French Cameroun Colonial Atrocities: Wanton Arrest Multiplies in Buea
By Mbah Godlove.
The Colonial Military of French Cameroun has continued to wreck terror on ordinary Ambazonians in Buea as the struggle for Independence intensifies.
Monday August 3, a traditional Ghost Town saw regime forces carry out a myriad of indiscriminate arrest in some parts of the Country’s heartland.
Sources in the Capital told BN that several civilians were rounded up in localities such as Malingo, Ndongo and Mile 17.
Monday’s havoc came amidst a severe ghost town observed by the population of Buea as a sign of support of the Ambazonian War of Liberation.
The lifeless body of a young man discovered at the Mile17 motor park has been blamed on the crackdown orchestrated by Colonial forces earlier today.
It is worth mentioning that Colonial officials in Buea and neighbouring city of Kumba were spotted sealing shops as a measure to contain the traditional Monday Ghost Town operation observed all over the national territory.