Renewed fighting has killed 69 people in English-speaking regions of Cameroon, where armed separatists have ordered people to stay inside their homes as the country prepares to celebrate its national youth day.
February 11 coincides with the 1961 plebiscite, which separatists identify as the day their English-speaking territory was handed to the French-speaking majority.
Patients writhe and scream on the floor and get little medical attention at Saint Mary Clinic, a private hospital in Cameroon’s English-speaking coastal city of Limbe. Nurse Frederick Mengoli says they were dumped there on Friday night by the Cameroon military.
“This morning, the military brought 11 wounded patients and we can not take care of them because our staff is not present and we do not have the necessary drugs to take care of them,” said Mengoli. “We are just going to clean their wounds. It is very serious situation.”SEE ALSO:
US Officials Tout Good Ties with Cameroon Despite Aid Cut
Fighting has been going on since Tuesday, February 5 in the English-speaking southwestern towns of Limbe, Buea, Mutengene, Kumba, Mamfe and Tombel, as well as in the northwestern towns of Bamenda, Kumbo, Ndop, Nkambe, Bafut and Kom. That’s when armed separatists began what they call a 10-day lockdown, banning many activities in the war-torn Anglophone regions through February 14.
They say the ban is intended to disrupt National Youth Day activities to be celebrated on February 11.

Here in Buea, hundreds of students from the town’s university are shouting as they return home after being forcefully removed from their hostels by the military and locked up for several hours. The military said by staying at home, they were following the separatists instead of obeying government instructions to continue with their activities
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The lockdown is so successful that Biya and his hooligans are out of breath.
BIRs and LRC citizens are scared to death to go out on 11th of Feb and fake marching, so Biya gave his hooligans strict orders to go around and terrorize all student-age persons in Ambazonia, kill some and taking the rest into military barracks so that they will be forced to march on the 11 of Feb, tomorrow.
Those terrorists finally learned that not all things can be archived through signing degrees. We are going to see the biggest disgrace coming this 11th February.
I hope they don’t rape and kill those our people that will be forced to march.
When is Biya going to sign a degree to prevent himself from dying, for getting sick, from aging, from wearing a diaper? These are some of the only things we are waiting to see him do. Biya’s death will be a relive on this earth. The almighty creator alone will takes care of that and we are absolutely confident, no need for a degree, that that will happen.
Till then, the war continues.
Everything around the foolish slave of the french leeches call Biya is gradually falling apart, yet psychopath and terrorists called army are only quick to display their subhuman nature on our people.
Personally, I do not think I will ever detest any group of people like these criminals/thugs from LRC.
“When is Biya going to sign a degree to prevent himself from dying, for (from) getting sick, from aging, from wearing a diaper?”. That’s a good one Mr. Malis.
I and 8 million Ambazonians are awaiting some kind of answer to that question.