John Mbah








In Response to Boh Herbert (Yindo Toh)

I have read with so much attention your outing, a few minutes back in support of the SDF holding it’s Convention in Bamenda to select candidates for elections which legitimize the tight grip LRC has on our people and territory, yet you are telling our people that you are fighting for the restoration of our independence?

A young medical doctor, Vera Nyoh- bubbling with life, full of ambitions for the future who hired a taxi to rush to PMI to attend to a patient who needed urgent intervention was shot by terrorist forces from Yaounde. The same forces who in a confidential message to hierarchy are recommending the dispatch of security forces to protect the SDF leader and his Convention in total complicity. This tells of collaboration between to entities to crush the poor unsuspecting and mostly unarmed people of Southern Cameroons.

When Comrade Boh Herbert refers to a conscience call I made in an audio as threats, I wonder if he understands what we are actually fighting for. To give the impression that I am against free speech and freedom of assembly, in a context where we are not allowed to meet and talk about our problems is simply preposterous and ridiculous. Apart from the SDF whose Chairman is specialized for a while now in siding with the oppressor (cases of 20th May 2017 and 11th February 2018), when we all consider these feasts as fostering our status in slavery and servitude.

Comrade Boh Herbert, do you recall that the same SDF Chairman fought Barrister Muna’s group from holding their own meeting in Yaounde to the point of sending tugs to cause fighting which ended with the death of a militant in Yaounde? Was that tolerance; or have you forgotten that the SDF actually issued not only threats, it materialized such threats?

I am glad you recall that you were once a close aide to Mr. Fru Ndi; sure you remember how the SDF pronounced boycotts upon boycott, marked by ghost towns which were enforced by threats upon all of us? We respected the SDF calls for boycott and other measures of civil disobedience and so it is only important for the SDF now to respect same calls from other quarters.

You mentioned the moves made by the SDF and it’s Chairman in support of this struggle; how successful have such moves been? If our forefathers never resigned from the Nigerian Parliament to move to Buea, would we have been where we are today talking about Southern Cameroons? Why did you not also come out in the name of freedom of assembly to defend the rights of militants of the CPDM to hold their own meetings? Are SDF militants more humans than those of the CPDM?

I want you to note this; the ery last person I visited before running away from Cameroon was Fru Ndi at his residence in Ntarikon, Bamenda. Take note also, that I was blacklisted in CRTV for years because a lot of us never hid our support for the SDF as a party we believed would in due time fight for the emancipation of Anglophones. For your information, you left Cameroon several years back, but most of us stayed to fight with the SDF. In 2007, I took upon myself to announce the results of the Parliamentary elections in Santa in favour of the SDF at a time all was being done to keep silent so that the CPDM cooks up fake results to its advantage. I was a polling officer for the SDF in 1997 at CETIC Ngoa-Ekelke; the party won at four councils there, what happened?

You must understand that all the approaches taken by the SDF against the Yaounde regime this far have failed. Fru Ndi and his MPs understand this fact and are just now doing politics to stay relevant; we have greater stakes than just these, sir. Many people are dying daily, our economy is being ransacked, our people are being tortured and dispossessed and you afford to talk about freedom of assembly?

With all due respect, Sir, I must confess you either do not understand what we are fighting for, or you are hoping to fall back to a federal system with the same people who have consistently proven to us that we can never be considered human beings. Worse still, you may perhaps not be convinced about this struggle, a thing that could be very regrettable.

How would you expect us to continue appealing to the moral conscience of our oppressor and their accomplices year in, year out? Take it from me, that it is not only naivety to imagine that the SDF Convention could take a position to back restoration, but a ruse meant to deceive the ignorant people who are yet to have a full grasp of what is at stake.

John Mbah Akuroh

  1. This is a well written piece by Mr. Mbah. Unfortunately, it will not change Boh Herbert’s mind, because he dances to the tune of his own music. He is a self centered guy and a sell out. He always wants to be the centered of attention – negative attention. He is a saboteur; I dare call him the spy in our midst. He must be an agent of the diabolic regime of the diaper wearing octogenarian butcher of LRC. No should be surprised by this man’s conduct. Follow his history on this struggle and you find that the has never supported any position that most Ambazonians have taken. He is an ill-wind that blows no good to this struggle.

  2. @Mr. Mbah do you believe in democracy? If yes you will understand that you who want seccession are nowhere close to even 10% of all SW/NW people. Please learn to respect others opinions.

    1. Where do you get your stupid statistics from, you stinking LRC agent whose mission is to regularly get to this site to write stupid and nonsense things against the genuine struggle of the Ambazonia people.

      1. @Groupon,
        Don’t taking it from me, but from the Chairman. If you think he just woke up in the morning and decided to give your secession movement a middle finger, you are wrong.

