President Obama’s Kenyan half-brother says he is voting for Donald Trump. He says he wants to see America Great Again. He wrote “I like Donald Trump because he speaks from the heart,” Malik Obama told The Post from his home in the rural village of Kogelo. “Make America Great Again is a great slogan. I would like to meet him.”
Malik is 58 years old, he is a longtime Democrat and he said he is deeply disappointed in his brother Barack’s administration. This has led him to recently switch allegiance to “the party of Lincoln.”
Malik went on to say that he’s also annoyed that Clinton and President Obama killed Libyan leader Moammar Khadafy, whom he called one of his best friends. Malik Obama dedicated his 2012 biography of his late father to Khadafy and others who were “making this world a better place.” He added “I still feel that getting rid of Khadafy didn’t make things any better in Libya,” he said. “My brother and the secretary of state disappointed me in that regard.” But what bothers him, even more, is the Democratic Party’s support of same-sex marriage.
‘I like Donald Trump because he speaks from the heart. Make America Great Again is a great slogan. I would like to meet him. I feel like a Republican now because they don’t stand for same-sex marriage, and that appeals to me,” he said.
Obama believes strongly in the institution of marriage — so strongly that he has at least three current wives, although press reports have put the number as high as 12.
Malik Obama is the eldest and he is the director of the Barack H. Obama Foundation, a controversial Virginia charity named for his father. He says he started the charity in 2008 because he wanted to make a difference in the family’s hardscrabble village in Kenya.
“Mr. Trump is providing something new and something fresh,” Malik concluded.
This is what makes politics beautiful. There is freedom of expression and Malik has a choice to make and must not be coerced. I guess the situation will be different in Africa. However, BaretaNews agrees with Malik that Hillary and Obama’s policies destroyed Libya and caused the spread of terrorism. For this reason only, we agree with Malik and Hillary should not be elected to the White House.
God is still saying something.
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