Despite the fact that for close to two months that Anglophone teachers have been protesting and students have been out of class, the Education Minister has gone ahead to hand picked and published the GCE time table without considering the effect the current strike will have on the input of students.
CRTV on Thursday Dec, 15 read the timetable over the TV. Jean Ernest Massena Ngalle, the Secondary Education minister declared that the 2017 session of the GCE will begin on April 24, and ends on June 16. From April 24 to May 19, there would be practical sessions shall with the written part scheduled to start from May 22 to June 16, 2017.
It should be noted that the GCE exams are taken by Anglophones as well as some Francophones who study the English Sub-system of Education. As a result of the strike action, schools have not had time to take pre-mock exams as well as a shake in the study calender. It is sad to know that despite the fact that dialogue has stalled and no one knows when the strike action will end, it is wrong for the Minister to go ahead and announced a date as if nothing is happening.
It is incumbent to note that, should GCE be written this year, it MUST not follow the normal schedule due to the strike action, there has to be a compromise in terms of timetable. The Minister cannot ignore the plight of the Anglophone people and behave as if nothing is happening.
Most Anglophone teachers contacted showed anger for such disregard from the Minister of Secondary Education. Most of them said they will do what they want as far as the GCE is concerned.
BaretaNews recalled that Massena Ngalle was one of those Ministers who declared on National TV that there is no Anglophone problem.