In a Situation Report made public by the Ambazonia Self Defense Council on Tuesday, March 27, the report categorically stated how soldiers of the Rapid Intervention Battalion, an elite division of La Republique’s regular army have allegedly burned parts of the buildings of St. Benedict’s Comprehensive College (SABECC) and a nearby Government Technical School. The incident according to the Council occurred on Monday, March 26.

The Bamenda Archdiocese, headed by Mgr. Cornelius Fontem Esua is the proprietor of the school which has been torched by La Republique’s soldiers. This is one of the many properties which have been leveled to the ground in the territory of Ambazonia by arsonists, masquerading as soldiers of La Republique du Cameroun regular army.

Shockingly, the campus and classrooms have been used by BIR soldiers as a makeshift camp for their operations, from where they’ve carried out attacks, abduct unarmed civilians, kept them locked up in pitch-black rooms, deprive them of food and water, clandestinely ferry many to Yaounde during the night and released others after extorting monetary payments from them, ranging from 500,000 – 1,000,000 FCFA as ransom demand.

The Council stated in the Situation Report, how a tactical operation known as ”flush out” was set in motion on Tuesday morning by the Ambazonia soldiers in Widikum, storming the college campus which resulted to the deaths of 15 soldiers of the Rapid Intervention Battalion. One student, held in captivity by BIR soldiers was killed during the exchange of gunfire.

The campus was razed to the ground in their usual ‘scorch-earth approach” by the surviving soldiers in the hopes of doing away with the evidence and later fled the scene. They still remain at large.




Neba Benson,

BaretaNews Foreign Correspondent/Analyst

  1. Almost at the same time the second Southern Cameroonian slave to LRC Atanga Nji Paul visits Kumba with peace plants. Who fools who? He was ordering together with the colonial administrators L’Afrique and Bilai the shooting of women which were holding peace plants. Now he wants to fool us. I am wondering with whom LRC want to dialogue if the question of the form of the state is out of discussion. The fraudelent change of the 1961 federal constitution and the ruthless exploitation of the Southern Cameroons by la Republique du Cameroun brought us to the situation of today.


  3. @Neba Benson, how about you learn to tell the truth and stop twisting facts to suit your cause. All you just describe are ambazonians ways of doing business and now you want to label it on LRC. Remember that people aren’t as gullibe as you think.

    1. Call +237 77777474. The man who picks your telephone call will tell you the same. The BIR were so angry that they burned down the college.

      1. @George, I may not be 100% with all what the army is doing, but label them as rapists, and kidnappers for ransom don’t pass a smear test. Only a fool will believe this story. This is propaganda in motion.

        1. How much do you pay at each army checkpoint? And for sure you need to pay money to them to get released. Everything else is denial of facts.

        1. This is “the people platform”…talking mostly of Ambazonia. You don’t support the people but always in their meetings and first to comment. I would say you are a jobless guy with time on your hand to be in a forum you don’t support its ideas. Most of us here to get inform of the progress in our country. I think you should be on crtv as your an LRC citizen.
          To my amba brothers henceforth ignore the comments and opinions of this LRC agent in this forum because his main objective is distraction or why else would a man be constant in a plate form he doesn’t support its ideas.

          1. @Ambapikin, this is call oposition research moron. I am not supporting your ill idea, but my people are being affected by your action, therefore I had to be involve one way or other.

  4. How many schools you ambazonian terrorist have burned in SW/NW ?
    How many peacefull people of cameroonian have you killed ?

    You are the terrorist planning all the attack and then put it to our brave soldiers.

    Cameroon never killed peacefull poeple.

    You terrorist are planning attack, kill then cry out is cameroon…What a lie.

    If you come out and face cameroon army, stop your cawardise manner of treathning the population. Stop hiding and write nonsense…No body believe your propaganda.

    Long Live Cameroon

  5. You are shouting like parrot, the so called Ambaland or Ambazozo is only in your little.
    You are not even able to take an inch of cameroon territory. Buea capital of the SW region forever. Bamenda capital of the NW region forever.

    Long Live Cameroon

  6. You are shouting like parrot, the so called Ambaland or Ambazozo is only in your little head.
    You are not even able to take an inch of cameroon territory. Buea capital of the SW region forever. Bamenda capital of the NW region forever.

    Long Live Cameroon

  7. The fact is that you live in America, South Africa, Belgium may North Korea or Mongolia.

    And we cameroonian live in Buea, Bamenda, Mamfe, NGUTI, Ossing, Wum and of course Yaounde, Garoua, Douala etc.

    May be AMbaland is in Antartic Ocean.

  8. @Saa
    You are misguided, you need repentance… You and all beratafakenews need repentance.
    All your writing are are only lies and propaganda….
    There never exist in this world a country called Ambazonia, come down to earth men.
    Why stay abroad and keep dreaming, lying and misguiding people…
    There will never be a country called Ambazonia because a groupuscule of poeple like you living abroad and engaging Biafra people to disturb the peacefull cameroonian people…
    You will never succeed, and your so called IG whenever they try to come to cameroon they know what to expect, if they don’t believe they can ask ZIZIKU and Co.

