The people of Southern Cameroons who today are collectively known as Anglophones in the present Cameroon context voted on 11th February, 1961 to join another independent country called La Republique Du Cameroun. The people massively expressed their desires to join Camerounese and this was culminated on October 1st, 1961. Both Cameroons came into a political union based on some terms. Since then, the union has largely be contested and terms not respected. Anglophones have suffered systemic and deliberate marginalization and year in and out, Anglophones will complain but will do nothing substantial to fight this barbaric regime. Anglophones are marginalized from all works of life.

President Biya on Monday, August 8, 2016, signed a decree appointing administrators to the Kribi International sea port, all of whom are Francophones- Camerounese from La Republique Du Cameroun. It is needless talking about how marginalized the people of Anglophones have become

The Southern Cameroons movement has been seeking restoration of the Southern Cameroons Statehood due to marginalization which was the major trigger of these movements. But what stops Anglophones in this present political dispensation to form a bloc and fight in this present union as a people? Seems everyone is moving in opposite directions


Yet again, Tapang Ivo Tanku, Cameroon Anglophone activist, and Free Thinker became so furious with CRTV appointments from the new GM of CRTV in what has been known as the francophonisation of CRTV. He wrote

“Few months after CRTV’s former boss, Amadou Valmouke, made new appointments, the new General Manager, Charles Ndongo, is now altering every appointment. It may appear Mr. Ndongo is bringing back old retired journalists like Ful Peter, while favoring his Franchophones in the usual gangster manner.

  1. Margaret Fombe, Director of TV productions has been replaced by Dr. Emmanuel Mbede at programs
  2. Ful Peter (retired) reappointed editorialist (with rank of Director)
  3. Ashu Nyenty, Winnyawoko Motale, Kange Williams Wassaloko appointed “grand reporters,” whatever that low-class appointment means to satisfy Anglophones.
  4. Kelvin Mbounda (an Anglophone) appointed Station Manager at CRTV East.
  5. Ibrahim Cherif has been promoted to the rank of “Directeur Central TV.”
  6. Adelle Mballa replaces Ibrahim Cherif as Director of TV News.
  7. Jean Marie Nka replaces Marc Ombui as editor-in-chief for tv news.
  8. Marc Ombui replaces Adelle Mballa as Station Manager for CRTV Center.
  9. Madeleine Mbonou replaces Emmanuel Wongibe (now Deputy GM) as Director of CMCA.

Thank you for your Francophone appointments. We are still waiting if there will be Anglophone appointments. I saw this coming when Charles Ndongo, a retired civil servant, was reappointed by Mr. Biya some few weeks ago. ” Tapang exclaimed.


If the Anglophones people do not keep pride, greed, backstabbing, and come together as a people in a united front to fight for the collective good, they will keep crying as they have been crying for the past 50 years and this might continue for the next 50 years. The newspapers will continue each year writing about one marginalization to the next making some good coins from sales. Social media bloggers will keep writing and lamenting while Biya and his cohorts will keep smiling and planning at the next diabolic moves. Wasted Government

God is still saying something.



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