Two independent journalists and the Buea chapter President of the Cameroon Association of English-Speaking Journalists alongside the Communication Secretary of Cameroon Journalists Trade Union for the South West, ATIA Tilarious Azonhnwi including the South West regional Correspondent for The Guardian Post Newspaper, Amos Fofung have been arrested by elements of 3rd Police District in Molyko Buea in connection with a bag that contained ‘anti 11 February tracks’ purportedly dropped by the Publisher of Voice of the Voiceless from Bamenda.
Sources say the two men were bundled from the Molyko residence of Amos Fofung where the bag was found, at the time of the search, Atia Tilarious was with him. Both men were later ferried to the 3rd Police District where they spent the night.
It is alleged that the Publisher of Voice of The Voiceless has been arrested and could be taken to Yaoundé. According to Elah Geoffrey, Editor of The Sun Newspaper where ATIA works, the arrest is connected with ongoing crisis rocking the two English-speaking regions of Cameroon. The Police are yet to make an official statement on their arrest.
BaretaNews in the morning added ” The rate at which Southern Cameroons youth are being abducted is alarming. Atia Azohnwi and one other Journalist were abducted last night. It will come a time when all people from West Cameroon shall ignite operation fill the prison and occupy all prisons voluntarily offering themselves up and let’s see how their prisons will take us all. La Republique should stop this provocation. The regime keeps pushing the people more. We would not give up. The struggle continues…”
#FreeAllArrested #FreeSouthernCameroons
Culled from Cameroon Intelligence Report