    You can remain abroad and smear forever poor terrorist.

    Long live Cameroon

  9. Cameroon is reclaiming his territories before the arrival of the Franch and English. Period.
    We will go even after the one now controlling by Nigeria. No more talk from you idiots about treaty. The split was a fraud and illegal.

    1. Amba people once these la republic infiltrators like these fools called”jojo, Cashmire etc” pop up their ugly heads, they should be exposed. These fools do not realize that it is too late for la republic to force us the Amba people back to their fake union.

      1. @Saa, you are perfectly right, there is no union and they have never be one. The territories of NW and SW belong to LRC, and why did LRC need a union to claim back what once belong to him?

        1. By your twisted logic, Ghana, Togo and Benin will be one territory, Congo Kinshasa and Congo Brazzaville will be also one territory and so many more other examples.That is not how territories are formed This is why it is a matter of urgency that Ambazonia acquire it’s independence or seperation so that your french mis-education does not contaminate us the Amba people.

          You can see how ingenious the Amba people are, with little or nothing in their hands they are marching up with your well equipped scouts called army. Just wait, not too long from now our boys will be getting the real stuff and will pack all of your scouts including your bami and bassa sellouts out of our territory while you continue to daydream and wish for your united cameroun.

          1. @Saa, you are an uneducated fool. Your accomplishments is listed below, unless you improve that standing, you would not have ground to talk positively about your virtual country.

    2. I do not think this lunatic called”jojo” knows his history. Does this fellow not know that la Republic of Cameroun and Ambazonia (West Cameroon) are two separate countries (teeritories) with a distinct border and people recognized by the UN. Does he not understand that his blood sucking Paul Biya and his gangsters are afraid to let this issue go before the UN and international bodies because they will loose like they have always done? Watch, Ambazonia will be gone and your sad la republic will become like your typical France-looted failed state like Chad, Mali. Central African Republic, Senegal, Benin, Niger, Bukuna Faso etc. THESE LA REPUBLIC PEOPLE LACK THE SELF-CONFIDENCE TO EXIST ON THEIR OWN WITHOUT THE PRESENCE OF THE INGENIOUS AMBA PEOPLE. ‘Tant pis’ like your worshiped white french masters will say.

  10. @Cashmire: you do not strengthen your argument by spamming this forum. Please start reasoning. Why are so many radicalized against LRC? Why the majority of Ambazonians want to leave that union? Was it not the brutality of the army? Who dropped grenades from helicopter gunships? Why does Biya not want independent investigators in the Southern Cameroons?

  11. @George
    I’m not spamming…You are the one who is spamming the forum with lies and propaganda, and baretafakenews never lying because the evil Biafra who manage to enter the forest in NW and SW are killing peacefull people in cameroon and you come tell us that it is cameroon army…
    It is just not true what you are reporting.

    Long live cameroon

    1. @Cashmire…if it’s fake baretanews…why are often in the forum? Why are you after fake news if your not fake yourself? Please go keep your comments on Crtv site. I don’t ever see you guys commenting there. Why do you guys so much want to annexed we ambazonians so much so that you keep following us around, refusing to let us go. Please for once in your miserable life focus on LRC sites and we stay on ambazonian sites. If you’re a payed LRC agent to creat distraction…know you shall fail.

  12. @george
    What are you calling Ambazonians ??? There never exist a country called Ambazonia on this earth, there is no book in this world or a Map where you will Ambazonia, all these are lies and propaganda… Please stop your propaganda.

    Long Live Cameroon

  13. @Cashmere you are completely lost in this matter. Keep quiet and learn from those who know what they are saying OR better still, ask questions to know what’s happening. You don’t need to run your mouth and make loud noises. Don’t talk because you just want to be heard talking. You’re probably one of th devil possessed BIRs.

    I know well what I’m talking about…you terrorist are lost, and your agenda will not succeed.
    You just need to make out these so called Ambazonia country, it never exist anywhere, soon people you are fooling will understand.

    Long Live Cameroon

    I know well what I’m talking about…you terrorist are lost, and your agenda will not succeed.
    You just need to make out these so called Ambazonia country, it never exist anywhere, soon people you are fooling will understand.

    Long Live Cameroon
    God Bless Cameroon

    I know well what I’m talking about…you terrorist are lost, and your agenda will not succeed.
    You just need to make money out these so called Ambazonia country, it never exist anywhere, soon people you are fooling will understand.

    Long Live Cameroon

  17. @cashmire: you should consult a good doctor before you get a heart stroke. It is not you to decide what belongs to your East Cameroun. We Ambazonians, for you Southern Cameroonians, have overwhelmingly decided to split from you people. Good bye and no more bonjour. LOL

  18. @Blessedone, who knows what? and what are they saying that make sense? The problem is that you don’t ask independence by force, everything is negociation, but you guys decided to think with your muscles and the whole world is laughing at you.
    Since you guys start with nonsence, Cameroon would now claim all his territories going back to 1918, Nigeria will return the one he now control or else.

