Breaking News






BaretaNews can now confirm that in Kumba, the then Economic Basket of Southern Cameroons has gone into a panic mood after tracks were littered all over the town warning proprietors of private institutions and parents who may want to go against the instructions of the Interim Government. Reports say Kumba denizens say over their dead bodies will school resume in Kumba while hundreds of Southern Cameroonians are still in jails. The tracks say ACTIVE RESISTANCE begins soon and warned parents, teachers and immigrants not to dare the people of Southern Cameroons. It is the view of BaretaNews that Denizens in other communities in Southern Cameroons should follow the kumba example, take serious security concerns while doing so to outsmart the state security and litter your own locality. The change begins with YOU.

BaretaNews correspondence on the ground says most proprietors who were organizing holiday classes to keep the students busy will shut down as from 14th August. Most of them say they are not ready to risk their lives, or that of their pupils and students or even their assets for school resumption.

However, just like BaretaNews reported some few days ago, registration for the next school year in Southern Cameroons is on its all time the lowest mood with some schools not registering even a single student. The case is true also in Kumba and its environs.

Worthy to note that the usual back to school frenzy is entirely lacking in Kumba. At Kumba main market which at this time of the year previously used to be busy with school fever has entirely gone comatose as most business people do not want to invest on a such a lost venture considering the prospect of No school return. Most of the business persons also revealed that they had to sell their goods beyond the usual price as a result of the crisis which has hit Kumba hard.

The Cameroon Anglophone Civil Society Consume has however postpone next week Ghost towns to begin on August 21st with a three days active resistance to push the government finally. It is our understanding in BaretaNews that following reports from Southern Cameroons, schools shall not resume.

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