Interim Government of Buea
Southern Cameroons Presidency



By Mbah Godlove, Writing From Ground Zero

Another October 1, Ambazonia’s independence day might have come and gone, but this time, living much water under the bridge.

Some pro independence fighters, who for nearly 3 years have laid down their lives for the liberation of motherland, now reflect whether to continue the freedom quest or abandon the war at this crucial moment.

As renowned English playwright, William Shakespeare ex-cogitates in “Hamlet”, whether “to be or not to be,” so too have the disunity and power tussle amongst Ambazonia leaders in the diaspora made some selfless and patriotic fighters to ponder “to be or not to be”.

If not that the ongoing premeditated window dressing dialogue summoned by despotic leader, Paul Biya of La Republique du Cameroun was rather destined to serve as a springboard that would further aggravate the war of independence, one could have wondered what, who of the divided leaders abroad, might have done to puncture the diabolic intentions of the Biya regime over Ambazonia.

Some learned minds have opined that if the Foumban constitutional conference of July 1961 were to be held today, then, Southern Cameroons would have left as an even bigger loser, giving that the disunity between the front line leaders supersedes that which existed between J.N Foncha and E.M.L Endeley, who attended the conference as political opponents.

Now that the U.S embassy in Cameroun and other institutions have lampooned the ongoing merry making “Grand National Dialogue” in Yaounde, it is increasingly loud and clear that Ambazonians have one of the very last opportunities to make or completely mar the struggle.

Those bonafide Southern Cameroonians who have died on the line of duty or brutally murdered owing to their incredible support to the deteriorating war of freedom were to divert from their role of intercession from the world of the death to punishing the leaders in the diaspora whose self motives have overshadowed the people’s general interest, Biya’s plans of making French Cameroun great from Ambazonia’s resources would long have been archived even before Sisiku Ayuk Tabe and 9 other leaders were illegally whisked off from Nigeria in January 2018.

I am afraid that if the house is not put in order, as some Ambazonian fighters now ruminate weather “to be or not to be”, all the efforts that have been put in this far, will cause even more harm than good, because you — Ambazonia diaspora — will go no where with your dollars if “THESE PATRIOTS” abandon the revolution.

Earlier in 2018, the former honourable member of parliament for Jakiri constituency, Bui County of the Northern Zone, Joseph Wirba, during a convention with some Southern Cameroonians abroad, announced the need of creating an army of 3000 foot soldiers in the diaspora to foster the independence quest. Asked who was willing to enroll in the force, everyone in the hall went mute, suggestive of the fact that the diaspora only likes the idea of getting to Buea but somewhat hates to pick up arms as it has often been propagated.

With the formation of the Ground Zero Defense Council that has brought some level of maturity in homeland, one would have expected that it should serve as a sine qua non for the lost unity to return amongst the leaders in the diaspora.

As a mere servant, I may have very little or nothing to contribute in averting the current status quo, but permit me make some suggestions; for serenity to be reactivated in the deepening God’s ordained war, leaders should shun self aggrandizement, backstabbing, power tussle, but rather unite for a common goal.

As some Ambazonian liberation fighters continue with their contemplation of weather “to be or not to be”, leaders should safeguard the struggle by investing time, energy and resources to prosecute the war to it’s ultimate end.

“To be or not to be?” the answer is blowing in the minds of Ambazonians in the diaspora who are in possession of both the knife and the yam.

1 comment
  1. Ayaba Cho will never yield one square inch of power to anybody else. Sako has tasted power and is not going anywhere. Even in jail, Ayuk Tabe displays the same hunger for power like Biya. The clique in South Africa are convinced that they’re the better group suited to pilot us to Buea. Herbert Boh’s MORISC and Akwanga each want to maintain their leverage as front liners to carry us to Buea.

    The above is the reason Biya is still playing gymnastics
    with the people of Southern Cameroon, otherwise this fight would long have been over. Biya and France have no case if the legality of Southern Cameroon’s association with LRC were brought to the fore.They continue to avoid discussion of it. There is, never was and never will be anything in the domain of sociopolitical science as ‘gaining independence by joining’. It makes no sense at all. Independence means stand alone, freedom from outside control or support. So that 1961 crap about ‘joining’ is NOT independence. The U N MUST rectify that phrase and admit Southern Cameroon (Ambazonia) as a full fledged member of that body. Oh and this nonesense that Biya plans to ‘grant the two English speaking regions special status’
    is balony. West Cameroon governed itself since leaving the Eastern House of Assembly in Enugu, Nigeria from 1954 up till May 1972.

    The sooner diasporans get their act together, the sooner we will all be in Buea. Take it or leave it, that’s the problem in this revolution as I see it and solution to overcome the struggle in no time.

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