Child Protection Network Southern Cameroons






The Littoral Region of la Republique Du Cameroun has begun feeling the brunt of Government war against the Restoration Forces, as hundreds of Anglophones from Ediki and Bombe-Bakundu have flooded Mbanga in Moungo Division of the Littoral Region.

The mass influx of Anglophones into the Moungo Division was triggered by Friday, April 13, 2018, gun battle between Cameroon security forces and elements of the Ambazonia Defences Forces (ADF).

On that Friday, April 13, traffic around Ediki and Bombe Bakundu on the Kumba-Buea Highway was paralysed, when ADF elements mounted road barricades on the highway; preventing vehicles from leaving or entering Kumba.

When the military got information that the highway has been blocked, they surged in to clear the road barricades and restore circulation.

As the security forces zoomed in, the exchange of gun firing ensued and the population of the two villages started scampering into the forest for safety.

As the gun firing persisted, more denizens began escaping. Their movement was facilitated by the CAMRAIL train that had left Kumba in the South West Region at and was heading to Mbanga in the Littoral Region.

Some of those who escaped said they left their homes without taking a dim, others asserted that they escaped leaving behind their children and loved ones as the gunshots rented through the two localities.

When the train that facilitated the escape of the people finally arrived Mbanga, the entire place was flooded by children, some wailing for not seeing their parents.

People who were at the Mbanga Train Station were stunned by the unprecedented population that had arrived Mbanga. They immediately alerted the local Government officials of the area.

Welcoming the fleeing Anglophones in Mbanga that afternoon, the Divisional Officer (DO) for Mbanga, Buikame Voh Amstrong and his aides assured the Anglophones of their support.

The DO instructed his collaborators to look for a place where the Anglophones will be housed for the meantime. It was based on the DO’s instruction that the CPDM party Secretariat was chosen to host the displaced persons.

culled from Journal Du Cameroun (Source)



      1. @Saa I checked @Tyty’s water brains and he has a very high IQ.
        @James Agbor one point of correction, you can’t be call a refugee in your own country, so do some learnings. Morron.

  2. If this is true, then we are getting closer to the real beginning of this struggle. I hope more people cross over because it going to help us paralyze the system more faster.

    To those who started this war, sit and watch, it’s coming closer to you. We are going to see if you will still be so proud of your achievements.

  3. Biya declared war instead of dialogue,he named freedom fighters and all Anglophones as terrorists including innocent young children,his illiterates forces are burning poor vulnerable people, driving away some to Nigeria as suffering refugees, did those wicked slave francophones wanted the people of SCs to be unarmed while the army continue to brutaluse them?no way biya is a old dictator who has used bribes for 57 years to divide the people,hold the country a dirt poor slum, many people are afraid and voiceless,he thinks he owns all Cameroonians,we shall fight until we win this separation,where is our 47 leaders?we shall take this war across the entire regions if biya doesn’t leave SCs,we have never been one french Cameroon

  4. Just because our people dare to say ‘No’ to disrespect and marginalization they get subjected to this nightmarish situation?

  5. Ambazonians don’t represent Anglophones. They are a bunch of mentally enslaved terrorists. Some of them are even Nigerians. The name Ambazonia doesn’t even sound African. It sounds Eastern European. Slave mentality. You can go and form your Ambazonia republic somewhere near Macedonia, Romania, Bosnia or Estonia etc. For your information Anglophone Cameroonians are Africans and not Europeans and don’t need any European type name to determine their identity. The majority of anglophone Cameroonians want nothing to do with your terrorist organisation. All we want is to get rid of the Biya regime and the implementation of a Federal system. You hijacked our movement headed by the wise and brave Agbor Balla. Biya is the one who wins with your terrorist activities and not anglophones.

