



Consortium Denounces Media Manipulations: Says Pro-Independence Supporters DO NOT Demand Ransoms

The CONSORTIUM has found out with dismay that some French Language newspapers and audio-visual media houses in La République du Cameroun have embarked on a sabotage press campaign against the struggle of the people of the Southern Cameroons as they work to restore the independence of their country. The calumnious, dubious, manipulative and ill-intentioned outings by these organs consist in presenting Southern Cameroons freedom fighters, who are only defending themselves against brutal aggression and gross human rights violations from terrorist soldiers dispatched to our territory by the Yaounde authorities, as terrorists operating along the same lines as the dreaded Boko Haram sect.

It is within this framework that some misguided media men and women this Monday the 19th of March 2018 published various articles, accompanied with cartoons claiming that the young men who arrested the GCE Board Chairman, Prof. Ivo Leke Tambo and others as they embarked on a provocation mission to Lebialem on Saturday the 17th of March 2018 were demanding a 100-million CFA F ransom from government to release him. The news organs failed to point out that the over 30 other people who were arrested along with him, including Francophone students hired from the University of Dschang to go pose as denizens of the area thanking President Paul Biya for some fake and unproductive appointments, were simply released to return home and no ransom was ever demanded. Now Prof. Tambo is a free man again with no reports of any ransom paid to anyone.

These biased, unbalanced, uninvestigated and cooked up reports have become the modus operandi of most French Language news organs seeking to buttress the government of President Paul Biya’s unacceptable and generally rejected narrative that Southern Cameroons freedom fighters and activists are terrorists that must be jointly fought by the rest of the international community. The move bars the news organs from reporting hideous crimes against humanity being perpetrated on our people by soldiers claiming they are there to protect them. Not a single French Language news organ has either denounced or reported on the burning to death of aged people in their houses in Kwakwa, Boa Bakundu and other places in the South West. No French Language news organ has published pictures of whole villages razed to ashes, farm produce burned down, businesses broken into and looted, bikes that feed the mainly unemployed youths shattered in hundreds, multiple rape cases, the public slaughter of Sam Soya on video in Bamenda and other heinous atrocities being committed daily on armless civilians by President Biya’s terrorist occupational soldiers. Although the CONSORTIUM cannot say who carried out the arrests of these people, we however, frown at such deliberate attempts to manipulate local and international public opinion.

The CONSORTIUM avails itself of this opportunity to once more draw the attention of the international community to this ruse that consists in downplaying honest concerns of a deprived and abused people, covering up brutal aggression in attempts to play the victim while at the same time executing a genocidal agenda at cut-throat speed with the complicity of a brainwashed, gullible and greedy set of Southern Cameroons politicians who are now being out rightly rejected by the local masses.

The CONSORTIUM would like to remind world leaders and other international actors that their silence in the face of the evil being unleashed against our people is gradually defeating the purpose of the so-called international solidarity that is supposed to characterize the Global Village. Let it be known, that the people of Southern Cameroons are militantly peace lovers; the self-defense efforts being noticed now only tell of a people fighting not because they are belligerent by nature, but because they do not want to die. Hundreds of Southern Cameroonians have been arrested and detained for several months without trial, while tens of others including leaders kidnapped in Abuja, Nigeria are still being held in hidden places incommunicado; until these exactions are stopped and the people released, there is likely to be no peace in the region.

We are by this release urging the international community to not only once more witness our planned annihilation by Yaounde, but to take the necessary measures to rescue lives and guarantee that the over 8 million people of Southern Cameroons meet their aspirations to self-determination- an inalienable right, and the quest for a better tomorrow.
God is with us,


Nde Nifang

Fredrick MAWUM

Fuh Che

Abia David

Tatah Donard Silav

John Mbah Akuroh

Andang Geofred Ndeh

  1. They have tried everything and it is not working and it will not work. I am not surprise at all for I know it has already fail.

    Only mentally sick persons in their mentally sick state of mind that makes them confuses spoke words for tangible reality accepts such nonsense.

    Nothing they do can divert our attention from our main focus, that is freeing Ambazonia.

    The fight is on, and we are winning.

