





Desperate Yaounde continues with their attack on the Ayah Foundation. DHL Yaounde, just gave the charity foundation their own share. Ayah Ayah Abine recounts his ordeal in a Facebook page


Wonders shall never end. If there’s one thing the current ‘anglophones’ crisis has brought to the limelight, it would surely be the exposure of who your real friends are.

In the month of March 2018, the Ayah Foundation sent a parcel through DHL Yaounde to one if its UK resource persons in Fombat Forbah Dieudonne. The parcel comprised of 60 Ayah Foundation T-shirts (which had the inscription on them: SOLIDARITY WITH OUR REFUGEES IN NIGERIA) which were aimed at raising money for our refugees who have been abandoned in Nigeria. All charges (as confirmed even on the transfer receipt) were payed for by the President of the foundation (have the receipt to that effect). The parcel was never delivered to the recipient for strange reasons which we will together analyse below, which parcel was recently returned to Cameroon. Here are the strange issues that arose from this strange ordeal:

1. When the parcel arrived the UK, the recipient was NEVER EVER called by DHL to inform him he had a parcel, contrary to usual practice by them. Neither was any reason given this action of theirs. After it got to the UK, the sender called the recipient from Cameroon informing him the parcel had arrived London (after he got confirmation to that effect from the DHL site) much to the surprise of the recipient who only had confirmation of the arrival of the parcel upon calling DHL.

2. The recipient asked DHL why the parcel had not been delivered to him (in a taped conversation) only to be told that the sender hadn’t paid for the parcel and that the sender had to go to the Yaounde agency wherein he sent the parcel to either pay for the same or show proof of payment. (I repeat: a taped conversation)

3. The declaration of the DHL agent made some sense owing to the fact that on the DHL website, it was written thus: ‘delivery upon proof of payment’

4. When they sender asked the Yaounde agency what this was all about, he was rather informed that he had to pay a tax of about half the amount declared as value of the parcel in order for the recipient to collect the parcel in the UK (meanwhile the payment invoice indicates that all charges had all been paid for). It should be noted that the declared value of the t shirts was about 500 thousand CFA, meanwhile the DHL UK/Y’de now demanded an additional 200 thousand as so called custom charges (half the declared value) for the parcel comprising 60 T-shirts, to be delivered to the recipient.

5. The recipient, Mr Fombat will later call DHL UK for a second time (in another taped conversation) to find out what the issue was/is with the parcel only to be informed this time, contrary to the first agent with whom he talked, that it was now rather custom duty had to be paid before the parcel before delivery.

6. After over two months of strangeness from DHL, the sender and recipient both agreed that the parcel be sent back to me, the sender, which parcel arrived Cameroon recently.

6. Upon arrival of the T-shirts to Yaounde, DHL is insisting that the Ayah Foundation pays custom duty for the package which they ‘refused’ to deliver to the recipient before I get into possession of my return parcel.

7. I was at DHL Yaounde today to tell the very arrogant Francophones therein that even if the custom duty were 5 thousand francs, I will pay no such money and that they are free to keep the T-shirts or better still, gift them to the detractors there in who are enemies of truth, justice and light.


  1. I sent two used cellphones from canada to a friend in Bamenda via DHL,,,They were not delivered to Bamenda, but reciever had to travel to criminal operated franco customs in yaounde to pay exorbitant fee and also to pay equivalent US $50. Cash extorsion fee to female Franco criminal customs agent in order to recieve package.

    1. Here we go wit stupid ambazozo like@calvin. I may not agree wit Mr nyanding comments but wit idiot like u, u can of give him reason. Luckily l happen to know very intelligent Anglophone brother wit good manner to give Mr nyanding reason. Useless idiot calvin

  2. Shillah! Do you really understand what you read before going on the offensive and defensive with counter attacks?

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