    1. Jojo are you actually reasoning about what you write up? I know that history is not your strenght therefore I help you. The name of your country “Cameroon” was given by portuges seafarers. Obvisiously not Africans. The name Ambazonia is derived from the Ambas bay near Victoria. The term Ambazonia is old. It was even used before you are born. We used it for long either to say Southern Cameroons or Ambazonia. If you want examples of African countries with real African names some are Burkina Faso, Ghana or Botswana.
      “The majority of anglophone Cameroonians want nothing to do with your terrorist organisation. ” I don’t know about which people you talk. But for sure not the 8 million Southern Cameroonians.
      “You hijacked our movement headed by the wise and brave Agbor Balla.” Again you come up with a french concept of a single and ultimate leader. Agbor Balla was one member, the president, of the Anglophone Civil Society Consortium. When your government started the crackdown. Most of those members escaped and joined the Independence Movement including Pa Tassang and Eyambe Elias. I think there is a fundamental misunderstanding on the side of you East Camerounians. From your writings one can think that everything just started 2 years ago. My dear Jojo that problem was always underlying. I grew up with the sayings “la Republique is doing this and is doing that”. The feeling of my people was always that we are adjoined to you. For us Southern Cameroonians it was always clear either we go back to the 2 state federation or right now independence.

      1. Georgy,

        ‘ “la Republique is doing this and is doing that”.’

        You are just confirming some of the things I wrote elsewhere. It bites my heart when I remember similar type of stuffs I was stuffed with by uncles and grown up cousins against LRC, or other tribes. That is what we’re all suffering from, both Anglos and Francos. While Anglo kids were groomed to have a low-self esteem, especially those from NW, and to be perpetual crying babies with the victim card tagged on the forehead; Franco kids were hoaxed in that they were made to believe that they are more intelligent and better-off than Anglo kids, cos they speak FR.

        Now, the few learned Anglos elites who had the key to decode such fat lies did nothing to restore the dignity of Anglos (some were even worse than Franco dads with their false ideology abt Anglos). Even Anglo Fons had the possibility of redressing the masses, but they never attempted it simply because they too enjoyed the status quo coz it meant that subjects were going to be subjugated to their own authority too. And Anglos are indeed too submissive to their Fons and Chiefs to the extent that no outsider can come in and dissuade them to wake up and think for and by themselves for once. This explains why an Anglo cannot survive without his community, or njangi house if you prefer. Anglos cannot think individually, it must always be a collective thinking. Group mentality like goats.

        Meanwhile, Francos instilled a wrong sense of superiority complex on their kids by telling them lies that they are more intelligent and they can speak better French(curse), unlike others who can only excel in pidgin and contri tork. Bear in mind that, all qualities the Franco father is transforming into a complex like the pidgin and contri tork example, are all in fact qualities of superiority(pidgin is closer to me than French, I recognize myself in pidgin). These are qualities that one can beat his chest and be proud of. But is that the case? No! It is not!

        Anglo fathers all bought such crap and tormented Anglo kids with it to the point where most Anglo kids are full of inferiority complexes when they for instance, speak pidgin or contri tork in front of Francos. I know Briton are partly to be blamed for the pidgin-complex, but our fathers, their cloned-brothers, bought all that crap. I even remember in primary school when I got my butt softened just because I spoke pidgin, had to hang a slate on my neck with dehumanizing inscriptions on it ( I guess you’ll now begin to comprehend the reasons for some of my bitterness).

        So, these are some of the simple traits some savvy Anglos are still using to fool the masses today, by making them believe this fight is theirs. FAT LIES. Surprisingly, due the group mentality( thinking in the box) mentioned, very few Anglos are able to put the simple puzzle together and see the simple picture printed on the puzzle pieces. Namely, AMBAZONIA ogres are just a copycat of the status quo. Amba leadership has the same mentality as Etoudi, the only difference is that one speaks EN, and the other FR. Sides of the same coins, ALL dictators of the highest order. Now don’t ask me why they are quick to order the annihilation of any learned Anglo who tries to think a bit out of the box.

