expected to pay the land tax. This has been done through the distribution lines of electricity bills. This means that the bills are distributed along with the forms for the payment of land tax.
BaretaNews source at the level of the Taxation department in Kumbo revealed that the move is a strategy to identify owners of homes and make them meet up this commitment as they pay for their electricity consumption. This will help fund government sources of income.
On how this tax is calculated BaretaNews source at the department understood that it is the decision of the tax officers with no knowledge of how it is done and as such remains another source of exploitation of innocent citizens.
BaretaNews urges the people of Kumbo and elsewhere to avoid paying such a tax No and await instructions from the interim government. The regime and her department must go bankrupt