Interim Government of Buea
Southern Cameroons Presidency

Highlights of the Confidential Letter to Ambazonians & the Already Happening Revelations

A few days ago, defected veteran CRTV Journalist and Acting President of the Southern Cameroons Anglophone Civil Society Consortium (SCACSC), Comrade John Mbah Akuro, in a video released, presented the content of a confidential letter addressed to Ambazonians through him, by an Ambazonian born Minister within the colonial regime of La Republique du Cameroun (LRC). Ambazonians, from the content of the letter have been able to understand some of the happenings within the ailing regime as concerns the revolution and the evil plots of the regime against the movement.

True to the content of that letter, some of the revelations made therein are already happening. It is therefore cautious for Ambazonians to take decisive measures aimed at protecting the revolution from colonial invaders and destroyers.

Below are highlights of the said letter as written out by BaretaNews Contributor, Ambe Emmanuel.

According to the said Minister, Ambazonia is their last hope to liberate them from Biya clutches. Says more than 1,000 LRC soldiers have been slaughtered, as the Minister of defense has requested a budget of 600 million francs only for military funerals.

He warns Ambazonians not to use Motorbikes being distributed by the terrorist soldiers as they have been bugged with satellite chips to track them. He exposes the minds of Anglophone elite with respect to the struggle

He regrets the fact that many people believe “Anglophones” in elected and appointed office are insensitive to what’s going on, have no hearts or have dead consciences but he would like to say that they are more frustrated and even more defeated by their powerlessness as to what Ambazonians are going through. That is, the wanton killings and destruction and the pain that pierce the heats of Ambazonia every other day and that they are not insensitive to all the massacres that are published on Facebook on a daily basis by the same army that collects taxes from the people. He adds that worst days lie ahead for Ambazonia as the regime plans to heighten the genocide.

Says even if readers don’t believe their pain he wants to say that they are in a very awkward position as they find themselves between two extremes. All the eyes of Francophones are on them, expecting them to bring an end to the crisis on the one hand and accusing them of being the hidden hand behind the crisis on the other hand. He cites the same posture for Ambazonians serving in the colonial army.

Says that they are being strictly monitored and their bodyguards have increased. According to him, they thought Biya was protecting them from Ambazonians, but they later realized that the mission of the bodyguards is to monitor their moves, identify who they meet or communicate with, be it in person or by phone and submit daily reports to the security in that regard.

Biya doesn’t trust them one bit yet the same Biya uses them as evidence to the world that Anglophones are in support of the union between Southern Cameroons and LRC and only a few individuals (the tiny 5% minority) are in favour of restoration, most of whom are in the Diaspora Hint: Mvomeka meeting of May, no Anglophone minister or military was invited)


Says he is sure many Ambazonians keep asking why they in the government can’t resign or why those out of government can’t take a firm stand concerning the conflict. According to him, the Biya regime is the most criminal of all regimes in the world and its tentacles spread far and wide at home and abroad and even if you succeed in jumping ship, Biya has the mechanism both physical and spiritual to continue to control their lives.

Says they the elite are very confused and mixed-up and disturbed to the point where only a suicide seems to be the best option. (Drawn between two dangerous extremes – a Devilish regime that will stop at nothing to crucify them for either fueling the conflict or failing to resolve it on one hand and the other hand restoration forces who will stop at nothing to execute them for betraying the people)

He adds that Biya believes that Anglophone elite are trying hard enough to halt the conflict and at the same time, Ambazonians look at them as sell outs, those who can sacrifice anything for their selfish personal interests which according to him is not true.

Says they have also lost family members and even property in the struggle, citing the burnt down houses of Minister Arrey Mengot and PM Yang as examples

Says at times, members of government accuse them of colluding with Ambazonians to bring down LRC. and that several meetings have been held with Anglophone elites separately in order to divide the NW from the SW as the only means to end the struggle, having exhausted all other options, as they have realized that the people are united and dividing them will be the only winning strategy.

