On January 5th, 2018, Ambazonians were faced with a deadly blow with the abductions of the President Of the Interim Government, Federal Republic Of Ambazonia with a host of his cabinet members in what has come to be known as the NERA 12-2 representing the NERA hotel where 12 members were abducted and the alleged release of two. Since the purported deportation of 10 Of the leaders to Cameroun, Calls have been made for the Interim Government to investigate how such a thing could have happened to the members of the Interim Government.

Capo Daniel is s Civil Liberty Activist Of the Southern Cameroons revolution. He mace a trip to Nigeria as a private investigator and came out with a series of findings. A finding where he first of all provided partial response on BaretaNews platform during the interview with Mark Bareta two weeks ago. Yesterday, he was out again on Facebook live on his platform wherein we are told he provided details on his findings and settling on a member of the Interim Government as the prime suspect. He called on the IG Acting President Dr. Sako Samuel to distant the said member from the “My Trip To Buea” campaign and engaged into full fledged investigation.

The Acting President Dr. Sako Samuel in a swift response on his Facebook page wrote:

“Fellow Ambalanders your Commission of Inquiry is well and on-going. Don’t settle for private opinion surveys. Those are grossly unsatisfactory! Ambazonians demand empirical findings by the BLASIUS COMMISSION made up of an experienced retired US State Attorney and two US special Ops veterans specialized in military intelligence and international criminal investigations. Don’t be distracted, wait for and trust in our covenant promise to ALL AMBAZONIANS. Your commission will sooner or later give you their reliable results and their full recommendations prepared by our expert commissioners!”

It should be recalled that during BaretaNews live Interview with the acting President, he reminded the audience when Mark Bareta asked him about the investigations. Like he just responded, he posited that the commission of inquiry is already at work and that Ambazonians must be calm.

BaretaNews is of the opinion that while private investigations are good, it findings, results and recommendations should be used by the Government commission as an additional factor to beef up their own investigation and add other factors and signals which may be missing. While some people bother about the timing of Capo’s release as it may affect my trip to Buea, since the prime suspect according to Capo is directly link to this project, we are of the opinion that as Anglosaxons, Government operations must continue until such a time it deemed necessary because until proven guilty, all remains clean.

We understand Ambazonians are eager to get this behind them because they want to see a clean Interim Government, we of this media hopes that the Interim Government facilitates this investigation and brings to the people the truth and nothing else but the truth.

Mark Bareta

  1. Capo is praised to have done private investigation about our abducted leaders.The abduction of our 47 leaders without a sight or word is very worrying, painful and a huge distraction to this struggle, abducting one person is bad 47 persons is worst,there has been suspicious about some traitors with their partners within the IG, if the IG does not take immediate actions to investigate, dismiss these people, then many patriotic SCs especially those who are of a different nationality in this struggle will pull out as they nothing to loss, the stakes are high about this abduction saga,where are they? why has no one higher in position within the IG know nothing about them,many human being don’t just disappear on this earth especially if they have are freedom activists with status and families,some person in the last two months must be able to have expose some rumours about their whereabouts, lrc and their French counter parts is no bigger than spies around the world, again Wikipedia founder, Peter Snowden would know their whereabouts, the IG must be asking for their aid to solve this pressing isues

  2. Surprisingly, I have not seen any writeups from Mark about Sunday election in NW/SW. Oops another empty treat that fail!

    1. Here come another fool that has been brain wash through Internet call Saa.
      Do you know what After Action Review or AAR is for? You made serious treat to disturb election and now that everything went well, you should find out what went wrong with your tactic and see how you can adjust in the future.
      Eeeeh na true that foolish people no go finish in this world massa!

      1. Hahaha. In Manyu Upper Bayang Council = 0, Eyumojock = 0, Akwaya = 0, in Mamfe the mayor and his deputy only. LOL

  3. Capo did a good job. He submitted his finding to the IG. Let him “shurrup” for now and stop making frivolous recommendations. Capo said, he will conceal the name of this said individual because the IG investigation is ongoing, then he turns around and say he should be suspended from IG. How will he know if the gov’t has already suspended him awaiting their own finding. We know Milan and others are currently placed on ice by AIP until findings are out, and will surely do same for this person. Let us stop acting as if this gov’t is made up of some meat headed bunch. It is even for their owm safety to do so. To even start making public that this person is linked to the current campaign is going too far. Now, was Capo’s trip for information purpose or for conspicuous sake?

