Interim Government of Buea
Southern Cameroons Presidency

The reluctance and negligence from Cameroun government is already building another thought in the hearts of Cameroon Common Law Lawyers. As the lawyers prepare to meet this weekend in Bamenda to access their strike action and take a new stand, Barrister Sylvester K Seghanka is spitting fire and expressing his thoughts. This message has already been trending on social media for days now. Will his message resonate with most of his colleagues? BaretaNews will publish his views as received. Read on:

” The government of Cameroun has literally ignored the ongoing sit-in strike of the Anglophone lawyers (which strike is basically a fight against all forms of assimilation of all Anglophones by the Francophones) and better the lives of more than 5 million of her “citizens”. We the CCLL (Cameroon Common Law Lawyers) have also since resolved that the strike shall continue indefinitely
except and until all our demands are met. These demands are contained in the CCLL conferences 1 & 2 resolutions and in the communiqué calling for this strike. The gist of these resolutions is that:

1. We want a return to the Federal system of government we voted for in the plebiscite of 11th February 1961. That is two independent nations of equal status having full independence uniting as a Federation of states;

2. We want to have a southern Cameroons National Assembly to enable us make our own laws and other legislation;

3. We want a perfect Common law legal system for Southern Cameroons, ie having her own law school to train lawyers. To nominating and confirming via our own House of Assembly, judges of the lowest to the highest courts, ie including a Southern Cameroons Supreme Court;

4. We want to be able to decide on our educational path and future which primarily favours technical education;

5. We, of course, demand the use of English language as the sole working language of Southern Cameroons;

6. We want to manage all our natural resources e.g petroleum, timber etc, and direct FD investment and development; and

7. We want to have the possibility of breaking away from the Union with French Cameroon if it becomes at any time the wish of the majority of Southern Cameroonians.

We are calling on all Anglophone Cameroonians to stand with us and fight by us to achieve these objectives. Together we shall succeed.
The time is now. If you support the above objective please share this on all social media available to you…” the Barrister concluded.

BaretaNews has been preaching these things for long. It is good that some lawyers are beginning to reason things out. Like BaretaNews have always posited, a two state Federation is the most reliable way to go at least for now. We hope the lawyers meeting this weekend brings something good.

God is still saying something.

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