He states that they have raised parallel armed groups to pose as AMBA soldiers and wreak havoc in the communities so as to discredit Ambazonia but it has also failed as Ambazonians have displayed overwhelming resilience after any shock and these parallel groups have turned to expose LRC, reason why some were sacrificed. (The narrator invokes the Menka massacre as an example of such government barbarity)

He acknowledges that they are in a dire situation as time goes on, they could all be killed one by one. Says they are even more disturbed as concerns the future of Ambazonia as time goes on and he himself is not sure of his life and may not have the opportunity to send another message to Ambazonians.

Says ambazonians should never imagine for once that the elite are insensitive to their plight. According to him, the salvation of Anglophones will depend on how this struggle will end. He says the greatest mistake Ambazonia will make will be to be defeated by LRC army because the severity of the legacy on Ambazonians will be the same as if they never ever picked up arms against LRC and the savagery with which Anglophones will be treated in this land will be unimaginable. (This struggle is not a joke).

About the Emergency Humanitarian plan, he says that they are not contributing out of free will but they are compelled to contribute. Says a small part of the money will be used to offer gifts to Ambazonians to brandish on camera for the international community to see and most of the money will be used for something else (likely for presidential campaigns).

Says if they don’t contribute, they will be considered as disloyal to Biya and as supporting he Ambazonians. He warns Ambazonia population to be very careful because the people to distribute those gifts will be specialized military men in civil attire.

Says the military will be at the forefront with humanitarian aid to seem as though they want to mend fences when the reverse is true. He warns Ambazonians not to use those motorbikes because they have been equipped with satellite tracking chips that will be able to detect Ambazonia locations for imminent attack. Says unknown to the users, these bikes have also been equipped with hyper sensitive transmitters that will record voice and transmit data to the nearest telecoms relay for exploitation by LRC. Says many Anglophone elite are against Biyas military barbarity but they are afraid to speak up.

Says he is stunned by the number of LRC soldiers that have been killed by the rag tag and untrained Ambazonia army and Biya is very disturbed, reason why he will go to any length to crush the uprising

Says in the next few days another grand funeral for dead soldiers will be announced

Says the future is pregnant with uncertainty, worsened by the fact that Biya wants to contest the next presidential elections. Says they all imagined that Biya was going to bow to international pressure and the dilemma is very disturbing and their only hope now is that Ambazonia should liberate not only Ambazonians but everyone under Biya’s captivity

Says the coming weeks will be very hard for Ambazonia and only unity will be the winning ticket. Biya will soon be calling home hundreds of specialized snipers from abroad to kill as much as possible so that the presidential elections must hold by all means in ambazonia.

Says if Ambazonia is divided that will lead to a crushing defeat. Says parliamentarians and senators who attempted to resign are in murky waters. According to him, more than half of the Ambazonian elected representatives want total separation from LRC but they are afraid of what reprisals Biya will wage against them

Says though these men were elected by the people, they now represent the government and they can only do what government asks them to do. According to him, even MPs of the opposition have been threatened by government and if they resign, they will be arrested and charged with terrorism.

Says all hell has broken loose now, better still, they are already in hell and his only plea is that those of them who will be courageous to resign could seek refuge in an embassy but even then, otherwise, they will go through worst days than what they are going though now.

He warns Ambazonians in LRC army, that BETI ASSOMO doesn’t want to see them, BETI ASSOMO accuses them of leaking military secrets and schedules to Ambazonians. Says many Ambazonians in LRC army were killed by friendly fire. Says BETI ASSOMO doesn’t want to work with them and at the war front, most of them will be killed by LRC army

Says he doesn’t know what advice he can give Ambazonians in the army as a means to protect themselves.

He also says besides fueling the NZ/SZ divide, Biya will soon finance intertribal conflicts in Ambazonia (it’s going on already, Fako people against others as we hear their song birds online) Banyangi Vs Bakossi, Oroko Vs Bakweri, Meta Vs Nso and many others and if Ambazonia falls for this, then that will be the end. (Miss Bright- Felix Ngang killing, remember? So that NW will accuse the SW and internal war will begin. It’s just the beginning)

He thus Advices Ambazonians to reason beyond the divide and rule logic and to continue with the struggle. Says there will be another cabinet shakeup that will not only increase the rift between Ambazonians but it will hurt the egos of many as a means to kill the struggle but that should not distract us and we should remain united and resistant as even.