    1. Mytriptobuea is sucking all the resources. No room for gofundme campaign scammers. So they have to find a way to scare people not to contribute to mytriptobuea. This time arround our people are wiser and will not fall for your scam. You may have succeeded in your conspiracy theories in the past. That was then not now. Using Milan’s name with fake stories to scare our people does not work anymore.

      Overnight people have become everything: defense expert, international private investigator, journalist, Civil liberty Activist, etc, etc. We will see everything in this struggle.

      1. The best is you support those you trust best. Nobody is forced to contribute to a certain group. Important is our common goal.

        1. Yes George, I agree with you. Pay where you trust. I respect and will not call anyone names because he/she does not contribute to where I suggest. I can only advice, based on my own reasoning but at the end it is one’s decision.www.mytriptobuea.com is a national campaign, regardless of affiliation, except you don’t want to go to Buea ans has been fooling yourself. If you have following the revolution and have Ambazonia at heart, you will realize that we are only trying to contain the mess, which keeps increasing and there haa to be a change in strategy. With self defense fully embraced, it haa to be both offensive and defensive. We can not navigate this by raising $3000/month via gofundme. It’s capital intensive. If you are poor, no one listens to your threats that’s why Cavaye asked Hon Wirba “tu vas fair quoi” when he said even the whole french + lrc military will not stop us when we started. We have resisted with bare hands and it’s now time to change the game.
          My bro/sis Amba, I think Capo only overreached, but nothing intentional to sabotage.most of us, now and then overreach

      2. All this folly just to go Black against Black?

        Do you crazy guys even have a clue on how a war is being financed? How much can you contribute?

        I hope those falling into this money scam business are wise enough to at least conceal their identities, I know from intuition that most of them are in USA, and are US citizens. But, never forget that when things are going to get real rough your names would all be forwarded for financing terrorism. Only then would you have a real smell of your own defecation.

        In other countries, eg. Asian countries, the Diaspora is busy helping in community development projects: roads, bridges, taps, wells, schools, hospitals…not the NEGRO Diaspora.

        The only reason why we are so hot in here is simply cos our actions can lead to mass-killings, fuel poverty and misery, encourage destruction……that is the only reason why we are all so hot in destroying our country. Were it a matter of raising money to build a hospital we’ll all run away, turn our heaters on, and sleep and snore. Like PIGS.

        Today, it is LRC VS Amba. Tomorrow,it will Sawa VS Ngraffi, or Magida VS Christians. Two days after, it will be Libialem VS Bamenda, as testified in on a video link posted on another story. Three months later, it would be Anglo Bami VS Anglo.

        Aren’t we ALL the SICK people of this beautiful NATURE?

        1. If you mean Biya. He is more like an Oreo cookie. Outside black but the inner is completly white. Infact the Ambazonian diaspora was helping for long their home communities. There was a huge investment. And I mean not only paying school fees for relatives. But is that not the duty of a state? Was it not LRC who dismantled Southern Cameroonian economic institutions? Instead of building roads or improving Tiko port LRC build a oil pipeline to pump the oil out of Ndian. Remember what was Pa Foncha complaining 25 year ago. No my pikin the time is now to say goodbye to East Cameroun. You had 56 years of Nation building. But you failed. Forget about that tribalism. I am from Manyu but I love my people from Wum, Mezam or Nso too. The constitution of the Federal Republic of Ambazonia has to guarantee the equality of all citizens. The wealth of the whole nation needs to be distributed equally too.

          1. Georgy,

            don’t play stupid. LRC is a construct of both Anglos and Francos. And this is exactly where OUR problem lies. Nobody is ready to face the TRUTH. LRC says is because of Anglos, Anglos say it is because of Francos. Bamis say it is because of Betis, Magidas say it is because of Christians, and the vicious circles whirls around. Is there any terminology in our various dialects for the word “SACRIFICE”? Can’t we sacrifice our EGOS for our future GENERATIONS? Which BLACKPICKIN DEM are going to fight the final RACE-LIBERATION-BATTLE of this world?

