mass murder scheme in ambazonia





The Impunity of Colonial Forces in Victoria; An Eye Witnessed Experience

The brutalization of innocent citizens, illegal arrests/detentions and the extortion of hard earned currency from these citizens by colonial forces have continued unabated in Ambazonia.An Ambazonian citizen contacted BaretaNews with a narrative on the illegal, brutal and extortionist activities of colonial forces in Victoria. It read as follows;

“On the afternoon of 29th of Dec 2017, a colonial gendarmerie brigade commander by name NGAKA Rosette, stormed a local beer parlor and arrested everyone she found, including those who were still coming in to drink their favorite local beer (aka shah). At the scene she (Commander) took a plastic bag with blue and white stripes, placed it on her victims and took photos, to “prove” that they were busy celebrating their new country, “Ambazonia”.

In another incident, a man who just came in from Mamfe, to spend the Christmas break here with his family was arrested. This man, carried a passenger on his bike who asked to be taken to the gendarmerie post so that he could deliver a parcel. On reaching the brigade, the same commander Rosette, started questioning the rider why he had to leave Mamfe and come to Idenau. This man together with the others at the beer parlor are now in one of their cells in Limbe.

Worthy of note is that, all these are happening at a time when the brigade commander made a public statement that, the restoration forces of Ambazonia had in a letter promised to visit her. The veracity of such a claim is yet to be known. We look anxiously to the days ahead.”

These arbitrary arrests and detentions as narrated by this Ambazonian, show how Mr. Biya’s colonial forces have been fighting secessionists elements, in Ambazonia, while avoiding excesses, as stated by the colonial President in his traditional end of year address. The colonial forces must be reminded that this is the people’s revolution that can never fail. By now, they should have read the hand writing on the wall to know the direction the revolution is headed. This would help them to make citizen-friendly adjustments in their modes of operation.

James Agbor, BaretaNews Political Analyst

  1. We shall see who will finally run.

    We should not forget, the number one sign that LRC is losing everything are exactly these irrational, erratic, savage, primitive behaviors. The LRC God, Biya can’t even use the rest room anymore without taking pauses to impress him self of our strength.

    I don’t know who told them that if they harass us, act with Impunity, … then somehow we will take it as them succeeding and us failing. In the opposite, we love to see them act the way they are doing now for it tells us that they are no more in control.

    For far too long we were the happy slaves that ran with pleasure to every call to the slave master and server them with pleasure. Today, NO more. We are the free people of Ambazonia giving the oppressor, banditos, colonial master sleepless upon sleepless nights and it’s only going to get worst as times goes.

    With pleasure, we love seeing them act like fools and savages, this way we know we are doing a great job.

    To hell with them.

  2. hope some of those in denials are leaning a lesson,all my dear people in SCs,who has been disrespecting ghost towns,sidelining with the oppressor,remember that lrc does not like any Ambazonians!the regime hates SCs so much so that they pay bribes to their own people to fight, kill, stab others in the back,if lrc was honest,trustworthy,real enough, biya could have handled the grievances of the people last year,instead he has caused genocide, driven them as refugee to other countries and still carry on with war,mass killing as if they are at war with a foreign country, dear people, kindness, fear,silence,hiding will not bring self respect, freedom and self, instead bravery,pride,patriotism,justice,fire in your belly,determination will bring change, freedom and a better SCs, biya is an old colonial dictator,he has no care for no human being,has a lot of embezzled of the country’s money in foreign banks, enjoys luxurious lifestyle in developed countries while his people live in slums,the butcher terrorist who is killing, torturing, displacing,maiming future generations, why would anyone able person support such a cruel regime in this century?God bless all patriotic SCs!

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