Independence day speech of the Acting President Ambazonia

Barrister Tumasang Calls For Sako Draft Patience, Others Offer Clarification

Barrister Tumasang is one of the best legal mind Ambazonia has as of date. He is a sympathizer of the Sako led group, a drafter but a very principled unbiased legal luminary. As Ambazonia activist, Mark Bareta made a public call to all DRAFTERS and explained that as Meme Draft brings to end Sako,s draft period, we are expecting to see a change on the ground as from Monday 27th, July 2020 in line with the thousands of USD raised whether oral money or not. Barrister Tumasang in reacting to this, calls the attention of Mark Bareta. He writes:

“Mark lets be fair to Samuel Sako. It takes time to translate draft money to visible effects on the ground. To expect to see effects from Monday is a pipe dream. It.means we want Sako to fail. It is in our collective interest for him to succeed. You have to give him 3 months minimum from end of draft before you talk of seeing effects. We do not need to be Sako’s supporters but his success is good for Ambazonia. Let’s pray he has the wisdom to use the money wisely”

However, Tanyi Neba, Ambazonia activist offers more clarity. He went on to say drafting has been going on for months as such the effect should have been seen. He writes ” As usual in a project, everything is drawn up and financial mobilization is the last step for implementation to commence. We hope it was the process they took. If not, as we have seen fighters on the ground wagging their tails, we should no be Cameroun laughing stock because we all are very sure they are waiting as they prepare through the multiple loans and aid they have been having.”

Another, Joseph Acha in a whatsapp group said the failure of MTTB stemmed from the fact that there was no plan, no strategy, nothing in mind before the money was raised. As money came in, it was foolishly spent away from the core of defense. Acha concluded by saying that he hopes Sako draft will not go the same way

July 25th, 2020

  1. Mark Barata you are not a supporter of Sako government. What is your problem the way he uses his government moneys? I taught you guys have your own government? Raise your own moneys and stop spearheading in issues just to make a point. You are not the one to tell us when to or how to use our moneys. If Sako eats or mismanage our moneys is not your problem. You have no moral authority to speak for our government. It is a mistake if any one answered you in your platform. We shall crush all of you.


    The infighting is not the way to go now – we are long past that. We are almost there. All monies raised goes to support and defend AMBAZONIA forces and humanitarian projects on ground zero. President Ayuk Tabe is honored and loved for his resolute stand in declaring our INDEPENDENCE. We also stand behind Samuel Sako who is working so hard to defend our homeland now. Both men are humble leaders and seek our full restoration. One man plants, the other waters and the yield is bountiful!!! – That is AMBAZONIA

  3. Mack since you started saying Rubbish about president Sako have you noticed that the visits to your site has greatly reduced? anyway what should you care? you have your evil backers like Ayaba who are giving you money. Idiot

  4. I donated and donated monies to this criminal pastor and all he could do is spend lavishly with Irene Ngwa while orchestrating infighting amongst fighters on Ground Zero that led to the dead of some of our finest warriors. As if that is not enough, the thief/fayman hides behind and encourages some zombies to be insulting credible Ambazonians. This just shows how very sick this clown called sarko must be.

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