It is almost an open secret that terrorist soldiers of La Republique du Cameroun (LRC), will attack Mbeta village, Nguti Sub Division, Kupe Muanenguba County.

According to an authoritative information cabled to the BaretaNews central desk, the colonial soldiers are planning to invade the village on three fronts.

Reports say the invasion is triggered by the killing of LRC gendarmes and arrest of others at Njungo, a neighbouring village to Mbeta. Reports equally say the Ambazonian army has hoisted the Ambazonian flag on the Mbeta Chief’s palace, and at the village square. According to inside reports, the Amba soldiers say the flags will keep flying high until when Ambazonia will eventually be freed.

The LRC forces are planning to invade Mbeta from the Bangem itinerary, Lebialem and Santchou itinerary. Given this strategic position of Mbeta, the colonial soldiers want to use Mbeta as a temporal military base from where attacks will be launched to target the RED DRAGONS.

We call on the people of Mbetta to be on the alert and learn from past experiences in other communities like kwakwa, Bekondo, and Muyenge to evacuate their homes and seek for safety in case of any attacks.

Reports of LRC arson in Ambaland have it that cash and vital documents have been swallowed up in flames as soldiers burn down villages.

To be forewarned is to be fore armed.

Let the International Community know that atrocities of Paul Biya across the Southern Cameroons have not stopped as their scorched earth policy to achieve their ethnic cleansing and genocide on Southern Cameroons continue.

Self Defence is a right and anyone should endeavour not to attack but defend himself where necessary.

Mbetta also shares boundaries to the west with Lebialem with FOREKE DOWN as the closest village in Lebialem county of Southern Cameroons.

By Bernadette Nkembi,

Roving Reporter – BaretaNews

  1. This Mbeta warning is to all towns and cities in Ambazonia – BE READY TO DEFEND YOURSELVES FROM BIYA’S DOGS OF WAR WITH STICKS ONLY!!! biya’s bir, recruited Chadian and French mercenaries are welcome to Mbeta to get to the abys. biya shall discover something new before he gets to Mbeta!!! Biya shall regret why the war he declared on poor Ambazonians and believed winnable in two weeks is getting the best of his well-trained lrc bir, french and chadians dogs of war. Biya by now fully understands his army cannot beat back or win THE poorly equipped Ambazonians on their soil. Honorable Wirba forewarned biya he cannot win a war waged against Ambazonians. In his pride and arrogance, biya continues to sit on his etudi high horse – the legs of that horse are breaking! “It’s not by might or power,” declares the LORD OF HOST!!! Francophone mothers in east cameroun, and we all pity them, shall weep for their bir children and not be consoled. Not even biya shall stop by to wipe their tears!!!

    1. You thses things of Ambazozo. You’re sending young men to an imminent death while planning the partition of Cameroon. This will never happen. By the way Start having a transparent management of donations.

      1. Frenchee fool. We are not partitioning your Cameroun. We are Ambazonians and you are la republic of cameroun. Understand?????

        1. You stupid ignorant called @Saa, what do you understand by secession and what the fuck is Ambazonia? Take your filty country to the ocean and leave our beautiful country alone.

          1. Pathetic filthy basa, bami sellouts in the name of ‘jojo and the rest’, we the Amba people are more than happy not to have anything to do with your banana republic, cameroun and that will happen soon. It is just a matter of time. That way we will not have to deal with fifty basa, bami leaches like you and your parents anymore.

  2. @Ebako alias Jojo what a sarcasm!!! “Leave our beautiful country alone”
    Hahahahahahaha!!! you at least made me laugh and I say thank you Chief

  3. Sunshine,ndema n saa l was expecting ur comments yesterday on the UN helmets but all of u terrorists propagandists ran away. I guess u zombizonien r up now. Stupids fools

      1. @Saa, we are not here for English lesson. @Shillah asked a legitimate question and you should man up and answer. You little piece of frustrated trash should know that mental health is real and you shouldn’t be ashame. Until you get some treatment, you shouldn’t be allowed to comment here, since you lack mental capacity to hold an intelligent conversation.

  4. By the time we finish with LRC, it will be the poorest country in central Africa. Watch my woods. Ambazonia is frechCameroon’s money pit. Sell the treasury bonds and dump the dough in the money pit you created. Investors are not even interested in treasury bonds of zoo frenchCameroon. Enjoy the read!

    (Business in Cameroon) – On May 2, 2018, Cameroon issued 26-weeks maturity fungible treasury bonds on the security market of BEAC to raise CFA7 billion.

