The Internal, National And International Conspiracy must be botched

We are into the third week of the abductions of our leaders. We were told Monday 22nd they will be in Court. Yet, when people raised issues they are castigated. Southern Cameroonians are worried. Their leader and head of state with cabinet members have been abducted. The revolution seems stagnant but it’s moving. People on ground zero are taking their moves on self defense, I guess diplomacy has been stagnated. So all those calling people to be calm should shut up. We would not be calm.

I will not be calm. I will continue raising the dust because I imagine myself Mark Bareta being abducted. Wherever I could be,I should be expecting people fighting,asking questions, raising the dust to see me out. Wherever our leaders are,they should be expecting same. Thinking that we are asking all questions to fish them out.

What more could be bad than the hundreds who died in September 22nd and October 1st? What more could be bad with mass graves, wounded and raping of our people? What more could be bad with kwa Kwa entirely destroyed? What more could be bad with our parents burnt alive in Kwa Kwa? What more could be bad with thousands of our people in Nigeria as refugees? Etc

All these atrocities mentioned above committed by La Republique forces on our people have not derailed us or killed us emotionally? So the abductions of our leaders will not derail us or break us emotionally. So all those asking others to stay quiet and not ask questions should park fine. They should park fine because we have been attacked as a people.

Most often we turn to ignore so many things. No we should not ignore. We have been ignoring most things. We ignore little complains. We see every proposal or complains coming from some people as bad or against the IG. We must not build a cabal. Those things we ignore are chasing us.

We must ask those questions and we deserve answers. There should be no coding. At this stage the people of Southern Cameroons deserve answers. I am writing on behalf of hundreds who have contacted me. Yes,we need answers. We don’t want anymore assurances. We want the truth. Tell us so that we face our evil.

Yes, there is an internal, national and international conspiracy. There is and we must get to the bottom of it. And I swear today on the Souls of those who have died. I am officially announcing to any internal cabal, to any internal traitor(s) that should investigations and any leads fall on you for betraying this revolution and our leaders, the message is that: I will kill you or you kill me. So it is good you start coming for me before I join the forces to kill you. Yes,I used the word kill because the next move of the cabal are those of us out here. The revolution is a jungle. Now kill or be killed.

We must ask the questions. These questions does not mean we are distracted or we don’t know what we do. No, we know what we do. As self defense groups continue actions, as we call on people to fund, as we begin the sensitization of 11th February boycott and as we continue the #Amba4Amba #AmbaEcoPower campaign, we must ask the questions:

1. If our leaders are still in Nigeria what stops then the Nigerian government to grant access to their lawyers? Don’t our leaders deserve legal representation? what crime have they committed to such an extent where their lawyers can’t see them up to this date? What really could be happening? What type of investigations that can’t continue as they go to court or be allowed to see others? As far as I know, Nigeria legal system is independent to a big extent. Our leaders didn’t plan a coup to overtake Buhari Government to think they will be considered as high level criminals. No there is a national, internal and international conspiracy going on.

2. Why has the UN centre refugees chief who claimed to have seen them not sent out an official statement of haven seen them? I am sorry I don’t trust the UN. Some of those abducted are refugees. According to standard practice, they deserve protection. The UN chief in Nigeria could have come out to say it publicly or in a press conference. What we hear are those who say I spoke or heard from the UN chief. What bullshit!!!!. Administration does not work that way. Again there is an internal, National and International conspiracy.

Yes, we know the lawyers of our leaders and even Chris Anu, IG communications secretary who went to Nigeria and just returned back to the USA are all relying on the UN words. They rely on the good words of the so called UN refugee chief to say our leaders are ok. No we are tired about that.

What we the people are saying is that atleast let their lawyers see them and assure the people. Is it hard to ask? The lawyers should at least say, we have spoken to our clients and they are fine. What type of conspiracy is going on? For three weeks? Yes, we are angry. We don’t want to be patient anymore. Our country Ambazonia has been abused. We are under attack. Unless you guys want to tell us we are all jokes. Unless you want to tell us the IG is just another group. Oh lord, we must ask those questions no matter whose ass is touched. What nonsense!!!!!

No communications from the IG at this stage to assure our people will be enough because words are just recycled. Enough

And Chris Anu going to Nigeria is not enough for us to think our leaders in Nigeria are safe. Ambazonians it is not enough. We have had those words same time often. If Chris had seen our leaders, the ball game will be different. He left to USA just as he came to Nigeria.

The only one good thing Chris succeeded to do which we appreciate and love is his media outing which schooled the nigeria press and makes them know our plight. His press conference and TV shows were powerful to bring the Nigerian press to the ongoing situation. That we applaud the IG for making that move. But going forward things must change.

