I want us to understand the role political parties registered under Republique’s laws play in our struggle. We have lightly touched on it, but we did not go deep enough to allow us to see that these parties are the real underlying enemies to our freedom. Through our participation in them, we stand in direct contradiction to our struggle and our words!

If we can understand their role and disengage from them, we are bound to be free. Refusing to participate in all political parties operating in Republique du Cameroun is key to our freedom. In other countries such as Canada, the law allows parties to be created in Quebec whose goal is the sovereign independence of Quebec, as for the example, the Parti Quebecois. In Britain, the law also allows Scotland to have its national parties whose purpose is to restore their independence. In imperial Cameroun, their leaders, who have setup themselves as the gods of the Southern Cameroons, forbid the creation of any party whose goal is the restoration of the independence of the Southern Cameroons. They are, of course conscious of their illegal occupation and dread the fact that allowing such a party would see the independence of the Southern Cameroons even in its first year of operation. All other parties which help its colonisation and assimilation are registered as a matter of course. These include the SDF and the CPDM, the two parties in which most Southern Cameroonians find themselves.

We are not speaking as if we are all nationalists. I do understand that there are some amongst Southern Cameroonians who say they want federation. They call themselves federalists. But within the context of current international law, what is the foundation of a federation between the Southern Cameroons and Republique du Cameroun, considering in particular the mountain of evidence supporting Southern Cameroons independence? What is the case for federation? They say they have been forced into submission by Republique du Cameroun’s threat of war if we ask for independence! These are those who continue to cling to political parties operating under Republique’s laws. But we can predict that their own children will grow up and question their federation, just as we, who were still children, have grown up to question the fraudulent relation, not even “union”, between the Southern Cameroons and Republique du Cameroun. As I have explained time and again, there is absolutely no one-Cameroon formula in which the people of Southern Cameroons can have a space of existence of their own. No good laws can cure the situation, because we are dealing simply with a game of numbers. If you form any form of federation, it would be only a matter of time before you discover that federation cannot cure the fundamental problem, which is that of the people of the Southern Cameroons being overwhelmed by an alien and foreign people, whose alien ways will inevitably suppress those of the People of the Southern Cameroons! You will discover that you will not have any backyard of your own; that in every class room you would be a minority; that your language would be replaced by a foreign language; that in your own towns, you would become a minority and mere spectator, and so on. Check what is happening in Quebec. When you finally understand that we are dealing merely with a game of numbers, you will see the futility of any other option but total independence! You will cling firmly to nothing but sovereign independence, because that is the single and sole protection you have, if you want to have a space of existence of your own!

For those who rightly believe in independence as a right, I wish to explain the contradiction in which we find ourselves. On the one hand we say we want freedom and independence; on the other hand, we are promoting the annexation of our territory by joining the political parties operating under Republique du Cameroun’s laws.

How can we get freedom when we have used our participation in Republique’s political parties to accept that we are one country? How? Our action of participating in their political parties is an absolute contradiction to our claims to independence! I want us to see what we are doing to ourselves!!! Here, our actions are speaking louder than our words!

Further, I want us to see that our participation is voluntary, not forced! No one comes to your house to force you to belong to any political party. If we accept that our participation in Republique’s parties is voluntary, then we accept that we have the power to refuse to participate in those parties.

Nothing holds the Southern Cameroons down today more than our participation in the political parties of Republique du Cameroun. We have crippled ourselves with that participation! In this, the SDF is even more dangerous to our aspiration of independence than the CPDM, because some of our people may still have a soft spot for it. Fru Ndi, having become a prisoner of the system, will constantly talk of federation, because he has no option. By doing this, he divides the mind of our people and creates confusion. Our people feel a certain attachment to the SDF because of the memories of the suffering they went through in creating it and what they have suffered in it. But the truth is also that all that suffering has been in vain as far as the restoration of the independence of the Southern Cameroons is concerned. The CPDM, on its part, is likely to die with Biya, but because it is in power, you will always find those who crawl on the ground to pick the crumbs. These two parties therefore present the greatest threat to our struggle because a good portion of our people are in them.

