The teachers strike action which started on November 21st, 2016 has entered a political phase. The teachers are now declaring Federation as the ultimate solution. It should be noted that the meeting that held in Bamenda at the North West Governor’s office on December 27th with the Ad-Hoc Prime Ministerial commission failed woefully as the teachers walked out due to preliminary objections from the teachers.

Today, in Bamenda, Capital of the North West Region, the teachers union had their meeting and declared that Federation is now the ultimate solution. The Union Leaders also say all English schools in French Cameroon shall join from January if the government does not open genuine dialogue before the second term resumes. The teachers also rubbished Paul Ghogomo’s, Chairperson of the PM Ad-hoc commission declaration he made after the failed meeting.

It should be noted that this is the first time the teachers are making federation central to their demands.

Meanwhile, the school year is completely shut down till federation is the talk on the dialogue table.

BaretaNews now call on West Cameroonians to reinforce their mobilization towards January 2nd 2017 Peaceful walk.

Mark Bara
Stay tuned.

1 comment
  1. There is no dinayal that federation is a solution. But without power alternation,it’s rubbish. It’s not the first time we will be getting into it ,and one person in power and has constantly change the constitution ,suiting his needs and LA Republique du Cameroon. So, be wise and go for a deal which will not lead our decenders to repeat this action after 53 years as we have done… God continues to guide us.

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