The Consortium, the mother body which ignited the revolution has issued a Press Statement calling on the Interim Government and the newly created platform, the ARCC to collaborate for the interest of the sons and daughters of Ambazonia. The Consortium in a long statement raised a number of issues pricking the consciences of all and sundry. Read on
Consortium Condemns Division: Urges Various Movements to Put Southern Cameroons First & Collaborate
The CONSORTIUM as a body that ignited this determining phase of our revolution has been following the activities of the various movements involved in the efforts to restore the statehood of Southern Cameroons with keen interest. We note with dismay, the evil and criminal approach being adopted by terrorist soldiers from La République du Cameroun, that constitutes; burning down of whole villages, burning of our compatriots alive in some cases, wanton looting and destruction of property, food barns and the use of lethal weapons against unarmed civilians running to safety in the bushes. Worthy of note is especially the fact that the terrorists from Yaounde use helicopter gunships to massacre people on the run, the very people they purport to be protecting, against internationally recognized norms governing the conduct of soldiers in such conflicts.
While all this is going on, with our brave young men on ground zero doing their utmost best to not only stay safe, but defend the vulnerable citizens against such unprovoked aggression, the leaders of our frontline movements and their supporters are gradually transforming our liberation struggle into a battle for political supremacy at the detriment of the suffering masses. Today, accusations and counter accusations, outright blackmail, a growing thirst for illicit money, betrayals and the quest for appointments that flow in every direction are defacing the cause and presenting us as a bunch of greedy people who can never focus for a common goal; freedom. These vices have now made unity, which was and remains the foundation upon which the CONSORTIUM was founded to look like a forlorn dream. However, we, leaders of the CONSORTIUM still hold dear to the spirit that birthed this platform.

The CONSORTIUM wishes to remind all and sundry that at the time it called the first ghost towns on the 9th of January 2017, its membership was over 20, but the executive body was made up only of three substantive members; the President, Secretary General and Programs Coordinator, guided by a very reduced group of advisers. That strategy completely killed the incidence of power mongering, self-projection and greed, ensuring greater success with vital information circulating only within a limited scope, checking leakages. Each trade union or civil society leader concentrated on mobilizing people in their spheres towards the common goal; reason not even one dissolved into the CONSORTIUM. The modus operandi was and remains selfless collaboration that translates in the eyes of the public as unity.
In the fervent spirit of the CONSORTIUM, we want to avail ourselves of this opportunity to call on the officials of the Interim Government who are supposed to be governing us and the ARCC to consider the importance of the issues at stake, bear in mind the hundreds of people who have already paid the ultimate price, have a thought for tens of thousands who have lost all their possessions, pay attention to those now living in forests and those battling with refugee lives in foreign countries to understand the momentous need to bury the hatchet and open frank talks geared at reaching an agreement on how to collaborate to fight the common enemy.
The CONSORTIUM believes that to attain the kind of cooperation that is needed to add the much-needed impetus to our struggle at all levels, the parties must engage in direct, frank, honest and meaningful discussions without prejudice and in the end come out with a working document clearly defining the terms of the collaboration. The details of such an agreement could be kept away from the public for strategic reasons while the leaders come out and openly support the clauses. This means fine details on how money raised will be allocated, who does what, where and when and the likes. When this is done, it is our hope, there shall be renewed confidence in the revolution and it will be easy to hit fundraising targets with ready cash flowing in within the time limits estimated.
We also like to remind the leaders of this movements of the true ownership of the revolution; the people of Southern Cameroons who have the right and power to decide the fate of any group not willing to work for this unity that will bring about great success in this struggle.
God is with us,
Consortium Leaders
NdeNifang Fredrick
Abia David
Tatah Donard Silav
John Mbah Akuroh
Andang Geofred Ndeh
Divided we fall. United we stand.
Long live Ambazonia.
The diaspora have failed the people of Ambazonians, they have brought back the southwest northwest divide.
The only rescued will come from a warrior at ground zero….
Your first comment is nonsense. But I wish to see a strong leader on ground zero too.
Rubbish. The people behind ARCC must answer questions regarding the abduction of our people. The same people who Sisiku Julius Ayuk Tabe spent about 3 weeks waiting for them to join the Interim Government. They refused and decided to blackmail.
The same John Mbah Akuroh who came and answered that our abducted leaders where already dead. The same John Mbah Akuroh who organised ARCC is now calling for unity. Shame on you. Traitor. How much are you being paid? There is a special place in hell for people like you.
Posterity will tell.
Even in SA various factions aroused and challenged the ANC and this helped it redefine its steps forward. Members of the MK testified against Mandela in court, the PAC fought against ANC, the IFP openly open war against the ANC killing many people…. they could not see the common good – Freedom for ALL in South Africa. They saw their interests, positions, relevance, importance, survival…. So I support all efforts to build a unified vision with diverse strategies but I don’t expect everyone to move in same path because of the diversity of ideologies.
One thing is improtant: Portray a global unity to the world under the IG.
secondly: support fractional strategies and give space to new ideas.
The ANC struggle in South Africa was for equal treatment under the law.
The Southern Cameroons struggle is for self determination- complete decolonization.
The consequences of failure are completely different in either case.
In the case of Southern Cameroons, we have one chance. We either succeed or forever be a captured and defeated people. If we fail, it is a near certainty that the ongoing policy to change the demography and ethnic composition of our territory will be accelerated. The policy of creating new villages (entirely populated by people brought in from La Republique) and chieftaincies will continue.
Like the indigenous population in North America, Australia, and some part of Latin America, we will be pushed into a life of generational poverty in reservations.
Faced with these odds, we cannot allow the Chief Buthelezi of our time (ARCC) to determine our faith.
What we need is not fractional strategy. What we need is a coherent strategy.
The ARCC is not offering an alternative strategy. The ARCC is a sponsored project. The people behind it are sponsored by Yaounde to undermine or destroyed the struggle. The same people behind ARCC have made many attempts to convince the service provider for SCBC to shut down the TV station. These same people have tried many times to persuade people from donating to the struggle. These are not the actions of people with different viewpoints. These are act of sabotage against the people of Southern Cameroons.
When SCNC was banned, it continued its activities within and outside the territory as the same SCNC though in exile. The Original Consortium was banned and it transformed itself to SCACUF in exile. So which Consortium are we talking about? The so called Consortium Leaders are speaking for ARCC. They are now trying to work out new strategy to further betray our IG, its activities and the whole struggle. ARCC now knows the IG is increasingly becoming impenetrable. They and their sponsors in Yaounde are trembling as they sense danger that is why they are now pretending to be working for Ambazonians and Unity.
The IG begged all these groups to come on board, little did the IG know then that these were a bunch of traitors. The IG and Ambazonia train have left station. ARCC can take the next one. We don’t mind receiving them in Buea. If they have so much love for Ambazonia, let them also work to get to Buea. After all, these are the same people who had always propagated the idea of allowing different groups operate independently so long as their goal is Buea.
Point of correction by the way, Mr Consortium Leaders, the IG has our money now, I mean lots of it. They may come out to ask us for more, and you know what? We shall give it to them.