    2. Democracy is a fancy word when there are no institutions and laws to protect it. So democracy is stupidity when only related to freedom of speech, opinion…. without correctional institutions to our limits. We are in a war with lrc and not in a debate of opinions etc. Go and bring your democracy in your french colonised countries so that we can start comparing them with english speaking countries in terms of institutions, respect of freedom of speech and human rights, economic self empowerment and growth.
      For you democracy is philosophizing without the capacity to do anything nor protect anyone.

      We do not need democracy now. we need our freedom now and you will come and taste what we call democracy after that.

  3. Ever since I found out that Boh Herbert’s wife is a full Camerounese Francophone, I stopped taking him seriously and he lost my respect. A socalled Bamileke or Bassa Anglophone is bad for our business and a full francophone is worst.

    1. and where are you from too? a Ghanian for sure you hate people just by imaginary differences. What a pity

  4. Nice and on time Response.

    Something is wrong, but that is not our problem.

    That is someone who says he wants to lead Ambazonia to freedom, he wants to be a leader but is
    unable to function in a group, just as the so called Fru Ndi.

    What ever that is, we are not going to lost sight.

  5. The time for the convention is wrong. Now many people are killed by LRC. If the SDF is for a federation of what kind ever they should fight for it. But I don’t see any political move to push that. They know that they have the role of a small opposition party in Biya’s kingdom. The demi god is giving Fru Ndi some bribe money to keep his people quiet. A very wicked system of patronage. Ambazonians should not be deceived by the SDF. It is neither social nor democratic. It’s a mere tool of Fru Ndi to get a share of the big cake.

    1. No wonder Deu Ndi attempts at the polity have never yielded any positive results. A traitor will always be a traitor. A leopard can never change its spots or calour

  6. There is a lot of dishonesty. Nobody is asking what the ordinary people want. Make a referendum. Make a poll and see the outcome. All this so called elites and parties such as SDF are avoiding that question. They know very well the reason for that.

  7. Mr. John Mbah Akuroh,

    You are not going to use this situation to redeem yourself. You and the members of the so call reboot conference have some explaining to do regarding the circumstances surrounding the abduction of our leaders in Nigeria. The people of Ambazonian deserve some clarity from you and the members of the reboot conference.
    You cannot hide from that or wish it away.

    Did you just discover now that Boh Herbert is not fighting for the independent of Southern Cameroons (Ambazonian)? Are you any different from him? You are tired of going after Sisiku Julius Ayuk Tabe. Now you are going after each other. What have you seen. In biology it is called cannibalism. You will eat each other in real life very soon.

    William Shakespeare had it right: The evil that men do lives after them; the good is often interred with their bones.

  8. This crook called Boh Herbert has swindled lots of money with nothing to show for from the Ambazonia people in the name of the struggle. This man is a thief.

  9. The moment he organised a fundraising in Houston same day with that of the Consortium headed by Mark Barata and General Tapang Ivo,i knew he was a devil

  10. I would like to support JB Akuroh on this one. It is wrong to hold an SDF conference in Bamenda or Buea considering the current political and security situation in Bamenda. considering security only it would be reckless for SDF to hold their convention in a town where security is absent, except there is an ulterior motive for the convention to take place in Bamenda. This is also a provocation to the people of Bamenda. The fact that SDF should be free to host her convention where ever she wants does not mean they should not consider other factors like security and the plight of the people in Bamenda. I have the right to celebrate my birthday whenever and where ever I want but it is not proper for me to go to my neighbors funeral and celebrate my birthday.I think Boh H is wrong to support SDF in hosting their conference in Bamenda.

    1. @ Fabian I agree with your greater point about security, if not for police officers and members of the armed forces ( LRC terrorist as some here would like to call them) who should provide security for the SDF convention? Fru Ndi is being chastised for requesting more security from Yaounde. Are you suggesting that the SDF not have a convention at all until this issue is resolved?

      1. Take it to La Republique. Bamilike people own the SDF. Take it to their homeland. The people of Ambazonian have not call for any elections. No elections will hold in Ambazonian.

        1. Amba,

          your fight is now against Bamileke people, no more LRC? Bunch of confused fools.

          You think Boh Herbert is a fool like your likes?

          What would you do in Ambazonia that has not yet been done on earth? To manage a small movement is above your strength due internal battles. How are you going to manage Ambazonia?

          I respect Boh Herbert for his wisdom than all of you fools combined.

  11. All you making noises, our chairman has a right to hold his convention in Bamenda. Where do you guys came with the idea that Bamenda is not part of Cameroon. Oh sorry if you do not longer wish to be part of cameroon, why not just leave the land and deport yourself somewhere else?

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