The significance of the latest cabinet reshuffle
The departure of Belinga Eboutou and Alain Edgar Mebe Ngoo the untouchable guardians of the Boulou Temple from the Biya government means that the bloody civil war that was declared by Mr. Biya after receiving the green light from Emmanuel Macron, has finally started a fire in the Boulou temple. The Biya government has been unwilling to acknowledge the bitter reality that the Cameroonian military has taken very heavy casualties.
So far the Cameroonian military has lost more soldiers than it ever lost against Boko Haram in the Far North region and there is no end in sight. The simple fact is that the government has absolutely no military strategy for defeating what is an invisible military force that seems capable of just disappearing into thin air after an stack.
The question facing the government now is who should they negotiate a ceasefire with. Meantime the fighting will continue and people (civilians and soldiers) will die because Mr. Biya ignored my advise when I told him not to go and start a war against the Ejagham, the Anyang and the Banyang. Unfortunately, the worst is yet to come
My advise to Mr. Biya is very simple. Resign now and pave the way for you to be succeeded by a true Francophone. Forget about presidential elections where Akere Muna and Joshua Osih will be candidates. Neither one of them has any following among Anglophones. Any election in which they are candidates will be an embarrassment for everybody.
France should help you to choose a francophone successor who shall negotiate peaceful separation with the Southern Cameroons so that innocent young men serving in the military should stop being sent to their deaths over your revisionist idea that Cameroon is one and indivisible. This is a royally false idea. Maybe you were still a student in France when reunification took place in 1961. But since 1961, Cameroon was two and united until you refused to play by the Tontine rules agreed upon jn Foumban in 1961.
Let the Anglophones have their independence. A separation treaty canbe negotiated to protect the interests of France, including Southern Cameroons to remain part of the Franc Zone for ten years.
The French authorities need to understand that this is the best deal they can get out of the mess that they have created in Cameroon by tryng to recolonise and Anglo Saxon people in the Southern Cameroons. They need to recognise their mistakes and cut their losses by taking this offer.
Dr Nfor N. Susungi
I hate this bamleke and camerounese flag. Don’t display it here. A true sign of their salve status. Senegal: Green red yellow, Burkina Faso: Green red yellow, Guinea: Green red yellow, Benin: Green red yellow, Congo: Green red yellow, Ivory Coast: Green white orange. And you want us to be part of you. Crazy. You need us. We don’t need you.
You hit it right.
I hate to see those flags with those colors. It is the absolute symbol of failure, powerlessness, retardation, corruption, … simply put, all things negative and evil.
Dr Nfor N. Susungi, this is a sign of desperation on your part; what have you been drinking? Soldiers signed up knowing that they can die anytime, but civilians did not. You can take your stupit advise somewhere else, you pathetic Old man.
Here comes again this stinking la republic sympathizer, you coward. Feel free to go air your nonsense ideas at crtv rather. Are you one of those bami/bassa sellouts?
You useless boy, what is wrong being bami/bassa? These peoples you are disparage are 100 times better than you, morron. I wanda if you even from NW or SW anyway you biafra, take your dirty ass back to Nigeria, your plan to Cameroon failed.
Dr. Susungi is brilliant and honest and just told france and biya the truth. The casualties they are getting will soon testify that the war biya declared on the peace loving people of Ambazonia was the most foolish decision in biya’s fake presidency. Biya is free to burry his heads in the sand when lrc soldiers die. Biya does not care about lrc. The war against biya in east cameroun will be fought by mothers who have lost their children in biya’s war in West Cameroon. The truth stands on one spot and Ambazonia CANNOT and WILL NEVER be part of lrc. biya has all the power, french war equipment and the UN on his side to fight Ambazonia. The brilliance of the ADF with little or no war equipments has put lrc bir at bay. The world is watching little David in Action! Soon Goliath’s head will be in his tent. If I were biya, I would listen and take the advise from DRr. Nfor N. Susungi.
Thank you Dr. Susungi for your wisdom. That is the only way out of that mess. Biya knows the bitter truth but plays on time.