We are going to keep asking these questions, we will raise the dust each day, each hour until we get concise proof of their whereabouts and existence.

In fact, an independent investigation should start. Bonafide Southern Cameroonians should come together and begin a private independent investigation. Members of the IG needs to be questioned from the last to the top person to provide an account of what they know. They must begin being accountable to the people of Southern Cameroons on what they know that could lead us to fish our people. Yes, the internal, national and international conspiracy must be botched.

The worst still an IG cabinet member Ma Ngang comes up with a controversial audio stating that our leaders are in Cameroon. Ma Ngang is in Nigeria, knew of the meeting. If she can sent out a disturbing audio whether true or not raises doubts and clearly shows that IG members themselves don’t even agree on what is ongoing. This is the truth. Hate me or not.

Going forward, we must change ways on how we treat this issue. We must begin asking those hard questions. yes, a big conspiracy is ongoing. And our leader, Sisiku, Tassang et al need us all to be aggressive. If I were abducted, I should expect the same.

My next epistle will be on the issue of an AIP and why we need it. Yes, I still come back to it. Don’t tell me about a Presidential Council.

My names are Mark Bareta. I have written this with an unapologetically attitude and tone. The fight must continue.

  1. Quite right Mark,SCs have some very powerful patriotic people in this struggle together with funds from many diasporas going into the IG yet 3+ weeks counting no one can tell their where about? something dodgy is going on,the struggle must intensify for some truth to come out!

  2. Our leaders are not OK, not at all.

    The worst thing we can do is believe words for peoples mouth.

    Common sense dictates that our leaders are part of the revolution,
    our revolution is part of our leaders. Our energy is been well placed
    for it is directed to our leaders and the revolution.

    Those who want to stay quite should stay quite, I’m not going to tell
    them what to do, but I’m not staying quite and I expect them
    to respect that.

    The last thing I want is associating myself with those saying we should stay quite
    for the day the same thing happen to those closer to them, they will be the
    first to beg and cry like babies, making all the noise they can.

    Ambazonia rise never to fall, the revolution continues.
    The Federal Republic of Ambazonia can not be stopped.

  3. I Agree with you completely Mark. The struggle must be taken to a whole nother level. Forward ever backward never!!!

  4. General Mark Bareta You are very correct. The UN is playing a soft but very dangerous gambling on our struggle and abducted leaders. The UN started this gambling since 1961 in their fetichly organized Foumban Conference where we were forced to joined their descendant for post colonialism-LRC. The UN is never willing to grant freedom to those who deserve and merit it like the Ambazonians. That is why they formulated the RIGHT TO SELF DEFENCE a an international law. By this law, you have to fight for your freedom by yourself. But after victory, the UN comes like a German shepherd dog to claim authorship of the victory. The only thing that the UN is good for is the distribution of polio vaccines and mosquitoes nets. UN was and organization created around 1946 by colonial masters in order to initiate and ensure continuous post colonialism. The fact is that UN does not want SCs to be free but they have realized that our struggle has overpowered their cunning diplomacy. Therefore, Dear Mark Bareta, a strongly belief that as our leaders are still being detained where we do not know, the UN will attempt to lay a foundation for post colonialism of Ambazonia:
    1) UN will convince our leaders that our freedom is in their hands. That is only UN can give freedom to SCs. This is to make our leaders bow to their principles that are offcourse post colonial in essence.
    2) To force by convincing our leaders to sign certain treaties with the UN as conditions to restore/grant us evidence. But thank God for the kind of leaders that we have because they are ready to become “Mancho Bibixy the second” than to sell their nation.
    Dear Mark, this struggle have proven that Anglophone Cameroon are the most intelligent creature God created. When our president Ayuk adressed the nation” our struggle has come to the stage of battle and we are ready for that”, he meant our defense forces should take over( ADF) Therefore, those abducted are not even those needed to accomplish the struggle. Therefore, whether they are released now or later, the struggle must be accomplished in Jesus name, Amen.

  5. @Mark I tough you were stupid, but I can see that you are also a mad man. Why not said that to the chief of Akok who saw his village destroy yesterday by your tugs?
    You are here talking about killing people and turn around talking about international conspiracy; who in his right mind will support people whom all idea is killing and destroying?
    You and your little group destroy our cause and I wish you are brought to justice.
    Where are all the international communities who used to be with us? They now view us as terrorist on the same line as Bako Haram, Asis. Etc. You should be glad for hijacking our cause.

  6. What is Foley Hoag doing to legally argue the release of our leaders at higher places? Why are we paying them? My contribution is not to bear interest but for such actions. Resist the oppressors by any means necessary.

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