Of a certain One and Indivisible CameroUn and our church leaders.
Proponents of a certain one and indivisible CameroUn are supporting the taking of our Bishops, Moderator and others to court on a flimsy excuse that parents have paid fees and their children have not been taught. They forget to understand that the faces behind the so called Consortium of parents is a government sponsored move. They forget to understand that no parent whose children are in these schools have taken the issue to court. They forget to understand that these schools have a PTA which can take such actions. They forget to understand that all these PTAs have issued disclaimers to disown the so called Consortium of parents. These agents of a certain one and indivisible CameroUn are not looking into the political undertone of the case which is meant to ridicule, intimidate and threatened our Bishops, Priests, Pastors etc. This is the angle in which we decry and yes no one is above the law but when the basis of the case is evil and false, the people of God need to rise up like one man.
These proponents of that thing called one and indivisible CameroUn have had all their senses blocked. They are thinking only of a certain United Cameroon without taking into consideration the suffering of our people. I have never seen them calling the government out forcefully, campaigning on the release of our people, condemning the atrocities on our people. They behave as sadists who are praying each day for the struggle to fail so that they can sing Kumbaya. It will not fail and Southern Cameroons shall succeed.
It should be recalled that in other countries where the church run schools, salaries of the teachers are paid by the government. In a new Southern Cameroons state, salaries of teachers and workers of all mission and private institutions shall be taken over by the state.
Let us continue to believe in the struggle.
Mark Bareta
Bui and Manyu Counties
Southern Cameroons
If LRP is taking Church leaders to court claiming a refund of school tuition because it claims that parents paid fees for the school year but children did not receive education, can the same LRP explain why it is forcing the same parents to let the same children to write the end of course examinations?
You said it out plain and clear.
Whatever the case, we shall remain calm and focus. The Struggle is ultimate and everything is on our side. It great to see how far we have come.