Act of aggression against President Ayuk Julius, President Of Ambazonia.
As we write, 6 military trucks with occupational Forces have surrounded the homes of President Ayuk Julius, President Of the Federal Republic Of Ambazonia in his native Ewelle village, Manyu County. The move had caused lots of remaining villagers to run into the bushes. Worst still is that, Mr. President sick brother who is somewhat bed ridden with hypertension is in the house which has been surrounded. The worst could happen.
This act from La Republique in surrounding the home of the President is an act of aggression tantamount to retaliation. We are putting it out there that La Republique continues to invade our territorial space, harass our people, abduct many and has caused the forced evacuation of Ambalanders into neighbouring Nigeria. This act from La Republique shall not be taken lightly.
We continue to call on our people in other counties from a Meme, Fako, Mezam, Ndian, Kumbo etc to carry self defense actions so that we mitigate Manyu and get our boys some air. Yes, every Ambalander is a soldier, act and defend motherland in the most safest and capabilities possible. We will overcome.
Mark Bareta
Those military idiot must not leave that place without arresting that house and taken to younde where it will stand trail.Putting house under house arrest is not enough.
This issue has really gone a long way. What I know is we are at the winning side cos we are with God Almighty. It is said and true “One with God is majority” it has gone up the level that the D.O and the Buea Council officials went out Monday before last 27/nov/17 sealing all shops in mile 16 Buea and beyond that we’re locked in the name of respect to ‘ghost town’ many were sealed though some already gave up by opening their shops wide every Monday before they came. Pls we need Word from the (GC) Governing Councel concerning this matter.
If the government of LRC did one thing that was logical, then I will be in panic for people who rationally, critically and rightly thinks, have a greater chance of succeeding.
If Ambazonians were doing thing without commonsense or justification despite everything being on our side, I will not have much hope for us.
I am not at all worried, for when they have done all these savagery, barbarism, … and as usual sees that we are only getting stronger, then what is already clear to us, is going to becomes more clear to them.
I am happy at the way we are maturing psychologically. In just one year we have gone from nobodies to a Nation and a force to be recon with. This is what we are seeing.
Praise and glory to the people of The Federal Republic of Ambazonia and to The Federal Republic of Ambazonia.
Ewelle is calm. But plenty military all over Manyu. My comment: you can even add the army of France and we will still resist.
I can on everyone true blood of Ambazonia to watch/listen this new video of Secretary Sako aka Dr. Common Sense. Please listen to the end and act accordingly.
Colonial puppets biya is getting it wrong,this struggle is bigger than our IP, attacking his village and the people gives us more determination,drive to fight,let those lrc slave forces know that we are united to fight old biyas colonial regime till the end, we shall never give up, the power and will of the people is stronger than that colonial terrorist LRC forces, they have caused genocide which cannot be forgiven in any Cameroon history, revenge must happen!
Mais comment se fait t’il que vous soyez devenu si extrémistes dans votre propre pays. Soyez réalistes le Cameroun ne sera pas divisé en deux. Et puis votre petite Ambazonia ne sera pas viable.Vous rêvez. Attendez quand la population francophone va comprendra que vous êtes devenus tous extrémistes
yeh right !
Everybody knows your propaganda now – very soon you will have that same people you are trying caress ,turning against you –
cameroon was bad – but not this bad ?
you hide behind a keyboard and preach war ? .
you people staying in the comfort of england ,south africa ,and europe are heartless
you thinks that the small money you send to some few here and there came do what to someone who has left his life in peaceful cameroon to go be a refugee in Nigeria ?.
stay behind the keyboard ,carry on . . . it is your machine guns .
Can weaked Zombie AYUK TABBED come to cameroon, shame on you SISIKU, peacefull people from cameroon NW and SW will not listen to you. And your bandit terrorist comming from neighbouring country will face cameroon army. You just stick your ass abroad and shouth you president of what? Ambazozo Land…please if you are a boy comme to cameroon.
There is no extermination…the fullish dreaming terrorist Ambazozo coming from neighboring country to attack cameroon that are targeted, no civilian is concerned. Ambazozo are hurting people of Manyu division,We cameroonian will stand firm that you pay for your nonsense ambazombie dreamland.
Rubish news, you Ambazozos are givng fake news to created problem between francophones and Anglohpnes, we live in peace for years till now and it will not change because of some stupid adea of the so called AmbaZOZOLAND. Better for You to go in deep ocean and discover your dreamland Ambazozo, may be history can remember you as we remember Christophe Colomb who discover America long ago in the XV century…All Ambazozos (Secessionist coming from abroad to Cameroon)will be considered as terrorist and will be cleaned from my beloved country cameroon. You Ambazozo, dont stay abroad and encourage peacefull citizens and young cameroonian for a nonsense war that is lost in advance. There is no Ambazozo Land in cameroon.
Weaked man Zombie AYUK TABBED SISIKU come to cameroon, shame on you SISIKU, peacefull people from cameroon NW and SW will not listen to you. And your bandit terrorist comming from neighbouring country will face cameroon army. You just stick your ass abroad and shouth you president of what? Ambazozo Land…please if you are a boy comme to cameroon.
There is no extermination…the fullish dreaming terrorist Ambazozo coming from neighboring country to attack cameroon that are targeted, no civilian is concerned. Ambazozo are hurting people of Manyu division,We cameroonian will stand firm that you pay for your nonsense ambazombie dreamland ideas.
Rubish news, you Ambazozos are givng fake news to created problem between francophones and Anglohpnes, we live in peace for years till now and it will not change because of some stupid adea of the so called AmbaZOZOLAND. Better for You to go in deep ocean and discover your dreamland Ambazozo, may be history can remember you as we remember Christophe Colomb who discover America long ago in the XV century…All Ambazozos (Secessionist coming from abroad to Cameroon)will be considered as terrorist and will be cleaned from my beloved country cameroon. You Ambazozo, dont stay abroad and encourage peacefull citizens and young cameroonian for a nonsense war that is lost in advance. There is no Ambazozo Land in cameroon.