    1. Yes claim the Northern Cameroons back. Don’t forget to visit Gabon. Hahaha. The people there will laugh at you clown.

      1. That is the plan, no one is holding you back take your evil attitude back to Nigeria. We Anglophone either from NW or SW are peaceful people.
        We were living peacefully before the coming of evil IG minority and Mark Bereta with the pofoof Ivo Tamko Tapang.

        1. You mix up again peace with freedom. It was not the IG who brought terror. And by the way people like you are the minority in Ambazonia. You might be born in Ambaland but your heritage is East Cameroun. Most probably you’re Bami. Don’t forget to travel to CAR and Gabon and claim your land back. Hahaha

          Long live our beautiful country Ambazonia

          1. @George, I will rather be a Bami who have deep history with the Bangwa than be a Biafra descend. By the way there are millions of real federalist like me in Cameroon, nothing like a handful of virtual secessionist.

          2. How many millions in Southern Cameroons Bamigirl? Hahaha

            Time to separate from you people au revoir.

  19. @George
    You groupuscule called Ambazonia is not cameroon…So what you decide is only for you…
    You cannot talk on behalf of the poeple of Cameroon, not for Dadi vilage people…
    Sorry for you…Ambazonia is a fake country…it is not existing in this world….

    1. Oh are you desperate little LRC thug. Don’t forget to take your drugs. A heart stroke can be serious. LOL

  20. Empty noises since November 2016, how many centimeters if the so called Amba territory has been captured?
    Fools it’s time for evaluations:
    Schools disruptions= 80%
    Kidnappings own people=80%
    Murdered own people=50%
    Captured territory=0%
    Internet noises=100%
    Arms robbery=100%
    Unity of command=5%
    Key leaders arrest=80%
    Fight for personal gain=100%
    Internet soldiers well known about subject=0%
    Internet Soldiers strength=100%

    Overall achievement= 0.000146= 0%

    1. Go to Lebialem or Upper Bayang. Go to any village there. Sing your Cameroun anthem. I promise you will not even finish the first sentence. Your BIR is totally fed up. Hahaha. Rushing from A to B to C.

      1. Jojo and so called cashmer you guys should be reasonable while saying things ok any way I’m an ambazonia son. But pls we should learn how to talk with maturity rather than abusing each other here. Long live ambazonians

          1. You liar. I know you. You are not a son of NW. You belong to one of those bami.bassa bloodsucking sellout families residing in our territory.

          2. Yes indeed. She is a notorious liar. After restoration hundreds of East Camerounian academic staff will loose their jobs at our universities. We have so many unemployed Ambazonian graduates.

  21. Good job Ambazonia forces. At the beginning they thought it will be business as usual. Man no run. With bare hands, we are asphyxiating the bully. He’s off to china to borrow some more money to bury in Ambazonia. That’s the real consequences of 16 months of squeezing lrc balls by Ambazonia. Ambazonia will torment the bully to submission. Let the dough flow, this is the face that I’m most excited about. When my Bali Nyonga will speak, Bamenda will crumble like a cooky. It’s brewing in the quiet. Let’s watch

    1. @Bali Nyonga, that’s what they are telling you through Facebook, far from the truth the end of Facebook nation AKA Ambazon is near dude!




  23. O Cameroon, Thou Cradle of our Fathers,
    Holy Shrine where in our midst they now repose,
    Their tears and blood and sweat thy soil did water,
    On thy hills and valleys once their tillage rose.
    Dear Fatherland, thy worth no tongue can tell!
    How can we ever pay thy due?
    Thy welfare we will win in toil and love and peace,
    Will be to thy name ever true!

    Land of Promise, land of Glory!
    Thou, of life and joy, our only store!
    Thine be honour, thine devotion,
    And deep endearment, for evermore.

  24. Which UN are talking about…UN knows on anly one Cameroon.
    May be you have to create a new UN and then create Ambazonia.
    So you still have a long long way to go…
    Please try to set up your UN then think of Ambaland

    Long live Cameroon

  25. There is a fool on this platform who has replied to me above. I never respond to him\her (& similar low energy folks) because I consider that he/she (they) does (do) not possess the mental capacity to appreciate anything, whether good or bad. I am not one of those to be pre-occupied by idiot(s). Take your low energy somewhere. Not with me.

    We shall continually bleed LRC ecomically to death. Everytime we raise our flag somewhere or say on facebook that we have raised it, the fatigued lrc soldiers will be relocated there, costing millions of their Fcfa.

    For 2 sessions of GCE now, they have lost billions from application fees

    For the first time, they can not fund cycling competition, cancellrd it because of financial constraint and later claimed it’s only postponed hoping that demented borrow-biya will get dough from China. Their very weak teachers have not been paid for long, demonstrated and were jailed for asking what is theirs. Now, some salaries are short by 20.000f this month and 10.000f next month etc

    We have starved & pinned the old lion down, go to and contribute so we bring this freedom movement to finish

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