Mancho Bibiwy and Agbor Balla taken to court in Yaounde

Mancho Bibixy is amongst the Southern Cameroonians abducted from Southern Cameroons to Yaounde. He is currently amongst other charges being charged for terrorism, rebellion, and secession against the state of Cameroun. In his first official message to Southern Cameroonians since his abduction, he enjoins Southern Cameroonians to keep the struggle alive till victory comes. He posted this on his official Facebook account:

They may take my freedom away from my people, they may keep me in the dark, they may deprive me of the right to express my emotions towards my fatherland, they may deny me the right to fight for the freedom of my people. But they can never take away my determination to fight for the liberation of my dear Southern Cameroon.

No matter what they do to me or what they offer to me, my determination and zeal to free my people is stronger by the day. The road maybe rough but we shall get there. I therefore, call on all southern Cameroonians to stand firm and stronger towards our course for the struggle continues. I will not fail to communicate to you my brothers and sisters with every little chance I get. Please God is watching at our struggle and will soon answer our prayers. Pray harder for us all. ALL FOR ONE, AND ONE FOR ALL One love

BaretaNews notes that, these words are coming in at a time Southern Cameroonians badly need to hear from their leaders. It is a warm message and it is our understanding that Southern Cameroonians will keep pushing till freedom comes.

Stay tuned with BaretaNews.

  1. Mancho you are a great man. Your steadfastness and bravery is inspiring us. My dear brother you are not alone. Millions of Southern Cameroonians are behind you and the others imprisoned. The regime will lose that game. We shall win. The history will tell us that you people have chosen the right path.

    Biya tears Cameroon apart.


  2. Yes, Mr. Bixby Mancho’s message is very encouraging and uplifting indeed, and we strongly implore all our Southern Cameroons compatriots who are being detained illegally by the East Cameroun regime of the evil, diaper wearing octogenarian despot, Paul Biya, to continue to be strong. We will keep praying for them, and above all else, not allow all their hard work and suffering to be in vain. The butchers of Yaounde thought that they could intimidate, torture and murder our people into submitting to their neo colonial subjugation and servitude because of their sheer numbers. They have now found the hard way that no amount barbarism and savagery will dissuade us from our goal – restoration of our independence and national sovereignty as well as our determination to live as a free people apart from East Camerounians who are so wedded into corruption, mediocrity, incompetence and incivility. Their government represents evil and darkness and there is no way that we will allow them to continue to exercise their demonic control over us. They haven’t seen anything yet; this is just the beginning. Soon, they will be sent packing hurriedly from every nook and cranny of our fatherland of which we are prepared to defend to the last drop of our blood. If they falsely believe that numbers equate to might, they should think again and consider the case of the Israelis and Arabs as a living example which illustrates that force is not might.. The time is coming when we shall prove to them that numbers do not constitute might by any stretch of their demented thinking.

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