  2. What a desperate move! You cannot be serious about self defense when your foot Soldiers are the one attacking. You are a fool to think that the international community is stupid enough not to see all your atrocities. The world is watching and it is only a matter of time before you are label as terrorist organization. According to Mark Berata you have already kill more than 1000 LRC soldiers in the name of self defense. LRC should be the one calling you out for genocide not the way around. All you do is hit and run, then cry genocide! Genocide! What a childish attitude from people who think they are the smartest in the world.

    1. Oh cry cry in your desperation. We informed already international bodies about your masters crime against humanity. Our impression it is well understood and perceived by them. There are no independly confirmed figures about casualties on LRC side. But a figure of 400 to 700 fallen soldiers and gendarms is quite realistic. Your master in East Cameroun is just to afraid to give official figures. But that they stopped with public burial ceremonies is an clear indication. You cannot win a war against us people. Even if you add the army of France. Hon. Wirba was right.

      1. the kidnappers initially requested a ransom to be paid, i do not know if a ransom has been paid nor either of us sitting behind our keyboards. Ransom was also demanded for the Tunisians, it can also be that those kidnappers demanding ransom were not even the ambazonian so called defence force, but because they have started kidnapping their won brothers, everything will now blamed on them.

    2. 1000 is too small, it’s all of them that we are going to kill. We are going to kill ever single BIR-ISIS in Ambazonia. You kill our people, we kill you. Very simple logic.

      By the way we are wondering what happen with your public burial ceremonies.

      You crazy people thought guns and machine are what determines the out come of a war, we Ambazonians will teach your silly asses that determination, courage, sacrifice and self love of self are what determines the out come of a war.

      The father and mother of LRC, France and the UN have done everything to help it failing child, but a dumb child is dumb, no amount of money can make a dumb child intelligent.

  3. @George and @Malis,
    It’s now clear that your small ego and empty pride is gotten to your head and make you blind. What international community will buy anything coming from a group who claims to be self defense, but has kill more than 1000 Gendarmes? If for you killing 1000 Gendarmes while having 20.000 plus refugees in Nigeria, countless communities destroyed, thousands of civilians kill and millions of students out of school is proportional, I think it’s time to have your stone head check out. Only ISIS and Boko Haram talk happily about casualties, it’s a red line for smart people who know where they are headed to.

  4. @George,
    You are talking about international bodies, why are you so impressed that no other nations is looking atbyou seriously. To be frank it will not be in the best interest of any African jation to speak out. Many African countries have territories that would like to be separated from their respective nation; Thus, to speak against Cameroin is to speak against oneself. An example of that is a region in Nigeria that is trying to attach itself to Cameroon while we have the southern part of Cameroon that is trying to detach itself from it.

    1. Hahaha. Ask your master. Was it not him who ordered the killing of unarmed civilians. Southern Cameroonians were always peaceful but the oppressors blind brutality forced them to give an answer. I am not praising or glorifying death of your soldiers but what do they deserve if they loot, rape and steal? The funny thing about you narrow minded East Camerounian is that you don’t know what is going around. There is a lot of hidden diplomacy. You would be surprised. Hahaha.

      Long live Ambazonia

      1. Bareta is patriotic,has more respect than biya the failed 57 years politician, dictator butcher of lrc

      2. @George, please stop all the foolishness, what kind of hidden diplomacy are you talking about when our refugees don’t even have three days food ration?

  5. @jojo you are just a retarded colonial slave puppet boy who is happy to live under a french colonial dictator slum lrc with no human rights freedom,a regressive, corrupt embezeling regime run by thieving cronies which treat their citizens like animals,your dirty,smelly lrc in this century doesn’t even have clean drinkable water let alone a modern hospital, people like yourself will die without achieving positive change for the future generations,lrc wimp agents should comments on crtv or any francofool lying media where you will be imprisoned or killed by your butcher biya,you comment on this news because of freedom you will never have in lrc,this news is for proud English speaking people Ambazonians not primitive, ignorant backwsrds slave puppets,ps Barry’s commands more respect than the lrc butcher biya

  6. @Ndolloz you are nothing but a piece of shit with no reasonning. Why don’t you ask yourself what you can do for the country, not what a country can do for you. How about you show us what you did to your country? Also you should stop thinking that you are more Anglophone than everyone else just because they think differently. I will agreed with you that Anglophones are peace loving people, but you are nothing but a disgrace with your way of thinking.

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