        Ayuk Tabe knew all these things, and the moment was ripe for him to seize the opportunity and try his LUCK. So he thought though. Those that are linking him with Mebe Ngo are not doing so to smear him, they know him very well (sides of the same coin already mentioned).

        There are of course many other factors that explain the movie we are ALL watching, but let me just cut it short for now.

          1. My brother @Monkey Kola, I soo admired you. You are very intelligent and know your stuffs. George mocked my history and I was expecting him to provide me with a good background on Ambazonia, but he came dancing around like chicken. He is useless and will never learn.

        1. Nice explanation but goes into the wrong direction. It is not about language. The language is just a small aspect. It is sad that you as an East Camerounian who obvisiously grew up in West Cameroon cannot see.

          “Amba leadership has the same mentality as Etoudi…” “ALL dictators of the highest order.”
          Can you justify that statement with examples. While you look for your examples. I can tell you how politicians in Cameroon run their own parties. All of them copy Biya. Fru Ndi or Maurice Kamto would be worse than Biya. All of them are little dictators. That is the reason that there is only shit coming out. No election will change that.

          “Ayuk Tabe knew all these things, and the moment was ripe for him to seize the opportunity and try his LUCK. So he thought though. Those that are linking him with Mebe Ngo are not doing so to smear him, they know him very well (sides of the same coin already mentioned).”
          Again a typical East Camerounian french thinking. You think always that there is one person who is a ultimate leader and everybody follows him blindly. Our struggle is carried by the people on the ground. Sisiku is just one leader, a charismatic one. Your government thought by taking him out everything collapses. But voila another one appears. Obviously you have now idea what the IG is and how many people stay behind.

          1. @George, your response doesn’t surprise me, you always have the same talking point. Whenever your back is against the wall, anyone opposing your evil idea is suddenly from East Cameroon or is Biya supporter. Grow up and remember that language=communication=culture=history= education=way of life.

          2. @Jojo aka Bamenda boy aka homeboy
            Am I right? Monkey Kola like you Jojo are East Camerounians. Maybe you grew up in Bamenda but you are both East Camerounians. But I don’t even believe that you grew up in Bamenda since you don’t know the difference between Mezam and Manyu. You Bami people just feel pissed to fight now alone against your stupid dictator.

            “opposing your evil idea”
            Is it evil to correct the mistakes of the past?

            “Grow up and remember that language=communication=culture=history= education=way of life.”
            From which book you’ve got that? It let you appear for a glimpse of a second more intelligent.

            Continue to admire Mr. Kola he is for me a good sparring partner nothing else. But you. Okay you’re a bit better than Papito who is obviously of the drinker faction.

    1. What is with the other 7.999.999 Southern Cameroonians? Shall we all move “under” the Atlantic or Madagascar? The same plan had the Nazi Germans with the Jews.

      I assume that you run out of reasonable arguments. It will not help you. We separate same we joined you. With a referendum conducted under the supervision of UN and AU.

      bye bye la Republique

      1. @George what kind of referendum? One was already conducted and the result is known by all. The fact is that you guys invited millions of your Nigerians descend to Cameroon for the so called referendum. As much as I hate Biya, I love my country and will hate to see onother referendum take place. The referendum we had before, is part of our history and we cannot erase it just to please a handful of ignorant people.

  6. “The fact is that you guys invited millions of your Nigerians descend…”
    When? Is it not that between 20 to 40.000 Ambazonians fled their homeland and crossed into Nigeria? Or you want an excuse to call us Southern Cameroonians “Biafra”. Yes that is what you want, not so. Please feel ashamed about your rascism and prejudice. While saying that I excuse for mine against you la Republique people.

    “As much as I hate Biya, I love my country and will hate to see onother referendum take place.”
    First of all you can love your country as much you like. But it gives you not the right to determine the future of my people. We Southern Cameroonians will decide not you. Second you will hate the outcome of that referendum because it will slap the faces of 20 million East Camerounians. They will then realize that their brothers and sisters West of the Mungo stopped loving them.

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