He asks Ambazonians to remain steadfast and take what he said seriously That if there is more information, he will look for a way to inform the people. He concludes with the hope that the message gets to us before the events start taking place so that the people will know he meant every word of it.

Some of the things mentioned in the letter are already happening.

The Ambazonian public has witnessed the killing of top Ambazonians by the colonial terrorist soldiers. The distribution of motorbikes has been observed in Bachua Akagbe in Manyu County.

An anti-revolutionary militia group has been created in Fako County made up of mostly indigenes and there are plans to sacrifice this militia in a Meka-Pinyin style as a blood sacrifice by Fako elite to the colonial blood sucker Paul Biya. This will be after they must have been used to achieve their anti-revolutionary desires.

The hate speech campaigns online by some agents of the evil regime, fanning divisions among Ambazonians of the Northern and Southern Zones is already visible.

There has been increased colonial military activity in Ambazonia, with a deployment of more than 50 armored cars at locations within Ambaland.

But one thing is clear, no military can win a war against the people who are the main financers of the said military. The colonial regime and its terrorist forces can never defeat the unarmed people of Ambazonia. Mr. Biya and his terrorists canot continue to spill the blood of innocent Ambazonians. They are only heling to water the tree of freedom because, they will never again retain Ambazonia as a territory of their own, which they can afford to rape and milk dry.

James Agbor

With Contributions from Ambe Emmanuel.

  1. This time, God choosed the right person to teach a lesson on this earth, and that is Biya. His down fall from the beginning to the end is been documented and recorded. It will be in all history books.

    African countries are asking themselves how Ambazonians manages to pull this with no help from any other nation, while Biya, on the other hand, is been supported by western powers and some African countries.

    A crazy man that took a no issue and turn it into a war. Biya and his government are a blessing to Ambazonians from God, and God is using them to teach a very bitter lesson in the heart of Africa.

    We Ambazonians are bringing down the most demonic system man has ever known. A system so wicked, demonic, satanic, savage that it feeds only on human blood and human souls. It has consume so much hyman blood and soul, to the point that it has suffucated and is irrevesibley dying from it.

    If Biya was powerful, he would not be in the current situation he finds himself.

    1. Indeed, a demonic regime that feeds on blood. What’s the point buying motor bikes with special devices to detect and kill, give someone a toe and takes his or her entire life!!!
      If the régime is not out for blood fetch why continued plan actions meant just to kill. Should all persons in this part of the world be killed, does that entails the end of the problem, should all run into the caves , does that solve the already existing problems????
      Better I face the bad reality , talk out things and be free rather than run up and down trying to cover excreta as if it won’t decomposed within 24 he’s.

  2. Without the minister’s letter to Mbah Akuro I knew that most Anglophones in Biya’s government are caught in between ‘you’re damned if you do and damned if you don’t’, but with the letter comes full confirmation of it. Philemon Yang, Mbah Ndam, Musonge and others are among those I believe fall into this quagmire, which in a way is good if only they serve as the eyes and ears for information to Ambazonians while displaying a facades of loyalty to the dictator and blood sucker Paul Biya.

    As has been well noted, no government in recorded history has and will ever defeat the will of a people united in efforts to unburden the yoke of colonialism and oppression thus placing Biya and his war by default a loser.
    Short live the struggle, long live the emerging Republic of Ambazonia.

  3. A simple answer for the minister……

    Sir, you cannot serve God and Satan at the same time.
    You are still receiving salary from LRC & want us to feel sorry for you? Why did it take you so long to write? Is the life you are protecting better than that of all those who have been slaughtered? What have you as a person done for the refugees?

    There is nothing in that letter that our inspired social media warriors had not already warned us about.
    The only thing I got from your letter is that you have finally seen the materialization of the Republic of Ambazonia and want to jump across. Nice try…..

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