Dr Nfor Susungi, 2018 Presidential candidate under the platform of UNIKAM has experience within his life time a shift in political strategy. He began as a strong militant of the SDF to a fervent supporter of Southern Cameroons independence where he wrote a paper titled ” The Economy, Political and Constitutional Plan of Republic of Ambazania”. Presently he has changed political strategy  to run for the 2018 Presidential elections wherein he intends to change the name of the Country to Republic of Kameroon under the platform of UNIKAM which would see a more regionalized state with state institutions spread across the Cameroons.

Questioning him on why he wrote the paper about Ambazania (Southern Cameroons), he declared ”  I am the author of this document because a bunch of young men got together and came up with a government of the British Southern Cameroons in which I was made Minister of Finance without being consulted in advance. I did not turn down the appointment. So I sat down and prepared this document until I discovered the group of people involved and resigned my appointment as Finance Minister. Again because I realized that all the people involved in the Government of the British Southern Cameroons just talk but they don’t have ideas which can explain to the general public how an independent Southern Cameroons would look like. I always take time to do my home work because I have ideas that are usable everywhere”

On the reasons why the name was Ambazania and not Ambazonia as popular known today, he had this to say “The difference was that Ambazania was the SCAPO name while Ambazonia was the Gorji Dinka name. That was one of the main reasons why we disagreed and I resigned from the government “

Nfor Susungi has recently been a strong advocate of a United Kameroon with a radicalise new plan on how the country will function. Quizzed on why a shift in political strategy to run as a candidate under the same Cameroun he once rejected, he had this to say ” My thinking is that many Southern Cameroonians are comfortable with the situation in Cameroon even with all the problems that we have now. They are not willing to go on a huge adventure of independence. That is why my political strategy is to see how we can take corrective action in the present political dispensation in Cameroon now”.

However Ayaba Cho Lucas, advocate for Southern Cameroons independent state AKA Ambazonia had very sharp words for Nfor Susungi. Hear him ” The people of Ambazonia know the truth. That truth is not buried in archives. It will neither be told by Susungi nor myself. That truth is their daily reality. Many actors will take the stage to use that reality and seek a mandate to change it. Some will manipulate it when it suits them. Others will ask for a mandate and even when we give them the result of a referendum, it will not satisfy them. When we ask them to offer one, they are scared. In any case, Ambazonia whether coined by Satan or an Angel is a reality that can not be wished away by the pleasantries and spin of the moment. Mandate or no mandate, no one will take us for Foncha or Muna. We are not riding this horse presented by the bullies who think they can tweak history and justify annexation “
Ayaba continues “I have read Dr. Susungi make bold claims which are very untrue and sometimes very childish- Who made you Minister of Finance? Where you consulted? And why will you accept an offer when you were not consulted? This is the mystery about your changing positions as far our struggle is concerned. I want you to tell the truth how you became minister of finance in a government you knew nothing about; until you believed in it and drafted an economic policy of that government. I also want you to post for history the resignation letter you submitted and to whom. Dr. Susungi, look you have the right to campaign to become president of Heaven. I hate it but I have not opposed you for obvious reasons. What you do not have is the right to tell blatant lies every time you need to make a case. This is what gets me scared and sick in the stomach”
Question: Should politicians shift major political strategies according to the circumstances or should they stick to their believes and fight till the end? Are Southern Cameroons movement ready to walk the talk this 2016 or would it be same as usual?

God is still saying something.
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