Erstwhile Colonial PM, Yang Philemon Faces The Mirror: Decries Dwindling Economy

By Mbah Godlove.

The former Colonial Prime Minister PM of La Republique du Cameroun has finally made a public statement on the poor economic development in Ambazonia. Yang Philemon on Tuesday, December 1, unequivocally stated that Ambazonia, especially the Northern Zone has known little or no development for the past three decades. Hear him. “The truth is simple… since1990 the political life and economic regression have grown from bad to worst…”.

He has however been criticized by many an Ambazonian who says the former PM knows the truth but is siding with the oppressor. It is worth mentioning that Mr. Yang was speaking while on tour to canvas for votes ahead of a colonial regional election that had long been disbanded in southern Cameroons.

Some locals drew his attention to the fact that he should resign from the Biya government if he hopes to truly be a prodigal son. Yang Philemon served as prime minister for French Cameroun for over ten years until 2019 when he was deposed in favor of Joseph Dion Ngute

1 comment
  1. Philemon Yang was not deposed as Prime Minister (PM), a post in la Republique du Cameroun meant for TOOTLESS BULL DOGS, laid-back politicians, who cannot yelp, let alone, bark, while in office. Dictator Paul Biya meticulously selects this caliber of men to serve as his PMs, as he can can relieve them of their positions at will. Why is Mr. Yang only barking now, while he is out of office? He, like all the previous PMs, would have served the cause of Southern Cameroonians (Ambazonians) more effectively, had they consistently declined Biya’s offer of a window-dressing position, the PM, a well-known glorified Chief Clerk with no backbone vis-a-vis Biya’s powerful ministers, including the Secretary General at the Presidency and the Director of Civil Cabinet. r Biya would have found it difficult and unjustifiable, if not impossible to form a government exclusive of Southern Cameroonians. Accordingly, Ambazonia would have been much closer to their freedom and independence today than at any time in Ambazonia’s history. All that freedom requires is for Ambazonians to speak with ONE VOICE, avoiding all forms of treachery. Yang, like others, are part of the problem, not the solution. From Achidi Achu, through Peter Mafany Musonge, Ephraim Inoni and the aforementioned Yang, followed by Dione Ngute, we have witnessed the same pattern of subservience among the so-called PMs, who have only helped to mulch and fuel a dictatorship with nothing to offer Ambazonians, and while unilaterally denying Ambazonia of its right to self-determination and COMPLETE INDEPENDENCE, subjecting the country “independent” since October 1, 1961, to GENOCIDE.

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