We must now choose whether those parties are more important to us or the sovereign independence of our own country, the Southern Cameroons. We must choose whether we want to continue to be slaves of Republique du Cameroun or free people in our own homeland where we will be free to become the president if we want.

We cannot be crying for freedom, when we hold the keys in our hands; when we ourselves have locked up the door to freedom through our participation in the politics of Republique du Cameroun. Let us understand the terrible contradiction in which we put ourselves and quickly take steps to cause all our people to withdraw from these parties.

What is even more shocking is that there is absolutely nothing to show for all that useless party politics in Republique du Cameroun. It is all corruption, nepotism, bribery and confusion. Why should our people continue to go dancing in the rain and sun when what they are doing cannot contribute in the least way to their welfare? Why? We can only conclude that it is all the result of brainwashing and the falsehood in which our people have been living.

1. When you join parties registered under Republique du Cameroun’s laws, you are made to fly its flag, sing its anthem, compete for power within Republique du Cameroun; honour its symbols and emblems; show patriotism to Republique! Yet, by aspiring for our own independence, we want to fly the Southern Cameroons flag, not that of Republique; we want to sing the Southern Cameroons anthem; honour its symbols, and reject everything that belongs to Republique du Cameroun! Today, the truth has been exposed, and all our people can see the falsehood in which they have been living. They have been flyging the flag, singing the anthem and honouring the symbols of their oppressor and colonizer, hiding in sheep’s clothing. When shall we stop the folly? Above all you grant Republique a right within the Southern Cameroons merely through that participation.

2. Through our participation in Republique’s political parties, we enable Republique to create One National Assembly and One Government with the Southern Cameroons. It is this One Government and One National Assembly which is the final proof Republique offers to the world that the Southern Cameroons and Republique du Cameroun are one country!!!

3. Through our participation in those parties, we voluntarily give Republique du Cameroun an alibi and proof to show the world that we are one country. If we say we are not one country, all we have to do is refuse to participate in its political parties!!!

4. Our participation in the political parties of Republique du Cameroun helps to accomplish the agenda of the assimilation and dissolution of the Southern Cameroons in Republique du Cameroun. By joining those political parties, we are actually assisting Republique du Cameroun in its assimilation agenda. How? Because our participation forbids us from asking questions about its illegal occupation of our territory! If we want to restore our identity and sovereignty, we must refuse to participate in those parties.

5. It is our participation in Republique’s politics that permits it to sit our MPs in its parliament and fill other colonial positions from MPs to Mayors, thus claiming that we are fully represented through our democratic participation. We must reject all of this by withdrawing from those parties! We have been asking our MPs to withdraw. Ok. But we can achieve the same goal by asking all our people to withdraw from all political parties operating in Republique. This is not only possible, but the easiest thing for us to do if we do not want war and bloodshed!

6. Through those parties, we are barred from raising issues which are specific or peculiar to the Southern Cameroons. We are forced to be constantly talking about general or so-called national issues and therefore suppressing our own problems; in short to be agents of the assimilation!

7. Through our participation, we sit our MPs in their parliament, where they have no voice; they are constantly in the minority; they cannot raise any issue relating to their people; where they are simply providing an alibi for the stealing of our resources and for our unconscious assimilation. NO! NO! NO! We have seen it all!

8. Through those parties you cannot question the legality of Republique’s presence in the Southern Cameroons; you cannot challenge Republique’s annexation of the Southern Cameroons; you cannot ask Republique to show the proof which gives it jurisdiction in the Southern Cameroons. By our participation, we have terribly compromised ourselves! We have through those parties denied ourselves the possibility of even speaking as a people! If we are to question these things, we must first quit all political parties operating in Republique du Cameroun!

Countrymen, we can elaborate this aberration even further, but I believe we all see it clearly now. Let us all wage the campaign to get our people withdraw from these parties. This is the most important campaign we have to do. This, in short, is the real and final battle.

The first thing we should do is ask all our people to burn all those party cards and uniforms. They should all refuse to participate in the politics of Republique du Cameroun! After that, we ban all political activities within our territory until independence.


1 comment
  1. u are very very correct. we must stop all participations in party politics. that’s our next move. and this one is heavier. we must boycott all political parties.

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