Letter To BaretaNews: The Horror We Face

PLEASE you can not disclose my identity.

Hello Bareta. I write to you with a heavy heart to inform you of the dirty happenings going on here in Boyo Division. Yesterday at G.B.H.S Fundong, La Republique forces, about 70 of them (Police, Gendarme, BIR, and scouts) attacked, arrested, humiliated and beat up parents who came to school to withdraw their problems in fear of a threat of an attack on the school as things were not easy at Mbingo, Belo still in Boyo Division.

It has been confirmed that this morning, a good man and father of many (a teacher in GBHS FUNDONG) in the name of Mr Nubed Wilson was attacked and seriously tortured by La Republic forces leaving him with a broken arm and serious injures. This happened this morning when he was on his way to Bamenda from Fundong. He was in a public transport Clando along with many others.

The millitary forces destroyed the car and tortured everybody in it even though they all had their ID cards with them and all of them are people above 43yrs of age. After torturing them, they were locked up at the Brigade, all attempts to have them released went futile untill some major authorities including 3 DOs and the SDO intervened and he was released at about 2:30PM today since morning.

This is a serious situation. Please spread this message through your various channels and also help inform the people of Mbingo to be prepared for a millitary RAID can occur at anytime. The Mbingo market was already destroyed yesterday by La Republic forces.

The Raid will be similar to that of Santa-Menka in which the military forces destroyed everything in their part, killling cows, pigs etc. Luckilly the people were informed and ran into the hills before the millitary could get to them although sources confirm about 30 people were arrested.

Thank you for reading through this.
Please you can not disclose my identity.

  1. The Beti tribal militia applies the same tactic as in the 1960s against the francophone freedom fighters of the UPC. What else the people behind that are in their late 70s and 80s.

  2. Stay save and be strong, help each other out.

    They are demons, barbarian, animal, rotten souls. The did not come
    form the womb of any women, Satan gave birth to them.

    They have lost the battle, even with support from France they sill can not succeed.

    Those sons of Satan are seeing their last day goes by and can’t help it.

    We shall overcome.

  3. Firstly,where are all the SCs self defense groups which are being funded by patriotic SCs all over the globe? they need to organise groups around every county as it seems like those colonial forces have upper hand on the locals, secondly, the strong people must form vigilantes groups, spy, tight lips and hide alongside those colonial forces, over power them by number,attack, kill them and take their weapons,SCs youths and able adults men and women are all running in the bushes, they need to watch videos on how local civilians deal with rogue government military in other countries similar to lrc,all the lrc colonial civil servants seem to be carrying out normal life in the Ambazonian land while the local people have restricted life style of misery,death, torture caused by butcher biya,they must rise up harder, instead of curling up and crying? freedom comes with a hectic price especially fighting a 57 years old regime by a French colonial puppet dictator who has kept the people in fear,terror, intimidation, death sentences and voiceless

  4. When I was talking about war here everybody was angry and spoke against me but i saw it coming.I am appealing again to Mr Mark bareta to help me connect with just 20 volunteers,supply me with 50 Rocket propel grenades,10 AK47 and 10kg of C4 and I shall end this war in just FOUR Attacks that would be remembered for by the francophones for 5000years to come.This attacks would not only force the military to question Biya’s authority Mugabe style.

  5. Helicopter gun ships and drones have been shipped to the battle front. The shit will be bombed out of you MONKEYS and SUB-HUMANS when you disturb the peace, kill and maim gendarmes and flee to the hills and forests. Long Live the Hallucinating Tabe and Ugly Kibarinko faced Juju called Mark Bareta and stupid Nweh MONKEY now calling himself General Ivo.Ambazonia will never become even a SHITHOLE Republic as nobody will ever recognize it.EEEEEEEEEEIIII!EEEEEEEI my fellow monkeys who think they are British .Hahaha!Where is the banana???

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