    This is the third operation the country launched within 3 weeks. Indeed, on April 18, 2018, Cameroon raised CFA7 billion through the issuance of the 52- weeks maturity bonds. Days later, on April 25, it returned to the security market to raise CFA10 billion by issuing 13-weeks maturity bonds.

    All these operations demonstrate the cashflow problems the country is experiencing. Moreover, even though the result of the operation on April 25 are not revealed yet, those of the previous operation on April 18 are known. They reveal that during that operation, the interest rate required by investors was 3.5% (a bit higher than the 3% they asked during the operations earlier this year). In addition, the country was not able to raise the amount it sought. During the operation, investors were willing to disburse CFA6 billion out of the CFA7 billion Cameroon initially sought, but the government decided to collect CFA5 billion (maybe because of the high-interest rates required).

    Let’s note that combined with the two other operations mentioned earlier, this new one could raise the country’s debt by CFA22 billion.

    Brice R. Mbodiam

    Note: CFA 7 billion is change compared to how much they have lost from GCE O/L registration alone in one year. If you consider GCE A/L and then times 2 years. Bye bye LRC

  5. @Saa
    You are trying to invade cameroon but you will never succeed.
    You are invaders, and you will treated as invaders.
    nothing to worry about it.

    Long Live Cameroon

  6. @Bali Nyonga, you guys are so pathetic! You truly are “Anglophones”.

    Aren’t you people supposed to be highly educated, smart, etc.?

    Now you are talking down a country you cheered before. Grow some balls and have some dignity and accept the obvious fact you have failed to divide Cameroon.

    How stupid can you even talk about your zombie country and ask for Negociation? Negociation for what? We have already told you we will rather die and go to hell than see our country divided. So what exactly are you expecting for us to come negotiate with you?

    Losers! Keep killing our military and we will keep burning your fucking villages.
    Soon we will open another war front against you in the diaspora. We will identify and kill all diasporian without merci.

  7. All Ambazonians must partake in OPERATION ECONOMIC SHUT DOWN!!!!!!

    Hinder the free operation of Pamol, CDC, Timber. Fall heavy trees on the rails through which these products are transported or even destroy the rails. Destroy the equipments that these companies are using. Destroy any francophone or french businesses operating in our territory. Amba farmers, Look for means to sell your cocoa, coffee, tea and other products in Nigeria or to Nigerian inhabitants, they pay you more for your product than the crooked frenchee niggas anyway.
    AMBA PEOPLE, ‘OPERATION ECONOMIC SHUT DOWN’ is a corperative affair.

    Watch how la republic of cameroun will dwindle down to the level where it belongs, the same level where his dummy, stupid France-contaminated idiotic minds of the mentioned francophonie banana republics of chad, benin, mali, central african republic, niger etc are.

  8. My fellow Amba people on ground zero, I trust you can do all of the things mentioned above. You have done more difficult tings, great warriors, you have successfully stood up to the evil forces of the blood sucking regime. I trust carrying on with ‘OPERATION ECONOMIC TOTAL SHUT DOWN’ will be nothing to you. Some of these soft targets are easy to take care of such as digging out railway lines that carry away our raw materials. La republic criminal scouts cannot be everywhere at the same time.

  9. Let me say it again, Ambazonians are educated people, they know what they want and they will get it. In less than 2 years, Ambazonians are rubbishing a project/scheme that biya spent his entire adult life (56 years) building. Ambazonia shall not take 56 years to correct the error. Take it to any bank and it will not bounce.

    French Cameroon has a problem of cash flow and has been trading treasury bonds in the last 3 weeks. Investors are not even interested in them. If you have a cash flow problem, it means you do not have liquid cash, e.g. you may have a car but you do not have money to buy fuel to run the car. The loan they received is all put in the money pit in Ambazonia. Because Ambazonians are educated, they know how to string biya on his balls. He has been strung, suspended and from his balls.

    Look up news from CDC, how much they have lost in last two weeks from a focus surgical attack by Ambazonians soldiers in Mbonge. CDC can not go for a day without workers taking care of rubber, banana, pineapples, Palms etc. If only 2 weeks, produce will not meet standards for world market. That’s the economic sabotage. Revenue from GCE registration is gone etc. It is why they are trading treasury bonds to have a cash flow. These are facts and you can only understand if you are educated. The educated people of Ambazonia are using their “brain” to choke zoo frecnhCameroon to be the poorest country in central African.

    1. Bali it’s shows me how little u know in economy. I can’t see here to explain to u the stage of the Cameroon’s economy. Stick to propaganda behing ur keyboard n leave important matters to those who knows them best.

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