The United Nations Human Rights High Commissioner has today, 25th July 2018, criticized the Government of la Republique Du Cameroun for the massive killings and human rights violations in Southern Cameroons. The High Commissioner said as a result of Government rejection to grant them access into Ambazonia, the UN shall now consider other options including remote monitoring.

The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein expressed deep alarm at persistent reports of human rights violations and abuses in Southern Cameroons as well as in the Extreme North of La Republique du Cameroun.The High Commissioner said it was regrettable that the Government of Cameroon had failed to grant the UN Human Rights Office access to the Northwest and Southwest despite repeated requests.
Listen to him:

“Given the seriousness of the reports of violence against Cameroonians in the western part of the country, we have asked for access to be able to verify allegations made against both security forces and armed elements,” High Commissioner Zeid said. “We will now need to explore other options, including remote monitoring.”

“To prevent the situation from deteriorating further, I urge the Government to launch independent investigations into the reports of human rights violations by State security forces as well as abuses by armed elements,”… The heavy-handed security response that the Government appears to have employed since October last year will only make matters worse for the women, children and men caught in the middle.”
The UN HUMAN RIGHTS Boss also said he was “utterly appalled” by a horrific video reportedly showing members of the armed forces executing a woman, a child and a baby accused of being members of Boko Haram. “The Government of Cameroon has an obligation to investigate this atrocious crime urgently. I am deeply worried that these killings captured on camera may not be isolated cases,” he said.

My Take:
This is not bad coming from the UN Human Rights Boss but in my considered view, the circumstances sorrounding the current crisis and massive blood shed requires more than just mere speeches or words. The UN has to be more pragmatic. It must match its words with actions. Give the people what they want and the crisis ends. period. Whereof, We of Southern Cameroons require more than just words of consolation. We know we are mourning but in our present circumstances, we don’t need words that make us feel better; we need actions that will satisfy the demands of over 8000.000 Ambazonians at home and abroad. We desire JUST one thing and that is what this struggle is all about; INDEPENDENCE OF SOUTHERN CAMEROONS AND NOTHING MORE.

Ashu Hailshamy ESQ.

  1. Mr. Bareta . you are a great spin doctor – fooling people with declaration or article that has to do with North west South west cameroon .

    Anyway you need to keep people hopes high for your website to score ads .right ?

    1. Help me out Mr. Dzu. What, where and how is Bareta a great spin doctor?
      Perhaps because of my limited education I fail to see how this struggle is NOT about the liberation from slave bondage of the northwest and southwest provinces aka former British Southern Cameroons, aka West Cameroon, aka Ambazonia. Or is it about French East Cameroon and it’s blood sucking tyrant, on orders from Paris, trying hard to hold on to the oil wealth of Ambazonia even if it means slaughtering human beings?
      Please mr. Dzu, teach me. I am eager to learn from your cacophony of explanation.

  2. Please by responding to these LRC trolls you make them relevant when actually they are just the scums of the earth.

      1. Easy grand.They are always here as distracting agents.
        Notice this” they do not comment on some issues but will harmer so hard on any post that mentions a lot of positive language ”
        Distractors oooo

  3. Liers,
    A disgrace to humanity,
    A shame to God,
    Supporters of killers of African babies infants women,
    Haters of African people,
    Lovers of African dictators, self hating Africans, mentally sick Africans that steal all the resources of Africa and give them to you for free because of their inferiority complex towards you.

    To go and get gold statues, oil, minerals, … you don’t need remote monitoring.

    Shame to the United Nation, the most criminal institution in the universe.

    Your only mission is to exterminate Africans using mentally sick and self hating Africans.

  4. The Devil in person.

    Devils like you and Biya are not more that 8 Million Ambazonians or the world. Oh no, you and your mentally sick satanic brother Biya shall fail.

    May the blood of all our murdered beloved once, babies, mothers hunt you even after your death.

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