Michel Ange Angouing who is coordinating the recruitments is calling on interested Cameroonians to avail themselves of this opportunity by getting updated information in the ministry and within the ten regional delegations.
The exams are opened to Cameroonians within specific categories.
Of the 1233 positions, 150 will be trained in specialized sport institutions; the National Institute for Youth and Sports, INJS, the National Center for Youth and Sports, CENAJES and Health structures.
Below are details on the number of available positions;
• Social Affairs -60
• Water and Forest -105
• Rural Productions and Civil engineering
• Public Health-( medicine, dentist,pharmacists, nurses etc) -330
• Telecommunications techniques -32
• Post and Telecommunications -48
• Assistant financial controllers -20
• Assistant Accounting controllers -20
• Industrial techniques -38
• Senior youth counselors and animators -20
• Youth counselors and animators -30
• Certified Sports and Physical Education lectures -25
• Assistant sports and physical education lectures -30
• Youth instructors and animators -45
• Senior instructors of youth counseling and animation- 30
• Senior Sports and physical education teachers -70
• Sports and physical education teachers -70