            All this absurdity is just a matter of EGO, Francos and Anglos. That is all.

            With all our PhDs in our brains, how more can we be BLACK again?

            Oyibos are watching, time to sell guns is not ripe enough.

            It is easy to be at safety and orchestrate WAR, remotely. But, unfortunately, though, WAR has developed legs these days. Ask that Russian guy who was poisoned alongside his daughter.

            If you finance WAR in your own country, be sure, without any ambiguity whatsoever, that that same WAR is going to meet you one day, wherever you may find yourself.

          2. I don’t play stupid. It is the history. Prove me otherwise. LRC is a construct of the french and solely the french (they decided what become Chad, CAR, East Cameroun and so on). After the unification of La Republique du Cameroun with the British Southern Cameroons we had the construct of the Federal Republic of Cameroon. Ahidjo with the aid of his french master changed the form of the state in 1972 to create the United Republic of Cameroon. That was against the federal constitution of 1961 and per jure illegal. Finally your master Biya changed again the name of that french forced construct to la Republique du Cameroun. The name East Cameroun had before the British Southern Cameroons joined that construct. By the way to join la Republique du Cameroun in 1961 was not our first choice. Our traditional rulers and even Pa Foncha favorized total independence (see Mamfe meeting in 1959). Basically the idea of an Federation should be the equal benefit of all parties. But only one party profited from that. La Republique. East Cameroun. Call it any name. Southern Cameroonians/Ambazonians never profit from that union. The consequence is we stop that venture. Maybe we fail and become a second South Sudan. But there is a good chance that we succeed and become a role model of the region.

    2. Any investigations that stems from ” I heard that” is useless. Investigations that does not get into the security system of Nigeria to understand their coordinated actions, that does not enter the intelligensia of France and La republic on their aggreements with Nigeria to carry out the arrests, and any investigation that does not dig into the flow of communication and planning of the trio: France, la republic and Nigeria is void of substance. Such investigations will not be short of street or layman thinking.
      What Nigeria did came from a long standing coordinated plan with secret access to intelligence and mobile geo-location systems that is not available to the common man on the street. So stop distracting people with your conspiracy and naive thinking.

      Any security system can know the whereabouts of anyone at any time is those individuals are to be tract down. Stop all this nonsense marked by our lack of technological intelligence.
      Know that before the telephone was allowed to be used by individuals, the security had already developed a system to manage all communications systems. If you do not want to be traceable by anyone, stop using telephone, computer… use only radio at most.

    1. Yes George, the IG is doing well. Their handling of the abduction and an apparent bounce back in less than 90 days, with a doable plan going forward only make this Amba-mine more than resolved

    2. take all the time to investigate, it will soon be 120days. When the truth comes out you should go release them. Surprisingly your code red is still not activated or you haven’t yet killed the batibo DO, noise makers. The wise in NW and SW have gone about their daily businesses, sent their kids to other regions in Cameroon for education. You guys should use your facebook education ministry and other ministries for scamming

  4. The revolution is doing well. We are not where we would love to be now but compared to others that took 2 to 3 decades, we are relatively far ahead. We are winning, that is why the IMF loan received after 22 years has run out and mad man biya is off to China to borrow more (+ $80M for computer). Their low energy citizens are watching and applauding as he runs their country towards cliff. These low energy individuals strangely believe they can persuade Ambazonians against self determination. No way!

  5. In moments like this we should not let emotions to take the best of us. While I appreciate the effort of brother Capo, we should not tie the hand of the IG the effort to get to the bottom of what happened in Nigeria to our leaders.
    Once more, why is there the need to be giving out names and nationality as to the make up of the investigative team? I thought we should have learn our lesson by now. We should learn to hold our cards close to our chest and stop divulging too much that the enemy will use against us.
    It is high time we understand the frailty of man when it come to money. The debacle in Nigeria involving agents of the Nigerian government, LRC and the french should have been a good lesson to us.

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